three-fourths acre, second-year ers to increase to damaging num.
patch. bers is an important problem that
The Tennessee Shipper strawberry has to be faced squarely. Dr. R. tt
outyielded Premier in the Louisville Daines, Plant Pathologist of New "
area in 1946 in spite of spring frosts Jersey, will discuss the all important
and a rainy harvest season. problem of preventing arsenical in.
_ jury to peach and apple foliage anti
Tnlnk It Over the control of certain apple and
In 1945 I asked a good many ex- peach diseases. Dr. P. O. Ritchei;  `
perienced apple growers of Ken- our Entomologist, will discuss pearl;
tucky what varieties they would insect control and the 1946 work in `
plant, and in what percentages, if Kentucky. Dr. C.   Baker of Purdue
they were planting a new apple or- University will discuss the con-
chard. Less than 10 percent said struction and use of hoinc and conc-
‘ they would plant Red Delicious, inereial apple storage houses. \\`.D
Starking, or Winesap. Armstrong will discuss the Speck;
1946 was a bumper crop year for Horticultural Program that has beer;
thesethree varieties. To my way of in effect the last several seasozs
thinking. 20 years of history is a The program will run througr. ta
more valuable guide than one un- morning. afternoon and night srs- pl
usual year. sions with a round table dislcussiox; ' sq
. of varieties, fertilization am prun- a]
Be Different ing practices lead by Mr. l\Iagill tt   n
Wh€¤ everyone else l$ Planting be one of the features of the niglwi tt
peaches, it mightbe a good idea to session. tt
thmk about plemmg Some apples lt is strongly urged that groxvtys tt
AVVarning in all sections of the state makr ir
Plant a naw apple O,.Chm.d now, plans to form in groups and attena n·
rather than wan 10 B-Cars (md CUSS this meeting and to inspect some ei S4
yOuI·$g]ffO1· }·Ou1—D€gl€.Ct· the orchards in the district ann; lz
;_;; along their routes. 31
ANNUAL MEETING oncimno Mouse Noricr tl
On December 19. 1946 at Mayfield, . s`
Kentucky, the Kgntucky-State Hm-ti_ Orchard men are advised that the
cultural Society will hold its annual 0l`<`h?¤`d nmnsn Pnlnnnnnn Seems ,[" a.
meeting with the Cgllggg Ot AgI~j_ be on the increase throughout the it
culture and Home Economics co- mid·\\'€$l and large numbers ei E
operating. President Heitmgtq Ygpp these pests have been seen recently li
of Paducah will bg in charge and in some central and western hen- f
will be assisted by Vie€-Prgsid€ntS tucky orchards, Serious damage t¤ ` I1
D. W. Doran of Mayfield, J_ W_ Fgg- young and old trees can occur quick- - 0
enbush of Louisville_ Wendell Van- ly if growers neglect to take con— .  
Hoose of Paintsville and Secretary- trol measures. Each apple and peaclt 11
TI`€3SUF€1‘ VV. W. Magill of Lexing- orchard should be inspected earl} g
ton. fall for surface and undergrouno L
This will be a meeting that any runways and poison bait should be f
active fruit grower can hardly af- applied where mice are litllllltl. I
ford to miss. Prof. L. F. Steiner will Specific instructions for poisoninc r
discuss codling moth control experi- can be had by writing to the hen- p
ments with DDT and the complica- tucky College of Agriculture. _l€N· I
tions that arise from this material. periment Station, Lexington. ken-
It has been proven that we can con- tucky, or to Mr. L. C. Whitehead. f
trol codling moth with DDT but the Division of Predator and Rodent 4 s
fact that its use destroys certain Control. U. S. Dept. of Interior. r
parasites and allows such pests as North Carolina State College. 1
red spiders, red mites and leaf roll- Raleigh, North Carolina. <