(w‘ 7,, ‘ ’ ,;;, fl, ',,,, 7;. .7; - ”_ ‘,,‘.,’,T . ':r'~.,.~ ,;.,,,.... _ ,
Just previous to the recent election a committee, consisting of the ‘
President and Treasurer of our E. R. A., interviewed a number of can-
didates, securing very flattering promises from about half the subse-
quently elected Councilmen, and very strong assurances from our Repre~
sentative-elect, Major Ashcraft.
On October gist the E. R. A. met in regular session and elected its ‘
board of officers for the coming year.
Our association sustained a severe loss in the recent death of our
former Treasurer, Mrs. E. \V. Bagby.
The Paducah E. R. A. has adopted school suffrage as its particular
line of work, and is preparing to enter into active and aggressive efforts
towards securing necessary legislation for placing Paducah in the list, ‘
with all privileges of second-class cities.
Respectfully submitted.
Corresponding Secretary.
Literature distributed 7,219 pages. Published for department use
one leaflet, “What the Kentucky Equal Rights Association Has Done,”
3,000, all of which have been distributed except about fifty, but only
, 650 included in this report, as others were bought and distributed by
' other parties. Have mailed 255 Congressional documents. Wrote to
C, editor of the Arena to arrange to have “New Woman of the New South”
. published in leaflet form, but could not get terms that would justify
‘ having it issued.
i; Received from State Treasurer............... ........$20 00
it Received from sale of leaflet 3 90
‘ $23 90
7 Expeiided for literature................................. 7 55
‘ Expended for postage I oo
Balance................................, ......$14 35 V
. This balance has been returned to the State Treasurer. Made en-
quiries and got the addresses of many persons in different parts of the
“ State who would probably distribute literature, but Was unable, on ac-
count of other pressing work, to get out a circular letter. The Lexing—
' ton Association has done a great amount of work in this department. i
Many thousand leaflets distributed during the Exposition in that city.
, Richmond association distributed fifteen hundred pages, Covington three
thousand. No report from Newport, Owensboro, Paducah and Bowling
Green. Miss Clay, Mrs. Farmer, Mrs. Henry and other individual
‘ members have circulated literature throughout the State.
Superintendent. ‘