xt72z31nk14c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt72z31nk14c/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky State University of Kentucky 19150121 Accession number: 2015ua025; other titles include Idea, The Idea; published weekly during the academic year newspapers  English Lexington, Ky.: Idea Syndicate of the State University of Kentucky, 1909-1915. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Idea Lexington (Ky.)--Newspapers. Fayette County (Ky.)--Newspapers. The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 17,  January 21, 1915 text The Idea of University of Kentucky, Vol. 7, No. 17,  January 21, 1915 1915 2015 true xt72z31nk14c section xt72z31nk14c "•·- ·———~ ·
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kN Muni HIEH Slillllllls  “°”· "’· "· ”°“"°“’ ARRANGEMENTS MAIIE MANY “ES‘“NS*`°“ SIR0ll[II8 NIN IH!
. "; · —"“"
ul     ldllwiu I'. Morrow, of Somerset, for-       Prof. <‘. I'. Weaver, chairman of thc-]      
merly Vnited States District Attorney Icommittae appointed at the Lexington
· I-- and prospective Republican candidate "'*""* ‘mo0tln got the? Southern Interc0l·! ‘·‘;*··
• O
  New Qngg   for Governor of Kentucky, will ad- Henry   Law Soqetyllegiate Athletic Association to select aQ“C;l;1I’l¥}i   Au]:lt” gilt On by `
· dress the State law students Friday, • ldeslgn to be used for a uniform medal, G I11V€I‘Slty lyefs
. nts Members to Dmcuss .
l and Entrance cred January 22nd, at 7:30 0’c\0ck, in! _ _ _ im be awarded the athlete in each col-; at Ben All.
Changed- Judge Cha.lklay’s lecture room, Nat-I Questlon In Ohl0• llege of the association, who has the_ i—*‘
1 S ·—······* ural Science Building. E     |hif.{h€St rlass standing, said S3Lurdgy'TO    
53     Mr. Morrow is one of the boat Ithat a number of designs have been,.) .I, .., + + ; * + ,•, * ,• * *
| ;—..-.
•·'* C uma on speakers in Kentucky. The address At the meeting of me Henry Clay submitted by Lexington jewelers. I., THE PLAYER, •
l At g meeting of tlw ¢;l¤;¤\l umol- Frtday mgm wlll be stl-lctly non. Law Society Monday owning, Officers! The design will be selected when';. •
  V ?°°"t:n•d Rxtmzumtxontuckz hom partisan. All students are cordially for next semester won lnsmlledwtlle meeting of the committee, com-I4, Sir pmncls Chesney __________ •
Y Nh Unc Rh ’ 8 t' invited, They ue: J. T. Good" Pruldem; Iposed of Prof. John L. Hill, ot George`., ________________ Emery Frau". •
"’ “‘° °"‘°° °‘ “°“°'"’ °‘°' ‘ M¤ M- <>— W¤¤¢¤¤*· ¤~·*¤·¤¤ <>* M R. E. Cum vmprmldent- w. p..¤>w¤¢ *’*¤f· *`*···k ¤·· **¤*¤¤v· of ¤¢¤-l• stephen Spettigue ...... . ...... •
n n no ls · · *
’ urday •!t•l'¤¤¤¤» ¢hU'*¤°¤ if sc :1 S[g[B Unlvm-my Rgpublicgn Club, was Mayo, Sccmurx and B. D_ SAND, tml, and Professor Weaver, is held only _____'_______ wllllam Shlmllck •
¤°t h°"°*·°!°’° u’“’d· w°r° put °° ° instrumental in bringing Mr. Morrow Tre l,_ a date to be chosen later. H, Jack Chesney ________ _ ________ •
rodit d li t and important changes Mum , ,, l
“°° °d F fund to muon eu MFG- The unions ot the General Assam-l kl" ··············· L°“i“ M‘cl°'k7 "’
“'°""¥"'°“ ` -——••·•——··- . ‘·• Chrl. wyku ...... •
tame. cram". A mh was um bly which the Society has been con I 3 a ey e am ....
od     an schools up- _ duct"];   be abandoned, and ll   ..... . ....... JIIDE McConnell +
pn. {NQ: T" B __C|·“ An mlb series of literary programs givcn.| @0* Lord Fancourt Babberly Q
Ou 8. n
mimi or- iussv college smdtntel Judge Barker will be invited to ad-     Brassettu ....... John Marg}; Q
•c nos mus s c f ,
dress tho Society at an early date. It Donna Lucia dAlvador·oz ..... O
lm l   TAKES llI’ IHE HGHI
tozghntiourhsdo lllqzrgoegeq wcpgd I A"'*¤89U\¤¤t| for S d0b¢l8 between ‘-·’*"""‘ {O ...., , ______ Kalhgrln. yllclmll •
8 I0 00 I HI ` •
· -——·· ** me law colleges or Stew and Ctncin- Attendance Thu Year! Kitty Verdun. . Rebecca Smith •
in hl h _ _ _ -
usd `nftxwan me know K I, Pet1t10n Clfculatéd P1‘0» MU Univcrniths yvoro completed at Thri Wh t it was at !·|· Amy Spettigue..Alice Gregory •
.°h°°\.` Bum" Bnndmburl Coun C f this meeting This debate is twofold I ce 3 ·* EIB D¢\¤h¤Y O
. ty; Calhoun, Campbell C0\\¤¢¥§ CIW. p0S€S to Get BIISUS 0 One divmdn` 0 ` Last Meeting
t it will be held here · ·I• ............ Adelia Williamson I-
V C t ; P 1 , • •
ML v°"°°°' Owvznw °“;;h; 21; U¤w<>r¤¤ty P€0Pl€· umn 5 and me other an cmcnmu! —— .·•· ·•· ·•· ·• ·•· • 4 4 4. • • 4. 4
’ Vina! S°:·::’N lurs hoo] yTh“e` jé on the same date.       "(`harley’s Aunt" was presented by
me °'° ° °"“ ° · lthe Strollers tn mm u 1
__ . .         At the tryout to be held Monday · Q-—- l . 6 a. c organ n-
gre in. C1A•| T" O d Conga _ 8venlng_ January 25, Six men wlll de, The Show Course iu H|shW¤Y E¤8|·{tion of the University, at the Ben A11
In Cl". A are S an I The student, and faculty of Sum fond tho question here, "R.asolved, nearing of State University, which}'¥`h€&t<*r. Friday night, to an enthus-
Bowltng Green and Jackson Collegiate {
That the Unlted States should equlp was concluded with Frida .8 ro amdastic audience and the Strollers de
and n n Y P 8*
lmututo. Thou schools were admit- University are being a w ere t ey ' di I
I Proms- H i A and maintain a navy equal to that ofl was generally conceded to be the`S€¥"€ CN t 0F DUN-i¤8 0¤ OM 0f the
ted °n uw Nc°mm°;d·ti°;i;h S h I Stand on the quot quest On' cam- any other foreign na.tion;" and three t f I et couductefbést amateur performances that mm
scr Rh¤•¤¤. WM *• me ° °° palgu conducted by the Prousbauon '“°“ *’“°°°” “ °°“'“° V ·
men wlll go to Ciucinauti and take lbeen seen m Lexington for years.
l“'p°°°°r‘ ld Mid Club ot the University and intended to the opposllg Bldg gggingt 8, team { in the interest °f g°°d r°°d°‘   The play is an Engllsh comady with
Fw° °°h°°1°’ Szimguzdh Schvgiz take tt census or the students and fac- there. ‘ TNS °°“”° *8 d°S*8“°d *° help uw ; Nw Scenes laid at Oxford and a synop-
Cogyzon :udb§;e;cux:r‘ school of ulty memberg posmon on the liquor Ten or twelve men are working toicausc of good roads in Kentucky, and l Sis was given in last week'; IDEA,
an an or l' ¤8 »
ke these teams and the prospect for ‘ the workers belleve and advocate . Much of fh€ credit for the success of
` ·· ·· u u M¤.*rnr11-'““ · ~
Mkmm wire num   Cl;S:n?¤&;0 ques on Bgani (mba: T (2:3 able men to oppose Cincinnati is good. Strongly me educating of the pwpleltlw lnluy belong to Herbert Gl-ghg,m_
‘ glu; A, Qmdyu ey H GH Y lng petition S 8118 *4 Fcua It is hoped that The IDEA will have t U im U [ ue must lavejlm stage manager, {or under hh di-
me reduced from CUSS A *° C‘°“° throughout the University and vuvlllllll. I,ll,m,,,,.,,-l,l telling Og ,, gpggf vlc. up ° W D0 M I y l tr~<·¢i<¤¤ Nw vast was whipped into
‘*" °“ t°°hm°°l ¤°°°d°‘ in be student is being requested to line up   wry alle.- Mal-(lll 5 rm- me men of ;lwLg°°d "°”’d buudws b°i°r° they °°" slmlw by long and arduous reheargu,
In www two Gmimce umu W b on Ihe issue: "ARE YOU WET 0Rl(‘ol\eg<> of Law in K. S. U. l'***"‘* g°°d roads- that was so nevvssary to the success
given for two years work in use ru, DRY We the undersigned believe in` ' ' °'°" " `   An excellent indication that me of me play
i¤¤@°|·d °Y 1* *8 h°”'·°t°"°; tw° mms I   l*€0I)l€ 81*% ¤`8·DidlY b6<>0mi¤S mm'9 wd The players were all well versed in
wm be given for two you-s' work in Pr0hibiti0¤ of the U<1\10¤` tr¤f¤¤ in uml     _ {more interested in the cause lies iu   lllgll- llneg and entered into the r°l“ck_
genera] Eupqpgm history and 0¤6·hl1f United States and being ODDOSGG to; Iwo fact that this yours' attendance lng Splrll gf ll,8 enterprise with vlm
¢¥`°d“ mr * h“"’y*’*“` in g°°°"'1 the open ¤&\00¤ in thé State of K€¤·i lis three times as large ts thatiund un individual star is hard to pick.
¤Ci6¤¤6· tucky hereby approve of the work 0f. . l I . ot last year. Fifty-tive counties sentl Lpl, Sundn]an_ as glr paucoun Bal,
ID his PGDUN to the C¤¤¤mi¤t<>¤· Pro' the Prohibition Association of KOH-; !‘81H‘t‘S€l\l¤li\'9S. 43 of Whidl S90! U19i¥'   berly was a, scream at every appear-
f6¤|0¤‘ Rhmids stated that mty'thm° tucky State University in its B\1d98V0|'i At a meeting of the Campaign Com-i road engineers, 10 sent judges, and 261am-,>_ H9 handled lllg llnm wlll} Sklll_
¤6W hilh ¤¤h0°l¤ W°*'° °*°“·'·°d in to aid in eradicating this evil fr0m_mittee Monday, plans for u Student sont magistrates. Thirtyeight demon-{lllp Sklll born Ol many sms, dx,
’ KGDWCKY i¤ 191* and P“““d um county, State and Nation." lhlvuugelistic Campaign which were strutors and lecturers were presant¥l,t»rlpm»es_ Some of wlllch haye tsken
spirit of ¢0·0P9¥`¤u°¤ that is twins The purpose of this campaign is wldiscussed in u Cabinet Meeting of th€‘,8lld [[1058 Dfépafillg to be road 9¤Si·}him even into vaudeville, Those who
built UD b0tW99¤ UW colleges wd um arouse interest in stat.0-wide prohibi-L Young Mens Christian Associationlast   nears, contractors and good road en-Ilwplt llepe las; year wlll remember
sch00lB of G10 SUN- tion and prepare leaders for campaign I November, were fully outlined, and i thusiasts WBTB ¤um6l'0¤S- lthut he aplwared on Keitlrs Circuit
'l`h°|9 PNWN U me m°°m" w°r° work throughout the State. The W0l‘k·the campaign is to begin February 7 Addresses during the course worolal lll,} gen All
Détll T- B- M¤C¤!`*·¤°Y» °t T'““Yl' of tho Prohibition League at Stutcxund continue untll February ll. given by men of national reputation. llgbgwa S]·lli[h_ who took the part Ol
vsnia; Dr. A. L. Rhotcu. OY G°°Y¥°' Ulllvepglgy heretofore has lacked in-l Preparation is now under way and expert mavhinints. practical 1‘0¤d HIGH. Kitty Verdun, carried her pgrt
t0W¤; PNL M- E· M'·"h· °t 8****; torest and enthusiasm but it is to be il some big meetings are forthcoming. and men skilled in the science of engi-   lllmugll us if pluyacllng yyere hel.
Prof. C- G- C\'00k¤» 0f C°¤¤`“l· and P'°’ live issue henceforth. The efforts oflvolmuitteas of all kinds have been up- ueoriug. were replete with information lllllly mulllll, Shg was Clmrmlng of
tensor Rhoads. of SUW9· Kentucky this club ol young men and womcnlpointed and have entered into definite and A great bvlwm. to all DPBBGDL `lllilllllvl`, winsomo und with tt voice
WGSIGYBH wd UUIVWBRY °f Lou" have begun to take on a dehnlte aim work. Secretary Hall urged the m·¢·¢¤s~ ltosolutious of appreciation to the l that (¤qua]|gd all delmmlll,
vill6 WGFG ¤0¥· !‘9P¥'9*¤t°d· and some big things are to be done sity of such work being done. lnresldennt and faculty were drawn andl Kallwl-lm. Mlll-ll€ll_ the Donna
* +   • • dufins the YOBI'. U The bvst Speakers in NIB United adopted at the last- meeting Friday·I(i'Al\'&d0F€Z UI. the [)lU,y, i[l\[,)g|f[9d to
O * • In addition to the vampuisn i’0¤‘ Dl‘0·‘Stat0s will be here. One of those Professor U. V. Terrell, under whose llllr wllyk lllt, llulet graciousness and
*   the man * mbitton which will run for one month I mon is mentioned is this issue ot Tha   leadership the course was prepared,   l·.»l·l-,·rull.€,; of lml,l.l~.,ll_,lmlll,ll that haye
* Wh0 got 80 low down * Sumo tem;] work among the young pw-|lUEA, Readers may expect further announced that the work for next yeariumrkeq hor Sluqolll w0l·k_ although
*   he had to   up to • \)l€.B organizations of the city will be developments of plans next week. would bo in advance ot any heretofore hor work wu, l~,.llll·ll9d by ll deep l.l,ld_
* DO¢ the bottom- ttttomptou. The League is also mak- Chairmen who have this work in orfored, and that an effort would bel 'rllo mm or Alu`- 5 ll ..
·••·•••·•••·•··••·•·•··••· | ' — ”°‘¤“ ‘”¤**
______ mg preparations for u Prohibition Ora- charge oro; Frank Kennedy, com- uxmle to have tho county roud exxgi-Illllwll hy Ally`; l;r,»lll,l·y_ A graceful
QQLLEGE STUDENTS ARE NOT toricul Contest to be hvld in Mafcllnpaign; Karl Zerfosu, Personal Work; nears, county judges und nuagtstratesl llll,;$_ Still lll lllrr ll.(.llS_ She made 8
QDUCATED. THEY ARE |N8TRUCT· '|`h·~ vlvtur in this <‘0ut6¤t will NDFG-IJ. W. Mvlionald, Program; Marvus Q`. nwet at the same time for organiza-Iculllllll Sltwllwurl ml- l¤lm,.lt,y Wylie
E0. ¢DucA1’ION IEGINB SHORT- IIBDL State University in the State hl- Rodwino, Advertising Manager; Clif- tion and cooperative work in the tu-l l,llm_
LY Aprin COMMENQQMENT, - ll pl-ollegluw Pmllibitiuu contest whichimrd Dodson, General Advcrt|shu¢;, and Mwst of good |'08dB lh!'0\lKh0\1l mel Elu Dclohay was done by Adellu
Mlqhlggn Ggrgpyli. will be héld at WHKll0I‘•:>. KY., ill April. J. 'I`. Gelder, Conservation. State, wllllumsoll wlll, ll strong emwtmem

  _¢ _
T H E I D E A 4
2 ...._.,.,.--. 1;;..~.....—.._—.-?.-.---·—--—-—---—-—  —-——·-···—·-—— ——···—··—-i l
· • 9 ·
Symphonic Orchestra Exclusl Mutual and Universal Program of Moving Pictures G0 Where the Gos G0.
1**** IHE ORPHEUM IHEA IRE °"""'°"°°
Me At OPIN 10§dl:izsi:nPl0:
FIRIT-CLAOO IN IVIRY APPOINTMINT J. H. STAMPER. Jr., Own•r and M•n• •r. . . 0 . .
1 l
Lof the part. Her lines were not so ·|· 0 # O O O O O O O ·|• O O A FAREWELL TO A PIPE •
l numerous as those of the other women,   ·|»     4 .—. I     ` y
A D A M   D E jhur sho handled them well. l• COLLEGES 4 wp gn n1.m.» ln mp gathering dunk A
i Perhaps the most accurate portrayal ·|» ·|· O ·I· ·I» O O 0 O Q ·|· O O 4- Op Old friends Just you and I. ‘   I  
l · 2 - ‘—""‘ lA d n h rt l f friendly hand
SUPERIOR VAIIDEVILLE l‘” "‘° °"“‘ "`““ "°"° "’ ”"‘°’Y F'? l m·¤»¤·~· show that M W cpm of fw img'; ;_:r;’;’u‘; lim Kmdm _
Izlm-' who wok the part of Pfam"; the students at Sewanee have this L` ' l l for every Occasion. l
|(`hesney. Tall, commnndlng and com- Y r taken an in Mmeum | C I f t-_  
  lpactly built, he carried the part `Pn p ' \\'¢- sit mid the rulns of castles built,] 0 or as_ guamn'
2 IEW SIIIIWS WEE I ———— _ , , k , M H teed satisfactory.
@hl'0“Kh Without K lll“`h· A recent issue of the News ol the " "‘“ “"“’ E 0 Your K " r°• ulnsist on Arrow pp
3 ' '     ' ° 8 Louis McCloskey, as Jack Chesney. Umve,-Buy of Cincinnau was th,. Mid the ash that falls from your bowl! °
RCqultt€d     credit ln the "\\'0m€n‘s Numb€r"' and the arucltss IQDI   I      
heaviest speaking part of the ¤\¤y· were written and edited by the Uni-l " *" ""‘ "f “ fum"' py"' l enum, Peabody & Co., inc. M•k•r•  
      John Marsh, as Brassett, the butler, versity c0.edB_ y
      had an the Hmm and qngshed dggnm- You have given rest to the weary mind J ‘  Q U
iso necessary to the pam The Vnlverslty of Missouri boasts of And balm to the wounded gon];   &  
E James McConnell, as Charley Wyke· ”· freshmen who lm be"' ln *“"’ “*"!\\’ltl1 n generous pinch of the golden succuwr w SAR"', ‘ co. '
lham, a roysterlng lad. did his work Nona] balloon "*°°“·   weed   W Main St.
l"°“· Mlm unlvt-muy has inaugurated ul P“°"°" "°"'“ "‘ "‘° "°°" "‘“°" "°`”" nv ¤¤¤~ ¢¤¤~w~ ¤~ wr
  I A, ’••
I mm Shmmck as the designing plan whereby their graduates will be we have eaten of sm_mw,S bitter cITY' FINE cANml·
· V Spetugum in his quest for 20::8 secured at intervals to deliver leo-\ b  
*···¤*·¤ *~·¤¤ wd m*“*°¤**· pm Blum to me students. S · R _ 1
  a vetpmn His work was Snappy und} \\ e have drun en of laughters w ne. U • •
. igvkkn run or dun. The Kappa Alpha fraternity house In all that I’ve had you have always DIVCTS nty
HN`- if- All who saw the play were loud in at Sewanee was totally destroyed by shambd
  I,   their praise or the Stroller organiza- m·8_ And ¤“ that WM mlm was mine-  
  tion. Hamilton Lewis, of Louisville, ....._... K R ` I g
  A graduate of Harvard University, ggw Mme. Davenport, Viennese student of You have joined my laugh in my hours   y
  the pprformanpg and prgnguncgd   as €\1gEIllCS, startled tllfi students of the vof mlrtll. .              
  ’ the best amateur performance hg had i University of Illinois, when she in- You have echoed my sob or sigh,
' It ; ever seem not gxggptlng me play gwgnlformed them that their one object in l¥ut now ls the hour when our trails ments to the g ra d u 3 t e 5
e ' .
by the dramatic Club gf Hapvm-d_ lite should be to prepare for marriage. mm: par;} { i d dwg of Kentucky High Schools who
The play will be presented in Louis- -——— Good- ye, 0 r en , goo - .
‘ l r ` W , f O - . .
ville sometime in the early part of °"f°'“ C°"°’·" ‘°' °‘§‘°" immii —s, F, G, 18, are prepared to enter the Fresh
February under the auspices of the fOrd’ Ohio' is trying to ra Se $ ' .#».--..•.•—;- man Clas8_
for an endowment f¤¤d- lle: "Tho dentist told me that I
fraternal organizations of the city, it _, _
was announced Tuesday I had a large cavity that needed filling. Each county In the Sum is
e Harvard wlll not play Michigan next She? "Dld he recommmd any _
Dates have been made tor perform- ' _ _ Slwdal course of study?. entitled to und FREE of tui_
ance at Mt Sterling January 29 year in football. The general opinion
8 * · · ·   . . •
    and Cymhhma February 1 ls that if these two teams should meet The mm'- is the best hgmhmg posh tion, matrlculatlon, laboratory
' ' this fall Mlchlgan would win. ....l..•.._—....
l 1*........ s _ , and other fees, one or more ap- q I
AN **lDLE." ' ° ' P8tl'0IllZ€ 0\ll' AdV8l'tlS€l‘S.
l E. E. JOHNSON VjS|TS HERE.   p0intees_
* "-"" ._..
VS I 8** and "“ml““° Mr. E. E. Johnson, u graduate of DR J D KISER Necessary expenses moderate.
Over lessons antlquate, · El . ° ° °
l the College of Mechanical and ec EYE EAR NOSE lad THROAT I For f H infonnation rd
Being quite efmmmute trlcal Engineering, is in the city. He ’ §pEg|AL|gT u regs
In my mind I “°w debate ls holding a position in one of the Glenn Ground to Order. ing appointees, cgurggg of gtudy'
Things that to the men relate local banks, the company for whom Mcchlhnd Bl-'"dl”9· t fb d I to _
  Reduced 1l·‘orgettlng lessons amiquate). he is working having mmpommy W 0f||c• Pham 032-X R••Id•n¢• 730-X COS 0 Oar , etc., appy
leased some of its men due to the H .. H. S. BARKER,
Christmas comes but once a year.
And at Prices that Count Why does mere man day by day Eu,0p€,,,, wm, l President,
O I mlnln f lbles bray . . .
A1': as theireprzjects new mm ————··•~——·-UDEN S ENTER Patromze Our Advertisers.] L•¤1¤!¢¤¤. Ky-
HIGH SCHOOL ST T - -`--......_.....—....L....  
S ’ GV With merrlment and some dismay? _'"" ` O
    "Away, away, get home," they say, Quite a number of Lexington High     e   S
` ··T)m;•g the place for you to grgy!" {School students, graduating at this FOR PENS AND PENCHS, g y
  time, will be among the new students TABLETS AND FINE  
, Shoes, \
• ii t St t f tl t r beginning Feb- ,
Put hubbys slippers bly the re a a e or ie e m STATIONERY S   C
N k H t Patch your dear papas attire, IFUBPY ISL
ZC WCZT, 3 S, To me kitchen then .-wm, ~——··———— Jounsrows cmnv
Prepare a dinner quite enum; f   "Ma, why can‘t I go bare-  
C _ oo .
PS   rl lllil. {B   we   desire: l mini {Because it makes your feet W E    
’ lYou`re the girl we’ll then admire." grow lm.g€_»» m• .   , ,
I l Jimmy (after hard thought): "Then 309 w°" Mu" 8"°°*     C0•
Prices marked Way downv   ls it that they are afraid did "l`lny' go naked when he was
, H    
look at fhg wgnkows as you Of dinner gotten by the maid, mug? l
O th tu ir _ t r d W wm fade For the benefit ot the unsophisti· ' · •
Pa·$$• r 8 W Hep Q e B ay ’ cated: "Tiny" haq a compressive   AM I    
Or their °°mf°" r°"°gmd°’ stress of about 200 pounds when at- I
t—i lf a little "sufferage" {myd B yu Adgm_ To l
The dear, dear "sa<·red home" invade? »l.•.••-_; , _ `
. · k M . 1* Mi D
C l _ _ Q vw H gw ·¤ 6*; is 0; ** is LCXll'lgIOI1 fllg COIIlp3l'lY l
3V€S, OX `Patromze Our Advert1sers.i'“°'°" ¤¢~··¤¤·> M ¤ ¤·¤¤·*¤   L
` *4}  ,·· `E I,'Yi "   r · `I gr" Id?   ‘_ `V I` `  `       I
& CO•   l‘· `*5" »;*,t"¥·?"xYl·*?    “  ‘•S¤_ E ‘ I
`—¤        i t W ELS}-I & MURR
lnoorponkd _.  ` {Q ` ·;"";’g¤ 7,;% ._»_  _ r   :1.,. _   _  ` ._
l _, ·_\. vé » §·l¥·Ff*_,. mg.  7 · { ·? ., ‘,; L •l   ` ··`$·»
· t' »· »‘ .·~ lz 1 ·>`. f Y ";  l ’
The College Fellows' Sh;p · _;   , ·· ‘_}{;_·y£.·9};Afyl ,    » T 35 .l.. (
———————»————  ‘=*> ` I.
h••r»•l·• %j;‘w|· RY t   ‘ *‘· *    ‘
Manufactunre of #‘ ·*. {__ Wy.: ;’_ gg ‘ » N
HANDMADE °'GA"S `E **6   ‘   Th Ri ht N S ` "
1 ·f   _
.,F35£':‘£.§?,}’PJ:.¥.T l   .1....__e 9 °"’. “"‘”°“ = O
~ —-E--~~—~ - M A . .» i- l _   r
{ ` ’ Y
University Lunch Stand I _ __ _ , _ Q
mm. •¤¤¤..••v•¤y to •¢¤u•¤•• l __   Q; 4 p _ · COLLEGE WORK A SPECIALTY  
and Faculty of Inu Unlv•r•Ity   q; _f dh, 9,., M , L V l  
I  ,’;·`;·*, if • ” .' I O
A.        ·    ’*’ _ _ “* { 124-128 N0l'th Llm€Bt0l\¢ L8Xll\[t0l\, Ky. ·
·l i

•   ·• T H E I D E A I
I —“"""""""”“"*"'“"`"""'“*`—"'I "   "` `” I * PROHIBITION CLUB , ‘*- "· “"¤‘*“ M" "I '*- ”"°‘· *"‘"‘°' Call and get acquainted
- •     Miners, rcturncd Monday from Indian   our advertisers.
J J   I |   J J ‘ ’ Hood, Ky., where they mado u. sulrveyli-—————-——;;——————
The Prohibition l’lub of State llnl- of the mlnws of the Indian f'rM·k Foul R
_____,_ o_o L , _ _ _ LEONA D
——-——······——·—·—·—-·—·—····— ~·— \· rsnty mot Thursday night, January (ompany. 'lhey will now make n do-
,,AGS,,     h,l,,,,,. yu, H`,. Im, r,.,,,,ir,.o ,,h,,H h,. in l., In the Y. M. (K A. rooms. tall map of tho mlncs, brlnxlmz them    
`       l nmrkm milk \Ir. Rnrtln made a report upon the up to date. A! Loohlrd HOQOI ’
' __,_-,- .,,.•., V . ···»nv•·nri·»r1 which was hold at Topeka, ————-—- NON! BITTIR
___ I ,   , .. ,
||~|()M[·] ECONOMICS Ixltnmo, .1mmy I and 2. mr. small ""` “"’*""" "' "'""‘* "*" ““"· °°°8W!I-L 9*0% l’•‘¤¤•‘|•*•r•
` ’ The election of Oft1(`PY`F\ of lll? I\K¥'l·i       was huzzlng wnh npw and progressive prpgpntpd to gn app|•p(·|gf{vp a||d|p[)(·¢e   ;`°"t_`_" 
` _1 J I J L J J K r X -4
cultural Eixptgtior the s;‘:C()rldMH"rI:1‘R ,i'l‘HH' gpvgral of whlph afro U) he put Ill lllf H1Kll 8011001 Hll(1ll0I'1|lIIl Tues W. S.  
t" w" ° “ ° "‘°" bg °“ “Y Th,. ,..,1,.,mr w•·•·kl5 m•·<·vInn of thc imo i»r=¤·1l<#¤&t<>¤I”*¥· (my umm by mv A Senior HMB The Sahita! Gl'0¢¢l'
, mihtkv W H t I illnmv l·lconomlcs l'Iuh was held Mon·l A canvass ls to he made of everylnr Morton Hlgh Comm" Tho may was y
I .1 . 0311 mz on wr:1 FIONFI; asidny Mwnmnnl ,I.h‘_ SIh_Hk·_r on mp; Mmm] '_Unm_(_'p(l wml mp Umv‘_miU_I vory crcclltnhly nctcrl mul the pro- Phone  
l Egan dent all the Othsg; O ierslrlse   { \If'()L{I`lI|Il I.1l1l6‘(| lf) 1N' [Il`¢‘H$'ll1 HJN1 only lll ()[`1lI’l' to Kfllll il l1[]0\l[) of HIP UW'(¥1," vppdg WH] bp ugpd to buy a (`uruun for cor' 8° LI'n°•`°n• lnd vlrghn. Av·°
I Wire' (.0     I. · 9-_H, 1l\l>illll>.< !·U‘SHl0Il \\'l\H lIf‘l(l. and "tlfyu bIP[](I[]]4‘[]{ ()[\ the (‘3mpllB_ th" audlt0r1un]`  
non; reanurer, . . m urgcy; sec- _____
· Tho ofllccrs clcctcd for thc socoml Likewise- u canvass for members ls . ·
, _ H I ,.A .2   _ ll mso rnmpnct- r>»11;m1,my librarian, DEN‘I‘IS’I‘
re ary OTIMH Pi:) onrrpqlmntt nf scim·st¢·r wvrc as follows: Io hc made and the price of member· ammummd wnnday mu, pprmdicalq
  .. -.;.’.n-- * *· ·
I s9(rpmry' gym wwwa u ; l’re~sldcnt, Lois llurtlctt. ship foe la 50 ccnts per year.
I arms G M Gumban . may hc taken from the library the   I T  
I lt;} ' b' ` d tl tu ' Vice--I'r•·sl¢l•·i1I Iillzuhclli Furra. All members dcslrous of entering ammo W mmkq Thpy may ba kept ' • •
as een announcc IH no en- · ·· ·· I
Sccrctary Idllznhctli Pickett. the oratorlcul contest to be held in _ 12] Chea Side
· b t- th I threw- days, after which time a fine of P
. wrmmmem of the mom ers 0 8| (‘orr•·sq»omllng Sccretnry —»— .lessle_ March will pleasc submit their names _ __ 1 , i _h d
Agricultural Society by the young y *"I‘ "'I' 8 (al H ‘ HVKQ · Hours 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Phena 864-X
I di { h H F i Cl b l·‘lor¢·nc+~. ll()fll¢¥S€(TI'€1,8.l'Y, Marie Louise Michot, Tho library is Hhpml Knowing mm
° °’ ° ° ° me ’°°“?m "` ’°r   Etlitor 1\1lI1lI1(`* (‘ramer. l»·m¢··m»¤ nan, Phone 24. work Ut. mmm three works of mmj ` “"‘_‘“L"`”"
has been postponed to February .I. I · I
Th 1 t m b t P tt Assistant l·JdItor—-—Anm·ttc Martin. ,.......•..._.. mmm and mw magzmnp to hp mkpnl
e onterta nmen w 0 a a er- · 4 · -
Son Hu"` 1·m»m·~r Mary llurrlcr. ln. A. MILLIGAN namovao TO Om on an indmdual Cam D0 You Know
on *•..g gg—~ ST. JOSEPH’S HOSPITAL
          -- llywcl Davies, Business Agent for The bfst U noaa ·°° .°°d
’     Y M C A R, A. Milligan. the University car- State {·n{vm·,,it,y_ after gppnding al when it ¢°N•| to U Ph°·°'
      ' · · l pentcr who was burned last Monday} wepk in (-Onfergncp with me may ‘r·Ph? B9 °¤ u’°“f•‘d·
what is probably the bm! recordl The Y. M. <‘. A. law class was or- '“'lm;h¤· has h€’*’¤ removed to St-lmlners and operators in various parts md ·•°
f nt bl uk d H U tl gunizm }.·,.muy_ Jammry no at me y_ .los¤·ph's Hospital and is reported to be of Ohm and wm; vipgmia in an at.
f , . .
or pm a e m p 0 uc on la mq M. (‘. A. building, under the instruc- lh ** hhrhlhs (`mldmon- tempt to settle the pending strike of      
W 1 ' °v°r been mbdb by a' dal"' ww Ib the tlon ol` Judge Lyman (`hulkley and; ——-——-——••-•—————- 1II,IIlN> miners in the Eastern Ohio coal 311 W na • Sh, l
, Blue Grass has been mdg during the Allow-y William Nichols. it will ¢· +·1··¤· + • + ·•· •· ·• ·•· • ·• • ·• • ·•; mms, has returned to Lexington. Mr.
* ·- I The Student’• Pbotogn Int
‘. hm *h'°° m°“*hb by Dbbbbbg R°S° m•»··t cvcry 'I`u•·s¤· *’b—·~i·*g¤—¤
milk, which contains hardly 3% per (_N_t_ml lmmtg afternoon to attend the farmors' wcek, H_ S Hurkw. and Miss Mary Fishen .   _ __r__ _
h cam °f b““°" f"‘· Ib “°'d wh" Jersey l·mrt·sso¤-s uml students or all ue.l"“"`“*S“” lh *’““h"’ *"h"°”hY “‘h**“’   The gathering was larger, ir possible, ;'I`C`¥:? :}-2-T 5,
milk that is so very rich in butter fat Um_Hm_mS um invited to attend. line will address the stockmen, on Jan-; than u5ual_ ·   _   ' 2;- wo mh · I 5
that Wh€Xl IIllX8d thé BVGPBSG 18 still _W_n r_ A___ __v"_ IIMVY 22- Uh Ihr $UbJ€*'[» Hsmhk F€€d·l The time of dancing was shortened ` ' " "`V A _wwmV_VJ
considerably 8»b0V€ the 3% D6? CGD! Patyonizg Our AdvgrtiSgrS_llilg·" lhy thc fuct that the lights were, V
WM"'! ·*‘**——·_‘"*Ar’—r— " ’ ”"'T*"’“" “‘ "’"*”""’ W' ‘ ' TT · through some injury to the wircs, sud- W     S IZ t
Pl   T, ·· ·~ _, l denly extinguished. B      
. ·' I ’ - .4/   g    
‘ ` ‘ I I y wa in t k
». { · •··
AY . - _ I _   yr __ fi , V _ eh . fs soles, when we SEW
_ •   _ I y y `  ___“ ly V ·_* _ _ , oo   then on for the same
' l _ ¤ _ · rl, ; ` Q,   ;g?=;_4   ,_,_   i __ . ‘ , ‘ 4 ’ aj   prnce, Work dong while
,   I -» 1 » ’ ~    igc  i ·1 S as   ' ·*"*’ A.   e I BER SH   ’°“ “'“"·
{ "’ 4 / / f . lim l `    ,\   .   X" /’ ’ .
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, - · __ _ t I —· »» ·  , { » . g,· 4 — ,4i—?,*·§ ‘E?`¤\ Ulllllagll Uulck SMB HBDBIIIIIQ
I l ' •· ` 4 A` r id`. ·` · ' · •
»~ _ "Q Q $; 2 ‘ ?   j, U·R» _, sg NEXY! 113 South Broadway
` ;‘- h `* ‘, lg;. L ‘ ··;f jr   y `,\\  ___ ______
    I { °’   HAIRCUT I5? SW1 I0? ° Kinkcad Coal Co,
~ ‘ V ‘ , exczv1sMun0Av.s. , _ _ _
I :_ - I TuRKIsH,$HowER&PLAIN k Anthracntc and Bitummous
.4 .1,, » a. <•B2X’T`HS°  
‘··~ ‘ "&?‘:;:~;~, _ N, snsmunr usumm•s1t‘LLxIncron.Kv  _
I "`*‘··•·L:____ V  ~ — ~ ' L .
exmgton, - Kentucky
.. ` “ S _ ••••••••••••••• 
• • --__ ‘·  
" i · ·»- ··· ·-·—— ~—··-......,,,,,_ I-· M- LMI- 1Acx uuuu
` · rrr ·**··=•u¤......__,L_ _
· _ · Phoenix H aberdashery
f V . Styles for College Men
Q and
S Makers of English Clothes
g .
I Phmnix H¤t•I Block ' q K
rr   Q

 4 T H E I D E A • "
..;.__.; •...._  .•-—- • -—-—  ·-....1-—•¤••-a t-an ·»~-1 
tthlngs like thls can happen there’s s
    chance .for some of the students to get •
""""'.lt"tt.1'§KtQ"{}'.f&".‘§-’.t3".§l“§'L‘2.‘1E.2l‘;S.‘¥'?tf2t¥.'.!§'tl’l.t"€§.'l`l‘l$?~‘ "°"’ °"‘ °' °"°""'"" Weekly Sermonette
graduates, alumni and faculty of the lnstltutlon. Ao ..As_.. mon who hum to uy th“I
THB IDEA ls the offlclal newspaper of the University. lt ls lssned wlth wh"° IM K°m°°ky m° °°m° °°° °°°`
the vlow of furnlshln; to its subscribers all the college news of Kentucky, ond tn the apple judging contest, the KILL TI"! H°N°R UYUTINT
 atthmz glgsoof items of interest concerning the unlversltlea of doponmom con bout of Home MMI ,_____
___To_;T:;o;;;;_;o_;:ot The o o It I to ;_ __;;__T;é_:: who no boot tho worhh Noord In not What would we thlnk of Jlm Park lf he had made ms teams by under-