‘ course will be admitted upon certificate. A diploma, such as is given 5
at graduation to high school pupils, cannot be substituted for this jmslm
certificate. 6.
Schools, whether public or private, may be accredited, provided 7,
they meet the following requirements: S, t
High schools and other schools doing preparatory work now on A li
the accredited list and that may hereafter be placed thereon maybe credited
designated by two forms of classification. The first division, or Class cdmmitt»
A, may include all schools which meet the following requirements: acter of
Requirements for Class A. dmemel
1. The school must offer a standard four·year course of study VA sl
and require full fifteen college entrance units for graduation there ?;;;ih§'
from. ‘
2. Three qualified teachers must be employed who devote all lmtH°l
their time to high school work. guy W
3. The pupil enrollment must not exceed thirty pupils DU Pte Su
teacher. `DUOWS:
4. Two-thirds of the teachers employed must possess an acade
mic scholarship equivalent to graduation from a standard college.
5. A minimum period of forty minutes must be given each rect
tation. it ·  .
6. School must be in session not less than thirty-six weeks dll? "LOCAT
‘ ing the year. Mmmdri
7. The equipment must be sufficient to properly teach the Su  f°h°mg
jects offered. wand
S. Classes must not be too large to properly handle the sul>i¤¤  fire
matter of the recitation. gte l
U. The school sentiment both of the school and the c0IHH1U¤ll Bimlyug
must be harmonious and progressive. Eglng
10. The work in school must be approved as satisfaCt01‘Y· d[l;€§b`
Requirements for Class B. _ temml 5
1. The school must maintain a four-year course of study Ygllu"` tammtou
ing fifteen college entrance units for graduation. larllsle .,
Z- Two qualified teachers must be employed who devote HU the  dyydonk
time to high school work. utgngton
3. The school year must not be less than thirty-six We€li5- I Aphiana
4- All Z1V€l'11ge I`CCltBtlOl1 period of forty minutes must `DQ mal   mon S]
tained.  Emu