‘d nou11s, pronominal adjectives, of all but the rare irregular verb ' I `.
r· ` forms, and of the simpler uses of the conditional and subjunctive. I , ` V
ie 3. Third ycar—Onc unit. This should comprise the reading of
·€ from 400 to 600 pages of French of ordinary difficulty, a portion to be ` ` ,
in the dramatic form; constant practice in giving French -para- U ~
m phases, abstracts, or reproduction from memory of selected por- _ _
I" ` tions of the matter read; the study of a grammar of moderate com· , »
gr pleteness; writing from dictation. _ `
DY Spanish. The two units that may be offered ill Spanish are as
1; follows: ' . .
Of 1. First yca·r——Onc unit. During the first year the work should `
ul comprise: (a) careful drill in pronunciation; (b) the rudiments of `
d` gramma1·, including the conjugation of the regular and the more com-
`_ mon irregular verbs, the infiection of nouns, adjectives and pronouns,
as I and elementary rules of syntax; (c) exercises containing illustrations ‘
of the principles of grammar; (d) the reading and accurate render- -
M ing into good English of 100 to 175 duodecimo pages of graduated
of i texts, with translations into Spanish of easy variations of the sen- i
Km A tences read; (e) writing Spanish from dictation. i ,
X? ”_ 2. Second year——One unit. During the second year the work _
Sl` ` should comprise: (a) the reading of from 250 to 400 pages of modern
M ._ prose from different authors; (b) practice in translating Spanish into A
el °; English, and English variations of the text into Spanish; (c) continued
’“t ` Study of the elements of grammar and syntax; (d) mastery of all
OF but the rare irregular verb forms and of the simpler uses of the
OL   modes and tenses; (e) writing Spanish from dictation; (f) memoriz-
Ch ing of easy short poems.
[tx History. Preparation in history will be given credit upon the
nb ` basis of time devoted to the study of each branch of tl1e subject,
Y rather than upon the amount of ground covered. It is recommended -
um   that not less than one year be given to any of the courses outlined I
tru T below. The training in history should require comparison and thé
€S· USG of judgment on the pupi1’s part, rather than the mere use of
no .`m·€mOI`Y. The use of good text-books, collateral reading, practice in
cts   Writing, and accurate geographical knowledge are essential. G€ll0I`21]
idy _ History will not be accepted as an entrance subject.
DOH { 1. Ancient History (to 800 A. D.)——Onc unit.
On- i 2· Mediaeval and Modern Hist0ry—Onc unit. I
’Y0‘ . 3. English Histo1·y—One unit. '
T 4. American History and G0verninent——Onc nnit.