Where possible, cleanly threshed KEEP YOUNG TREES COMING O  
straw, free of seeds, should be used. ALONG T0 REPLACE OLD  l thai
Where chaffy or seed-infested straw ONES E  
is used, the bales should be spread BY DK J- H- G_OURLIQ:Y· Ohio _EX· , lgu,
over the fields in October on their pemnent §rg:_%‘;i;llt{:_a,yVlS°°nsm gms
sides with one or both wires clipped V ` and
S0 as to abm the eu rm ed ·.,r§"§€$J2`°J€.?£?y §§2rll‘%‘,§E$i Bl **332
. _ _ . ’ L ` ‘ ` rr
germinate all seeds before spread- aa Orlgmal Saudlmul mulaml Or
mg Um€- Straw used f1`0m H stack chimera which may have come into
can also be spread about so as to be CX1Sl·oY`1C0 many _y¢¤1`_S USG. Each C
wet by the fall rains; or- be forked ogg its alogoyfit}l?iV2lE01`thli_l’\rCL;€l¤g A ed`!
0vjr S0 that most 0f the Seeds dw E rr‘$§$, aend Jfiruiaayyérccrrms. °‘   E13
ou . · - ‘ —
Now if a tree grew in an en- . Del
L · vironment free of all hazards, there · Wil
Amount to Apply is no reason why it should decline , C
In the Paducah section tests have except from senility. No_ insects. ‘ Oh
shown that 1% tons of straw per ooc olsooioaolli ;";$;ho:floJo;`5'· no _  
· _ ex ess o· c ce ·· t wa er or-  _
acre glYeS bettel results than 2 tons nutrients-what a Utopia! But fruit '  
oo ¤rdi¤¤ry Yool`$· In tho G1`€o¤‘ trees are not only subject to all of ’ Of
ville and Bowling Green section 2 these and more, but also one branoh ‘ __j
tons should be about rrght while isa¤¤¤¤r¤§llit<>_¤·<>f¤¤<>th§r.they eww 3;;
around Louisville and Covington, 2 lacigllfglghsb gilngniielgltgdenlgilllselgée S hel
to 2% tons Should be about Tight- comes small, fails to color properly,  _ {Sl
Time *0 Apply EEESCSS ii-‘i.£i€iE’§T’ ‘i$ZHi§£’rt§£l§ ;  
No set date for mulching can be this not too favorable a picture, the del
stated. The plants should be allow- variety itself may have become ob- ` ees
e_d to harden up by fall frosts and solete or the actual site may prove l lol
light freezes. However, as a rule, to be unfavorable. _(
the_mulch should be on hand and True lhls ls hut always SO. Bama  i he
available by late November or early trees and Orchards reach a’h ad_ i Yoi
D€C€IT1b€I‘. By that time the €I1tl1`€ Vahcgd age and are still profitable pk
Stete frequently has cold Spells but the trend of thinking in America ‘ le
with temperatures as low as l0° to is away from Old Orchards Of lm
leo above Zere· The best Suggestion course the fine point to decide is  = ile
Seems le be te Spread Strawberry when yan orchard has received the 50
mulch in Kentucky when tempera- proper Cara lu kccp it yuuhg and " U`?
tures threaten to go as low as 15° to what we moan by old  , W1
20°; _f0r it has been established that H Y T   . Al . .
considerable _damage to the straw- lgvfl ming treeel. efnlllg _ mfg ’ Spr
berry crown is caused by those tem- f _ ul {ming Pm we all elgzleg · up
peratures, especially in late Novem- O1 ess Ol wie eeleeee in. m afi
ber or early December before the pepgr eo m¤¤*1¤S ihehdesuieelhtx Of im
plants have become fully hardened. ggelnlgégg   (gf talevaiggmhafégig sa
toiolrggdgsiggxéle it $€ogi$hU}€ gmc more young trees coming along. .  
rr m 1 n- · . . .  .
tuclgy varies from lgte Noizemrbereon a Itléstilgggeglgalgcglt lossy   ell;
through mid-December, depending pp lh . lc le   bl i
·>¤ the weather- Siféfiny 2¥.§$§r ‘1E¤r“§g$$$$r°bifFar$ l"
V€1`Y €81`1Y fall }¤\{1Chi¤g is 110t is bound to be wrong under many pr
advisable because it is desired for conditions. It depends upon the site pl
the plants to harden off and develop of the orchard, trees per acre, a
85 m\»{€h 8S_ P0SS1b1€ b€f01“€ the varieties, size, age and the treatment hi
mulch is applied. the trees have received. ta
Old, second year fields generally It is clear· that economical pro- l
do not benefit from mulch as much duction depends in considerable part ‘ DE
as new, first year plantings. upon the yield per acre. Unless an l ih
-   }