Judge Coleman Named —1;;e;,;,,;,,,,,,,,,- .t.; type as "Tl1e Country Store"
Te Hfiiid UK Alumni  1Q1Z;»,; ,`~-_·v-   A`Id_Z Z   -._,,,,,__,.; ____ _, and the theme is 011 country news-  
Bowling Gi-cen 6*0**1* ,1 `,·. _ ‘      paper editors. This record will be A
y J udse Robert M- Cclomoui was . ._V»     additionally valuable because of pl
_ t elected president of the Warreii in   the fact that the subject will soon   A
 i Ciiliiliy Club Oi the University of   »:.:»i‘   ~;;, ho a triiditioii.
Keuiucky for alumui mm fmimm   ....--- A S
mmlimu oi iis mmiuizaiiou mem-   Form
ing at nie Helm hotel July ze.   Dr. Best Returns i mm,
Jmlm Colimm mmm ei msi-   Di-. Hoii-y Boot, of iiio Sooioioty K l"’“‘F€
i master at the * Alumm Amociiileui   me duties tho Sooouol ‘¤€l‘lll of the i Wi
was guest of nom- one Spotter.   iu¤uhoi· quoiioi. it Si
Other officers 11amed were Miss   i?‘· D1·. Best was serving with the were H
Holm Powell, rico i>i·miiui mm   Fooioioi soooity Agency it mth. , liium
Q Miss Frances Anderson, secretary   ington. iiiiiiii
. and treasurer. DR_     --—--———··—··· iiialgi
Former students desiring to af- Carroll Gullion Heads Firm mms  
, filiate with the organization may Clark t°_RcpmSimt Book Of Managing and Con' 1 Shoo]
i oootoot Miss Anooroonh Concern in Kentucky sultmg Engineers but Oi
Momboro ottoodioo tho diooor Dr. Tom Clark of Lexington, Carroll Gullion of the Class of Confci
Woro Judoo Colomoo, ML and head of thedepartment of History 19t)4 with some of his wartime to th,
M1_o|El_ooo,oGI_ooo1_y’DI_’oodMI_S· 111'the Universtiy, has been ap- friends and associates recently (mol.,
IJ. Y. Loooootoo Mo ood Mrs. E. pointed Kentucky. representative organized a firm of Management M12
I_I. Conon’H.B· Groy’W·B·Korr’ of tllé new publishing firm of Engineers or Business Consult- prom,
Chorloo L Taylor, W. J. Croioo Farrar, Strauss and Company. ants to be known as the American lnent
Joo Covington, Ro M. Parrish, Mrs. Book ideas and manuscripts may Commerce Corpo1·at1on of Cleve- vestio.
Chorlos H, Mooro, Mrs. W. H. be submitted to l11m at the Uni- land, Ohio. Mr. Gullion is presi- Child,.
, Niohous, Miss Aodorooo ood Miss versity, according to the an- dent of the firm a11d maintains ourom
· Powoul Mrs. Colomon, o formor 11o1111cement. his home i11 New Castle, Ky., and nance
Smdont Woo also oorouoo oo o Dr. Clark has been on the Um- spends much time 111 southern andai
, member. versity faculty 15 years and dur- Fiomdik iiiiiich
i Guests were Miss King, Thomas ing that iillllli ill? MS Pllbiisiwd Siiicii _i€i’iViiig iiia Uiiiviiiiiiii reiioiii
, Ho Como,.) Fmnkfort; MPS. E. D. Sovoml books on Konmoky and Mr. Gullion has spent his time in “'lllCl1
‘ Shimmok, Loxingtoo; Mrs. John has kept in Contact with every Industrial Engineering and busi- lll`0·l>ei
. Whitaker, Rusmlvmoy and Mrs. Writor of Hoto in tho Stotom Hm ness management field. Some wliich
' Roger Parrish. ‘ history of Kentucky is a textbook yiiiiiis he Siiiiiit iii_ Eiiiiopii but is giii
· MR Comm., 3 mombm of me and one of the most important Eaiiioigifig i;i_Aiii‘;ii°iii];§l°iii;igi mth?
i Board Of Triisec Of the Univeiisiiy gioks Omffts kin; in the Ebmry (E Siirift & zo. i1imi93ESand enlisted _ that 1
  Exiimmve Couimittee Oi ihc mmm mma` WO gi Gr We in the Army where he was ad- _ iiack
iversity Alumni Association known books arc, Phe Ken- Vooood to tho Tonk of Liootolmm broug
and·a past presmdent ol tl1e Asso- tucky" 111 the Rivers of America Colooolh Wlloll boooooo of his ago sugh
ciation, spoke informally to the series and "The Country Store/’ he ,.otm.od fron] the Army he be- - makin
ggoignnio/rorgme building plans for an excellent book dealing \Vltll oamo vice-president and general , up tht
Y- one of the most niteresting fea— mouagoy of 3, Company in Dallas, . to dat
At, the conclusion of the pro- T\11'l’S of tlle SO1li;ll,D1‘. Clark, WllO Texas, prO(lu(3i]ig· war I11at€Yl3i· (Mi`-
gram every member of the Bowl- llils jllsi l'<’Tlll'll€