»_ the close of the semester, not have accumulated more conditions or   the
failures than he already has, shall be dropped from the rolls of the [ UN
_ University, subject to reinstatement as in the former instance.   con
Rule Relating to Deflciences in English. , I  4 Haz
° Any instructor who finds the written work of any student seriously  b
defective in English is expected to report the case, together with  `_ 0th·
specimen papers, to a. committee consisting of the Dean and the Pro- 7 plic
fessor of English, who shall have power to require a_dditional work _ biti
. in composition without credit.  i tree
 , a w
Irregular Class Attendance. ,  F sm
When a student becomes irregular in any class or classes, the E
Registrar may suspend him from all classes until he has made satis- ‘ mm
factory explanation to his Dean. A student who is absent from a class Way
» for one week without just cause will be suspended. `
’ Res
Rules Governing Athletic Teams. it 
No student shall be eligible to membership on a varsity team  - him
unless, (1) he is carrying satisfactorily ten h0urs’ work or two-thirds E  Ot l
of all work scheduled, if carrying more than 15 hours work; (2) he  L Exp
has been in regular attendance for iifteen days before the first game; ‘
(3) he has a satisfactory attendance record in his classes. The man-  V2 {Om
. ager of each varsity team must furnish to the deans and to the chair-  gi
man of the athletic committee the names of his team as soon as they  
are selected by the coach, and all teams engaging in any athletic con·  
test away from the campus during the college year must obtain writ- _Q 
ten permission from the President and the athletic committee. N0  i
athletic team is allowed to be absent from tl1e University more than Q
one week (excluding Sunday). " 
. I1  reg]
General Conduct  
at :5
In issuing rules for the government of the students, it is not ‘ and
deemed necessary to set forth too many details. Something is taken f dry
for granted. It is assumed that the students will conduct themselves ¢
in a seemly manner, bearing in mind that their conduct constitutes  _ Em;
the basis for the reputation of the institution. It is assumed that the ¤
young men understand that intoxication, the visiting of saloons, the  ’. (O E
introduction of intoxicants upon the campus, gambling in any form, 0f ° izgd