




0, and love,

Page three


and kindness, and meekness DR. BARTSCH'S
into these unhappy lives, to unshacKle
them and let them out into the freedom of pure love. I believi there
is not a heart beating that does not George Washington Zoology Professor Spends Month of August
o-yearn for purity and love, for a God
in Tortugas Gathering Facts Regarding Heredity;
The following article entitled "The to whom to trust everything. Why,
Takes Undersea Photographs
Supreme Task of Our Christian De- I could not be discouraged. I have
tea at the home of Mrs. Hammel in
Chi Omega Alumnae Luncheon
mocracy" by Dr. Henry Louis Smith, lost an eye, but what of that in the
The Chi Omega alumnae will meet honor of Delta Sigma Tau sorority of
Dr. Paul Bartsch, head of the zo-- 1 of the powerful part played by.
president of Washington and Lee Un- face of what I have gained? My life
for luncheon Saturday, January 29, the university.
iversity, appeared in a recent issue of is no longer mint it is here for some
department at George Wash- -' ty m tne production of new species,
at 12:30 o'clock in the private dining The sorority colors of crimson and
3 Is the fourteenth year spent
The Blue Ridge Voice. It is an out- purpose, and the most I can do is find imrton University and also Curator
room of the Lafayette hotel. Elec- gold were carried out beautifully inj
by Dr. Bartsch on this problem. Hr
line of an address made by Dr. Smith that purpose and throw my life into
of Molluscs at the Smithsonian In
the decorations and the salad course
tion of officers will be held.
has published many papers on it so
at a meeting at Blue Ridge this past it. There is nothing but happiness in
which was served.
stitution, spent the month of August far, and is now preparing a mono-i- n
this world, unless we are looking for
Miss Saiah
The guests included
Cadet Hop
the Tortugas, the last bit of land graph on the anatomical changes pro-i- n
A new world was born on tlie 11th reasons to be hurt." He had not even
the Key group off Florida, 68 miles duced by crossing,
The second Cadet Hop will be held Blanding, Mrs. F. L. McVey and the
of November, r!918. Old customs, lost his sense of humor. Listen to
in the University gymnasium Satur- members of the active chapter Misses
creeds, standards, and institutions this: :"It will be October before I can southwest of Key West. His head- j In addition to this work, Dr. Bartsch
quarters were the U. S. Marine Bio-- ! conducted much under-se- a
day afternoon, February 5 from 3 Miriam Hyman, Theresa
photog-logichave been cast remorselessly into the have my artificial eye. I have asked
Miller, Rosalee Friedman, MinEmily
Laboratories of the Tortugas. raphy, exposing twenty-fou- r
until 6 o'clock.
melting pot. A seething ferment of them to put in it a spark of human
Hagerdorn, Lillian 'Lowenthal.
Dr. Barts"ch's purpose was two- - feet of moving picture films. Only a
Watson Armstrong is in charge of na.
change and deconstruction is usher- kindness." That boy had discovered
Combs, Miss Geneva Combs.
fold: the investigation of questions part of this proved good, however,'
One hundred and fifty invitations ing in a new era. Our politics arid God. Have you? Let's ask God that of heredity through his Cerion col- Club Meets
as a single small feature in
social we may disco.ver Him, and go out as
The reading circle of the Woman's were sent to the men of the univer- business' methods, our laws and
onies, and the acquirement of many camera case was not provided against,
The SuKy circle of the university Club of Central Kentucky held its sity.
customs, our homes and schools a"nd new men to meet Him every day.
photographs of
the mechanism has al
held its weekly meeting in the trophy regular nieeting in the ballroom of
educational systems all are to be
FourthThat the substitution of These Cerion colonies, life. means of j This part ofchanged, and makes Dr.
ready been
room of the new gymnasium. Elec- the Lafayette hotel on Tuesday at
profoundly modified by the onrush-in- g the rule of the many for the rule of
breeding experiments carried on by Bartsch
tion of officers for the second semes- 3 p. m. Mrs. McVey acted as chair
tide of change.
the few will inaugurate a worse tyr- Dr. Bartsch, throw light on several coming look forward to his trip this
summer. Some of the film
ter took place.
Misses Maria Louise Middleton and
It is our task to answer the ques anny than any our civilization has
man of the circle and Miss" Sarah
of heredity. First the Cerion
shows hundreds of fish in their
Margaret Hall, of Shelbyville, were tion, what will be the status of educa so recently overthrown,- unless the were subjected to all sorts of changes cured
Blanding presided.
diverse activities
Pledges Entertain
at the Chi tion in that freer, happier, and, we many are trained in knowledge and in environmental conditions, such asNo sharks were about the coral reef,
The program for the meeting in guests for the week-en- d
photographed this
Pledges of Alpha Delta Theta en- cluded reviews of tKe following pop Omega house.
trust, wiser time? What place will character to use their power wisely temperature, food, moisture. They year, but a long strip
of pictures' of
tertained the active members of tha ular books:
boys and girls occupy in this and justly.
Mrs. Grace Mason Lundy, national
were then subjected to cross breeding, the dreaded baracuda was obtained.
sorority Friday, January '14, at the
Civilization's worse malady today This experiment furnishes new proof!
"The World of William Clissold," inspector of tlje Delta Zeta sorority new social order? What great ideas,
home of Jane Gooch with a delight- by H. G. Wells, was reviewed by was a guest at' the Delta Zeta house even now shaping themselves in the is not its huge debt-?its staggering
ful party.
Mrs. crucible of human thought, will theft losses, or its mere economic disinteWednesday - and Thursday.
Mrs. Edward L. Hutchinson.
Bridge and dancing were enjoyed
determine the attitude and duties of gration. It is Bolshevism, the tyrMrs. P. K. Holmes discussed "The Lundy is from Bloomington, Ind.
finite utility and have been univer
by the members and a delicious salal Heart of Emerson's Journals", by
Mr. Carol Fortson, of Paducah, is American manhood and womanhood anny of the unintelligent, the revival
sally adopted.
course was served.
visiting at the 'Delta Tau Delta house to American boyhood and girlhood? of the
Bliss Perry.
Fads sometimes cluster,. They seem .
Adven and plans to enter the university the To anticipate these ideas is to prepare makes right, if it be only this time
William Beebe's "Arcturus
Phi Beta Musical
ourselves for leadership m the new. the might of the nany against the Origip of Ephemeral Idiosyn td center around one central theme..
ture" "was reviewed by Mrs. James second semester.
Phi Beta, honorary musical sorority Server, and Miss Nanette Wile spoke
Sigma Beta Xi fraternity of the era; to recognize tnem is to ciaruy few.
Examples would be that of the brace
crasies Is Discussed by Uni- -'
of the university gave a most enjoy- on "Galahad" by John Erskine.
university entertained with a delight- our vision of duty; to. put them into
lets, dresses, pins, house decorations
For four hundred years, gather
versity of Nebraska
able musical Sunday afternoon at
ful smoker at the Lafayette hotel swift execution is to hasten the com- ing irresistible momentum, modern
and numerous other things that came .
3:30 o'clock at Patterson hall.
ing of the new day. What will the civilization has been swinging from
Wilson-Blak- e
last Tuesday evening.
into existence with the discovery of
The program for the entertainment Mr. and Mrs. John McDowell Wilson
Alpha Sigma Phi announces the wisdom of the new world believe as the intolerable despotism of the mid ARE EXCITED BY
King Tut's tomb. Another clustering
NOVELTY fad of a more recent
consisted of a piano solo by Miss
to your task and mine?
pledging of Mr. James Ferguson.
dle ages toward universal democracy.
date was the
announce the marriage of their
vocal solos by
Winifred Triplett, two
Sigma Beta Xi announces the
tumult and inces
To reach its full possibilities of Amid world-wid- e
Fads! Youw have one or more, Charleston. There were Charleston
a vocal
Miss Evelyn Sandusky, and
pledging of John Cox, of Lancaster, Christian citizenship the new era of sant revolt, the power hitherto wield though you may not
Delia Ann
admit it.Yet, skirts, belts, and what not originatsolo by Miss Mary Ellen Dale.
and A. L. Pigman, of Hindman.
democracy must recognize and apply ed by the few has been steadily trans- whence do they come? What causes ing through the new dance fad. Other
program tea was served
After the
Messrs. O. W. Daniels, of Louis the following great truths:
ferred to the many in
Mr. Harry Albert Balke
them? What kinds are there? An fads which prevailed a year or so
to the guests.
of De- ville, and Ernest Powell, of Irvine
on Saturday, the twenty-fift- h
First That the children of a na circles. As long as the diffusion of article by Delia Caster and a com ago were those that originated
"week-en- d
guests at the Sigma tion are at once its most valuable intelligence and morality kept pace
through the success of the production
cember, one tho.usand nine hundred were
mittee of the Home Ec club tells the
Delta Delta Delta Alliance
Beta Xi house.
and i twenty-si- x
asset, its chief source of undeveloped with this rapid diffusion of power, story in the January issue of the of Peter Pan in the movies. There
William Lehman and Miss
Messrs Ansel Crume and Hunter power, and its most fruitful field for the, sum total of human, welfare and Cornhusker Countryman of Univer- were Peter Pan dresses, hats, bob3,
Covington, Kentucky
Nancy Lyne Johnson were hostesses
of Dickerson, of Bardstown, and Chester unlimited investment.
and most everything that could carry
happiness steadily increased with the sity of Nebraska.
Miss Wilson is a graduate
for the members of the Delta Delta Holmes High school, Covington, Ky., Compton of Louisa, were the guests
the name Peter Pan. Red Grange
We invest billions in American progress of democracy till the very
The fad originates in the surprise created quite a sensation among the
Delta Alliance for a luncheon Satur- and a popular member of the young- of Alpha Gamma Epsilon last week.
stocks and bonds for a beggarly 5 or name' became a religion ' and ten
day at the home of Mrs. Lehman on er set in that city.
to an 6 per cent, which, if invesed in Amer- - thousand enthusiasts proclaimed its of interest excited by novelty. Char- manufacturers of fads, as well as new
Alpha Delta Theta wishes
the Richmond road. After luncheon
names for certain utilities.
Mr. Balke was graduated with High nounce the initiation of Misses Haz iqan boys and girls, would enrich us onward rush as the dawning of the leston dancing, slickers, vegetarian
ism, new words and phrases, etc., al-- J
a business discussion was held.
College of En- el Hughes, of Providence, Emma
Distinction from the
The slicker fad is one which is
imagination. No unyoked millennium.
ways attract those restless folks who looked upon
?The house was attractively decoratOwensboro, Ruth Lovell, of cataracts in our mighty
been loof
But the furious actions and reac
gineering last June. He has
as a real utility. Some
rivers have
ed "with plants and red carnations. cated with the American Bridge Com- Paris, Ruby Lovell, of Pans, and
destroyed are continually running hither and style of raincoat always has been
such stores of potential energy; no tions of the World War
About twenty guests attended the en- pany of Ambridge, Penn., since his Jimmie Colins, of Wilmore, Ky.
equilibrium between thither after somethingnew. This cre- worn by- a few who wish to protect
rich alluvial plains such promise of this
joyable affair.
Alpha Delta Theta announces the abundant harvests; no undiscovered power and wisdom, checked all the ates a swirl which rapidly sucks into themselves from the rain. These first
and weak- - coats were drab looking and unatpledging of Miss Ruth Osborne, of mines such inexhaustable treasures, processes of education and religion, its vortex the
minded and at last, grown bigger,
Woman's Club Meets
Blaine, Ky.
tractive. Someone on the west coast
Strollers Dance
as the boys and girls of America. and unchained everywhere the devils involves the more sane.
The regular meeting of the execu
Misses Dorothy Wilms, and Phyl Our most stupendous blunder in the of hate and greed and cruelty. It
conceived the idea of manufacturing
The Strollers, dramatic orgamza
tive board and the chairman of stand tion on the university campus, enter- lies Wendt, of Newport, were the pastThe great mass of men have al a coat that would be ornamental as
thus hurled the millions back toward
has been to undervalue them:
;ing committees of the Woman's
greatest present crime is to neg- savagery, and at, the same time, by ways had their lives ruled by usage well as useful. They were first fashtained Saturday evening with their guests of Thelma Snyder at the Al
of the University of Kentucky was annual dance in the gymnasium im pha Gamma Delta htiuse last week our them; our most misplaced and shattering all forms and institutions and tradition. Not for them did nov ioned at one of the coast universities
morning, January 18,
held Tuesday
mediately following the Kentucky- - end and attended the tea dance and harmful economy is to make inade- or human authority, transferred to elties chase each other across the at a price not too high to make an
at 10:30 o'clock at the College of Law, Vanderbilt basketball game.
the Stroller dance.
quate provision for their health and these unprepared millions the fatal surface of society. The common folks appeal. The style and fabric of the
C. R. Melcher, the presi
with Mrs.
Miss Mildred Poole who has been happiness and training.
gifts of power without knowledge and left to the upper ten thousand the garment was changed in order to
The hours were from 9 until 12
wild scurry after the ruling fancy make an article that a girl could wear.
liberty without
o'clock and the music was furnished the guest of Miss Virginia Kelley
Second That the right training of
This meeting is held the third Tues by Peck's Bad Boys orchestra. The left Sunday for Cincinnati to enter
This is the darkest cloud on the or folly of the hour. In their mat We now have slickers of all rain proof
all its future citizens is the supreme world's horizon today. This is. the ing, their
day of every month, prior to the reg
Schuster-Marti- n
their money materials and of all styles and colors.
the two basketball teams the
democracy, the
ular club meting which occurs on the members of of honor for the dance
Miss Helen James, of Berea, was task of a Christian
deadly fear that grips the soutest getting, their notions of right and They have been almost nationally'
were' guests
fourth Tuesday of every month.
Mary Bryant at the test and measure of its civilization, heart that the fate of Russia shall duty, they ran antiquately in the adopted by young and old alike.
Several hundred university students a guest of Miss
of all
Alpha Gamma Delta house last week the highest and most fruitful com overtake our Western world; that our ruts deeply groved out by generations
were present.
its manifold activities its most
Evening Party
rights and liberties, the of men. But a century or so ago it
Disobedient freshmen women at
The chaperones" for the dance were: end.
problem, its most
Dean and Mrs. Paul P. Boyd enter Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, Profes
Miss Elizabeth Erschell of New' plex and difficult
precious institutions we have so pain was found that this habit of back- - the University of Cincinnati are
tained with a delightful informal
at 'ie Al inspiring and limitless
look, opposed to need reforms, the compelled by the vigilance committee
port, spent the week-en- d
fully built, the priceless assets we
Davis, Mrs. Harry McCord
evening party at their home, Monday sor B. P.
Let but one single generation of have accumulated through centuries brutish ignorance, the gross stupid to polish the shoes of the upperclassDean pha Gamma Delta house as the guest
of the Taylor, Mrs. Winn Harrison,
evening, welcoming .aboutr-2American boys and girls be rightly of toil and tears, shall be ruthlessly ity, the rhinocerous-hid- e
of Miss Rankin Harris.
bigotry, of men.
Blanding and Professor and
"younger married members of the um SarahEnoch Grehan.
"Misses Maria McElroy, Rachel trained in body, mind, and spirit, in trampled under foot by th"e ignorant the unenlightened masses. Accord
versity faculty.
ingly, the idea of the humanitarian
Roberts, and Ann Howard Williams knowledge and 'love and .unselfish and unthinking.
Students of Baker university, BaldThey were assisted in entertaining
were 'guests at the Kappa Kappa ness, and all the knotty problems of
the win, Kansas, who swear or smoke arei
From this impending calamity now awakening that accompanied
Tea Dance
by their daughters, Misses Virginia,
dur American life, social, economic, overshadowing our Western Christian French revolution, was to life, .the not allowed to participate in oratoriGamma house last week-enThe pledges of Alpha Gamma Del
Helen and Betty Boyd.
Miss Lucille Bywater had as her and political, would be far on the civilization, nothing can save us but common folk, the 3rd estate, from cal contests of the university.
ta sorority of the university enter guest last week-enYellow candles and flowers decorat
her cousin, Miss road toward complete solution. Let the swift diffusion of love and jus the slough of custom to the plane of
dishes tained Saturday afternoon with a tea Frances Wall, of Louisville.
ed the home and delicious
the training of but one generation be tice and enlightment among the many choice and self direction. And for a
"dance from 3:30 until 6 o'clock
were served.
Mr. Bus Byers and Mr. Ben Rogers wholly neglected, and our civihza before the irresistible sweep of de hundred years the effort has been to
Patterson hall in honor of the mem have returned to school after an en tion, losing its art, science, literature, mocracy places all power in their explode superstition, to diffuse know
bers of the undergraduate chapter.
Tnlcrta'n Y ith Tin
and religion, would be far on the road hands. This is the appalling crisis, ledge, to spread light, to free nian
to Cuba.
Decorations were carried out in the joyable trip
Mrs. Sir on Y'eil and ilrs. August
The members of Kappa Sigma fra to primeval savagery.
this the dire necessity, this the huge from the spell of the past and turn
Hammel entertained Sunday after- university colors of blue and white. ternity entertained Friday evening
his gaze forward.
The right training of the young task, aye! and this the heaven-sen- t
noon at 4 o'clock with a delightful Kentucky pennants and the fraternity with an informal dinner at their is the spiritual reproduction of the and sublime opportunity of the teachThe attempt succeeded. The era of
shield in blue and white lights, added chapter house on East Maxwell street.
race, the flower of a nation's civiliza- ers and preachers of our
abscurant tis forever past. Excep
to the attractiveness of the ballroom
acera: for unless diffusing education where rural conservatism holds sway,
tion, the supreme test and most
Ferns in blue and white baskets were
curate measure of its wisdom and cul- and religion reach these restless mob mind in the milder forms of fad
placed around the orchestra and the
mosb fruitful lions before they seize all political and craze begins to agitate the great
ture, the highest and
table where fruit punch wr.s served
A meeting of the Senior class was form of all human activity,
and economic power, the triumph of deeps of society.
durinir the
Steai i
held Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock
Third That the training of the in the mob will be the downfall of ci'li
As no department of life is safe
Mud? was furnished by the Centre
in Dicker hall, at- which business re tellect alone is fatally inadequate zation.
from the invasion of novelty, we
Colonels. Attractive favors, which
was dis TVio lipnrf must be trained with the
Fifth And for the comfort and in- have all kinds of fads; philosophic
were small horns tied with blue and lating to the senior class
the Christian principles of spiration of all who work and pray fads, Jike pessimism, anarchism; lit
head in
white "ribbons were given to the
love and justice, of sympathy and for the better training of our boys erary fads like the Impressionists and
and girls, let me add that the fifth Decadents; religious fads, like spirit
unselfish service
were: Dr. and
The chaDerones
There is nothing "necessarily theo characteristic of the new era will be ualism or theosophy; hygienic fads,
Mrs. Frank L McVey. Mrs. P. P.
What one gains from his four years logical, ecclesiastical or sectarian its frank recognition of the greatness like water cure or breakfast foods;
Boyd, Miss Marguerite McLaughlin
any institution of learning is about these great laws of right living. of your task and the glory of you medical fads, like lymph, or tuberMiss Muriel Hopkins, 'Mrs. J. W. study at
alphabetical symbols, They can be and should be taught in service.
culin; personal fads like pet lizards
Smith, Mrs. Samuel Manly, Miss Dorr. not measured by F.
In practical .life every school in America, from the When our giant democracy emerges or face enamel. Each order of fads
Berkeley, Mrs. Eda Giles, Dean Sarah A, B, C, D, E and
of inexperience and has a clientele of its own.
after college days are over, the grades kindererarten to the university, if from its child-er- a
college do not help one
crude experimentalism, when our
Most fads relate to the superfic
of the undergraduate one made at success unless studies any of us, in our zeal for taught y
shall have become sane and ial ornamental, accessory, gem-gatriat
ing, have believed and
chapter, the guests of honor were on the road to
Trip Ocean Fare, Hotels, Meals,
Bryant; were pursued for their true value, mere knowledge, universal "educa- wise, when love and cooperation shall phrases of life, such as lanterns on
Miss Charlsie Smith, Mary
Railroad Fares in Europe,
as consequence. tion," widespread intellectual training be the law of American life and un cars, Charleston dancing, hog calling
Elizabeth Merrifield, George Moore and grades followedmost a
Guides, Museum Entrance Fees,
important du is the adequate solution of- a nation's selfish service the measure of Amer contests, phrases such as "cake eat
It is one of the
Snyder, Jane Man
Jameson, Thelma
all Expenses.
to inculcate in problem, let the astonishing rise and ican greatness, then will it be uni er" or "dumb Dora."
ly, Lucretia McMullenChristine Wil ties of upperclassmen
Information Without
freshman's mind, the idea that a development of German culture co- - versally recognized that the true lead
The life of a fad is short. They
study should be pursued and investi- incidently with the tragic deteriora- ers and makers of the nation are not rarely last more than one year and
gated for the truth it might reveal tion of German character stand as a its millionaires nor politicians nor usually not more than six months.
in an honest and conscientious quest gigantic object lesson into my char- manufacturers, but those who mold Some fads survive the whirl-poof
M. Molloy
for learning, not to be mastered and acter that thing which I have seen and train and inspire its boys and fashion and are added to proeress.
Authorized Steamship Agent
Such as home radio sets, bobbed hair,
as salient points which are with my eyes in that opened book, girls.
Phone 3561
646 E. High St.
From this conference, therefore, let slickers, tortoise-shelikely to be asked in the final examin not in a letter that kills, but in a
rims, and stop
Lexington, Kentucky
word that lives, incarnate, that lived us go back to our fields of labor with signs on autos. All of these have de
Success is measured and limited by and suffered and rose and lives to our vision clarified and broadened, our
the ability to do. If one is poorly day the revelation of God, the dis working program made wiser and
more definite, and our hearts on fire
quipped he is under handicap. If, covery of God.,
during his college days, one has stud
"Show me the men that will pay with the greatness and glory of our
ied merely with the idea of obtaining the" price for the discovery of God. task. Then will our zeal kindle the
grades and has not studied with idea Show me the men that will kedp the hearts of otKprs in
of searching out the truth and the morning watch. Show me the men circles; then will daily drudgery be
true value of the study, one is poorly that believe in prayer enough to pray, come a daily pleasure; and thus shall
not to talk about it, that believe in we hasten the coming of that new
Grades are often the outward signs God enough to seek Him, not to era when every American child shall
of an actual and honest search for philosophize about Him, that care be the object of a nation's love arid
On the other hand, grades enough for God to discover Him. care.
are sometimes and probably more oftj Show me the men that will pay the
the result of attempts to cram price and I will show you the men UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS
some facts into one's head a few days that are going out of this room to dispreceding examinations, buch prac cover God, to discover man, to disThe University of Texas owns
tice does little more than develop a cover life, to solve problems, to change
hundreds of thousands of acres of
bunch of memory sharks and does life, to make a better world.
TodayVsmartest and finest styles
very little along the line of producing
Here is a bby who has found God. land in western Texas where the oil
your choice of our entire stock. You
learned students.
His life" work is shattered. H plans business is now active in drilling up
find a better buy anywhere.
Examinations in many cases deter are in ruins about him. He has gone discovered pools like the famous Pan
offering regThj is our
mine the grades the students received blind, and a blind man can't get out handle Pool and Reagan County Pool.
ular quality $10 and $12 Florsheims
in a course. Sometimes this method and do the things that, his ambitions The university has already received
gives a true representation of what had planned. He prepared, like a 5,000,000 from oil royalties and at
-the student has grasped from the David Livingston, to go out as a med- the present time is averaging 245,000
course and sometimhs it does not ical missionary, and now, how can he per month net income from their
royalty .interest in oil progive a true representation. The prob- go? Listen to what he writes. He
lem is one for the students them- was the college pitcher, was a champ- duction. Future developments
selves, not especially for the the fac- ion tennis player. He was an athlete expected to greatly increase this inin four branches of athletics. This come and it looks now as if the Uniulty.
are building an "is what he writes right aftar losing versity of Texas is destined to become
one of the richest and greatest uniequipment for life out of college. If his eye:
"Life has become so beautiful, o versities in the world.
students fail to build this equipment
(Item submitted by J. H. Gardner,
in college it is a fair bet that they much more than my capacity to rewill not build the equipment after spond. Tomorrow I am goinr down Gardner Petroleum Company, Tulsa,
college. Build your equipment now o the city (about his eye), and T will Oklahoma.)
while you have the opportunity pro meet thousands of folks all more
at the University
crastination will be fatal. Be true to worthy than I, and yet I can't be
of Montana wear green caps the same
vourself in vour studies, and you will lieve they are as happy. Oh, for
Uhen also be true to your instructor, chance to know how to bring peace as the men.
Margaret Dixon, Louise Dyer,
Rankin Harris.
The hostesses, the pledges were:
Misses Sara Dorsey Harris, Florence
Smith. Juliet
Yaegar, Frances Basket, D'Alila
Chapman, Martha Shields,
Shields, Emily Bennett, Katherine
Hopkins, Fredrica Juett, Frances
Kinney, Elizabeth Duncan, Lucea Wilder.
Among the guests were one repre
sentative from each sorority.
Other guests were: Miss Helen
Van Meter, Mrs. Lloyd Averett, Miss
Isabella Van Meter,' Miss Annelle
Kelley, Miss Virginia Kelley, Miss
Elizabeth Purcell, Miss Anna Manly,
Miss Sara Manly, of Louisville ; Miss
Helen James, of Berea, Miss Lola



















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