I  i Student Advisers. ’   ' _ A
_  p For Men—The Deans of the various colleges select for each man A , ` A ,
E  f’ upon matriculating in their college one membe-r of the Faculty who `
{ ._  assumes toward that student the relation of student adviser. He ‘ I
S   advises the student in all matters and looks after his general wel- · ~
5  ° fare; he endeavors especially to direct the student’s social and moral _ _
S p .ife. The student is made to feel that the University is interested in ,
S _ him personally, and that it wishes to make him a useful member of
y j  the university community and of society. The advisers are under the C
d _ _ direction of the President. ' 4 .
A ` For Women——All young women are under the supervision of the ,
y_ Dean of Women. _ ‘
.e  .
M  I Convocation.
Ly ` Religious exercises are conducted in the Chapel every Tuesday ·_
» morning under the direction of the Chapel Committee. Members of the V ·
_»  Faculty and ministers of the various churches of Lexington address
W  __ the students at these gatherings and music is furnished by the best `
BS   talent of the city and student body. Provision is also made for a l 4
he  S meeting on Friday morning, when matters of general student interest
nd  V may be considered. `
ier  .
.gs .V Churches in Lexington. A
ml  ,. The churches of Lexington extend to all the university students a
its ,  cordial invitation to enter into Christian fellowship with them. They
 $ welcome all students to their services irrespective of church relation-
  ship. Frequent receptions by the young people’s associations of the
—.  various churches are given for the university students. The pastors
the   visit the University, preach special sermons for students, and are glad
my  y to Welcome them in their homes. Each church has a Bible class ,
3€S_ .3  especially for students, usually conducted by a university professor. I
xsi]; ·  Recommendation of Teachers.
lred - The University strives to secure appointments for its graduates in
was the schools and academies of the state and elsewhere. To this end it
heir I keeps on tile the names of all former students so that it may be able
and *  at any time to assist them to positions, and be of service to the high
ance ~ schools of the state. The demand for University of Kentucky grad- V
. uates is constantly increasing. The institution will be glad to receive »
E any information concerning vacancies.