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  14 Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station
{ Tagging. After samples have been analyzed, purity and POE
i· germination reports are made. With these reports and informa- ‘ {01-
i tion already in possession of the seedsman, tags previously ob- lab·
i tained in blank from the Director of the Experiment Station °
  must be filled in carefully on both sides by the vendor or dealer. i , Obt
i They may be printed or typed or written legibly in longhand  , per
i `   with ink. Each bag should carry a tag giving required infor-   pat
i   mation. The poundage in the bag should be completely covered  c seei
, by the poundage on the tag, i. e., a hundred pound bag should   less
l   carry a hundred pound tag. The front of the tag is made to 1 the
§i show, among other things, the percent of purity, percent of   cou
germination, date of germination, hard seed, and place where f il S
‘ i grown. The reverse side of the label bears a list of noxious weed ·
i seeds with blank spaces in which must be shown the number of _ dcr
. l each of these seeds per ounce in the lot of seed to which it is I (8]
i T attached. There is a space at the bottom on which must be _i cc
j · shown the approximate total percentage of weed seed. . Call
p   Official Forms of Label. The official seed labels are madc ,_  Siu
_ in three forms: Form "A" is manilla. It is to be used 011 IH1-   UO;
4 mixed alfalfas, clovers and grasses. Form "B" is yellow. It , Sul
i is to be used on cereal, seed potatoes, garden and truck-crop j fm
, seed. Form "C" is blue. It is to be used only for seed ·
` E mixtures.
Y _ Denominations. Each form of label is issued in 25-, 50-,  
i 75-, and 100-pound denominations. The law makes no provi-  L
sion for labels below the 25-pound denomination, therefore each  i PO]
V package of seed from one to 25 pounds should carry a 25—p0uHd  ,
tag. . me
_—   Cost of Labels. The law fixed the price of labels as fc}- e  AD
§ lows: Forms "A" (for grasses and clovers) and "C" (fc? A 
  mixtures), white and blue, respectively, will be furnished at the  L
rate of eight (Sc) cents for each 100-pound label, six (6c) cents  Q
" for each 75—pound label, four (4c) cents for each 50-pcwd  a
T label, and two (2c) cents for each 25-pound label. Form "Bwi {
the yellow label (for cereals, seed potatoes and truck-crop seed),  .»
., · will be furnished at the rate of four (Llc) cents for each l00‘  I
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