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Thursday Morning, December 12th.
The chairman called the meeting to order promptly at 10. hx‘
Devotional exercises led by Mrs. Sawyer.
Secretary read minutes of yesterday’s meeting. Minutes were (‘or-
rccted and adopted. Mil
Minutes of plan of Work Committee read and the recommendations
. adopted.
Mrs. Shepard read the 'l‘reasurer’s report. It was referred to the
Auditing Committee. Mr
Moved to adopt the following .resolution :
Resolved, That we instruct the Superintendent of Legislative and
Petition Work to correspond with Hon]. S Clarkson, and if prac- )
ticable to secure him for a speech before the General Assembly.” 1‘6
Carried. ,
Report of the National—American Woman Suffrage Executive Com- I‘m
mittee read and accepted.
‘ Moved that a Legislative or Frankfort Committee be appointed by
the Convention. Carried. rec
Moved that the President be made a member of this committee and
have the power to select the other members, excepting the Superintend- '
3 ent of Legislative and Petition work, who already is chairman by virtue Pf“
1.‘ . of her office. Carried. 1‘?
1" The President then nominated Mrs. Farmer, Miss Shipp, Mrs. 1:”-
. Sawyer, Mrs. Mary b'. Clay, Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard. Nominations (‘9
l. were approved. 1)“
Moved that the Corresponding Secretary write to each President of gre
the locals asking that their society be requested to send contributions to
. ‘ help the Frankfort committee pay expenses this winter. Carried.
. Mrs. Farmer read the report of the State Organizer, Accepted.
9 . Report of Free Lecture Bureau read and accepted.
i The Convention then proceeded to the election of officers. The M]
i i following were elected: ”S.
Miss Laura Clay, - - — - < President. :13:
Miss Mary B. Clay, — - - — Vice President. b i
. Mrs. Mary Cramer. ~ ~ - Second Vice President. h“
, Miss Belle H. Bennett, — - - — Third Vice-President. 7..
Mrs. Eugenia B. Farmer, - » - Corresponding Secretary. c151
Mrs. J. L. McKee, - - — ~ Recording Secretary. (in:
Mrs. Isabella H. Shepard, - ~ - - - Treasurer. inf
Adjourned. )
‘ the
Mrs. Sawyer conducted the devotional exercises, Mrs. McKee led AS.
in prayer. . ‘ . . etp
Mrs. Sawyer read the report of the Superintendent of Literature. :1 1,
Accepted. tee
Moved that the delegates to the National Convention be elected by it 1\
acclamation. Carried. leg
The following delegates to the National American Woman’s Suf-
. frage Association Convention were elected: act
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