Ki-zN'i‘UeKv EQUAL Rinii'i‘s ASSHCIA'l'ION. ii
1- Mrs. Sallie Clay Bennett was elected the member of the National
Executive Committee.
Miss Shipp, Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Sawyer,
ions Mrs. Clay, Mrs. Stockwell.
the Al/l‘l-lRNA'l‘liF.
Mrs. Charles. Miss Wood, Mrs. Mitchell,
Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Kogar. ~
rac- The Auditing Committee reported the 'l‘reasurer‘s account correct.
Report accepted.
Mrs. Farmer read report of Committee on Revision of the Consti»
om- .tution. Accepted.
Revision of By-Laws also accepted.
by Moved that the suggested form of local constitution be adopted as
recommended by the Committee on Revision. Carried.
and The following resolution, offered by Mrs. Bennett, was adopted:
:nd- . Thata memorial shall be written by Mrs. Sallie Clay Bennett in
rtue pursuance of this resolution, which, when signed by the President and
Recording Secretary of this Association, shall be sent to Senator William
i’Irs. Lindsay and Representative james B. McCreary, to be presented to
ions Congress, and that copies of this resolution and memorial shall be
printed and sent by Mrs. Bennett to the honorable members of Con-
t Of gress.
' WHEREAS, The National-American Woman’s Suffrage Association, of
The which the Kentucky Equal Rights Association is auxiliary, resolved at
its last annual convention to petition Congress to secure to the women of
exit. this Republic, by appropriate legislation, the full rights of citizenship
ent. guaranteed by the Constitution of the United brates; and . ‘
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