.»'  COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE. 125 _ . I ` i _
‘ - I ‘ 1
ly  ·T 10. Moral and Esthetic Education. The first half of the semester n ` -
li- T will be devoted to a study of the principles of moral education; the ._ ` I ,
E second half, to a study of the laws underlying the appreciation of the T ‘
rs   beautiful. Readings, reports and lectures. Three ho·urs a week. Second ' i
u_ ¤ semester. Professor Nom. ~
3, ` 12. American Ethnic Elements. A study of the principal racial . \
to  “ elements in thc United States, with a view to determining the char- . ‘ -
10 T acteristics and the contributions of each to American development.
,€_ _ Special emphasis will be put on the German, French, Irish, Italian
§X_ _ and Jewish elements. No text. Lectures, assigned readings and re- ' . .
lX_ ports. Two hours a week. Thruout the year. Associate Professor _
Bixim. V
TIG 13. State and County Administration. The tendencies toward
lst ‘ centralization in state administration will he noted. A study of the
 · county unit will be made with particular reference to its operation in `
Kentucky. State and county financial reporting will be studied by ·
ut comparing Kentucky with Massachusetts, New Jersey and Illinois. De- _
is' signed for county superintendents and candidates for that oHilce. Two
[ hours cl week. Thruout the year. Associate Professor BAKER. l
ill 14. Principles of Social Education. A study ef the development _
ir. V V _ of the social mind with special reference to education. Text-book,
~ readings and reports. Three hours a week. First semester. Professor
.u- < Non.
ee 15. Administration and Supervision. General principles. The
- Junior High School movement will receive particular emphasis. Text: A
ar- Cubberley’s Public School Administration. Three hours a. week. Thru-
zr. out the year. Associate Professor BAKER.
16. Seminary. Problems of Educational. Psychology. A study of
Xb . recent experiments of Educational Psychology in current literature.
zk. ‘ Prerequisite, Principles of Education. Two hours cz week. Thruout the .
‘ ucar. Professor Non. ~
¤· , 18. Seminary. Educational Classics. Educational writings of
he Plato, Aristotle and others. Two hours u week. Thruout the year. 4
nd Associate Professor BAK1c1z.
of 20. Laboratory in Psychology. Two hours a week. Thruout the
ky 21. Laboratory. Experiments in Educational Psychology. Tests.
ry Two hours a week. Thruout the year.
I (l