RD · eppie orchard p1·oduces, on an aver- "in case of doubt take out mor-e."
age, 200 bushels per acre it is ques- The cost per bushel of Jonathan ap-
lNG  . tgohakele ul(hether the _g%r;>llarer is   ples ore1hish40—year old trees is near-
than rea ing even, 1 a, an y ou et at from 20-yea old es,
bushels would be a safer marginal although the fruit is good? On
Ex_ · figure. Many cgmmercial orchalrds Other grewers weeld not keep
m , l'JF9dU_CC ICSS all many more t fm apple trees over 30 years and some
_ this f1gur0. lt I5 the g€¤€l`3l belief, even less. But a Yakima orchardist
and I think figures will bear 1t out, s . ·»
_ says that as long as a person can
s of  . that orchards _1n general produce get yield emel eeellty {rem en er_
t gf  · more than pY€Vl<>ll$lY- chiiird heeisenot justified in removal,
. `  ` . . i ' ` ‘ ‘ d Wenatchee the
mte » Best Age of Trees mem   dh
Zach One orchardist is usually interest-   llgjger? elgde gg e)l(tll(;IrP€l,;1i)c§§§alIe¥
eing : ed in the view of another, and a few eetlee eeer varieties peer. memeee_
fo1· l such views will be given as obtained {nent 'er the grewer lllmself rather
 · fl`0hl 9 few $u€CCS$fu1 and 0x' than ythe trees getting too old"
ee_ ‘ perienced men in this lfield. Space '
._ . ·`ll tpermit· comp et su vey. _ _`"‘
    “IOfn§ group out 140 orchardists in NEW “1946” PEACH
sets  Q Ohio, 75 per cent considered their VARIETIES
*3;%   ‘;i3$£i‘$s$li,»‘?l°{*h`2°i%‘ t£‘Eétyé2‘3SL.s$$§A W· D· ARMSTRONG
rug tl, and Only 10 pgl· Cgnt in [hg pgyjgd   StEit€ EXp€I`lITl8I`lt Sl',8l'.lOI1S
I gf ; extending up to 35 yg3;·5_ \VOi`kll`lg l.OW8l`·d d€V€lOpITl€l’llZ of bBt—
mel]  _ Seven orchardists in Eastern Mas- le? P¤¤¢h "3l`l€ll€$i 85 well 35 the
rett.  ’ saehusetts placed the economic U- S· D€Pal`hh€hl_0f ASl`l€l1ltllY€ and
eme · optimum as follows: four at 40 years, Some Other 3g€h€l€$, have made GX-
ee_ two at 45 to 50 years and one at 60. Cehehl PFOSFQSS that Sh0l1ld Qvént-
,rlt. For peaches, two placed this age at llllhy mean much l0_ Th? fflllli ln-
'ere ` 12 years. one at 12 to 14 years, and d¤Sll`y and the publ1e in general.
1 te _` one at 10 years. In that section it S€V€l'31 Of lh€$€ 8g€h€l€$ d€€ld€d 1H
the  as rleeertels ee verletyy amount et X elle- 1946 that some of their selections
ee_ ease present, and amount of winter hal? Qhollgh melll lh b€‘_¤3m€‘d Bhd
.e.  — killing. introduced for public trial. In the
V W I One grower in Connecticut be- if-’u$}"ingf_a°°°§nt gn? year;/l? 1§htrO‘
eme . lieves that we must come to a 40- Hlf?1QnS lgngr Bev Selgeyi lc lgani
l seer llfe exeeeteney program fer. ee_ l!;1_O1S, an te .   epartment o
Hd- ~ - A 11cultu1e 31 described
able   Dl€S, keeping 25 per cent of the area g G _ _ · _
Flea ..  in trees under 10 years of age at all Four new varieties _are listed _by
Or  _ times and preferably half in trees 25 the New Jersey Experiment Station
e is Q years and under. He comments that —Early East, Jcrseyland, Redcrest,
 , Youth 1n humans, animals and fruit and_ Laterose. This exrperiment
the - -
d trees will always be able to cope station has_ done outstanding work
an I with the situation. in developing new peaches over a
= A New Yet-le grower whe has period of_years. Many of its earlier
*98   spent meet ef me 79 years le the introductions such as Raritan Rose,
llllg sppis business finds that he cannot G<>ll>* lh K€¤l¤<>l}i;t.kWhen trees are 40 years old he The lvlichigan lixperiénent Station,
· in s it is time to remove them. througi its peaci bree ing program
ahh? , The profitable age of an orchard is at the South Haven Experiment
gl`; flplli 10 to 35 years, and after that Station. has now named and ings- ‘
h Dro its are doubtful. He would duced the Fairhaven variety. e
Slle Z Plant 12% per cent of his charge at Michigan work has already meant
-Cl`€· ` &_tnne, keep rotating, develop with much to the Kentucky and national
ient _ his orchard, and avoid serious mis- peach picture by developing the now
‘ takes. famous Halehaven variety. Other
pro- An Indiana grower would not keep varieties originating there are the
part {Each trees over 15 years and give Kalheveg grid, more recently, the
l an Gln a consistent annual pruning, popu ar e IRVGH.
· 5