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  {  A
    T, . _     tion of assistant (l11'GCt01' 111 the i
. A   offiee of Public Relations for the j
          _ I __‘_   » Ilniversity. She was Associate  
  E1>€*¤‘€<* in each %
° °   :i. l A . ****6- R**l>*‘€‘$<’**ti**2‘ the II**i1’€*‘Sity E
1 Chauncey Forgey of Ashland,     sl1e took an ll]l])O1`t&l1lt part i11 the  
Ky., edito1· ol? the Ashland Daily   01'§l‘€ll1lZHTl0]1 of Boosters Clubs  
. ,  l§s@:;=*  . . - !·
Indepeiident 2lll(l past ]ll"GSl(l(’llT ot 1;g’g§;§;§g§g§g§;i2§= sigigggz§==;;z§;§;§;§§§;Q5§5§5i;;.¥;2;i;§2§g§2§g§;;g§;$g§g§g§gig;igigi5§g§;§;§g§g§;§;;;§2§;¢‘  Illlolliilmllt tht? Stal? ¤1¤M<>¤ . Z;  v***·»   ·=`‘ » “1“‘“¥ Q**<'*“’* “l**** the °*****·  
1 . . »    5;%;iiiiQ5?ie::;.i2&?i2;i?$22%%2i2&2i%%iiii%é%&%%i%¥i  ‘   ‘ - · · · - . M 1·
and T0l'll1(’1' student of tl1e Univer- V   ·=·‘·‘   lldlgll lm funds fm the ·Uh1€tI(  
. . . »*=P» .-   ’ 1     ' 1· .· ' · ·-   ·
sity was elected president ot the  . _ ;.;·=¤<§;1;;;;;;i;i;;5;2; gte--·  \"0°A‘m°u AAAS m pl Oglcsl t1
I'111ve1·s1ty ot Kentucky Alllllllll 1 @_1§>€¢;g"_Z i··r¤»==-;· 1 -1=·’·;. 5     b<·1¤at<>r llilham Blanton, wht *_
‘ 1 .,:_ ;;¢»*—* ="-¤¥g._ 1 I   .. . . . V . ‘ “
Association for the yea1· l946-47. Z.     ‘   “"* °l“t"d to lhl Exeultlve  
T] T l { _   .   ....  2   —‘ Coiiiniittee of the Alunini Assoeia- j ‘
IG ‘lllll(>llllU(‘lll(’l1. was 1ll‘l( e ·1 1 ¤£_-;;e;—:=s?1 sn  - g;:§&;:;;;f¤;1=;=i2;gi2§2;§¢i2§:;;Z-.._ . . a ·
( . I ( ( ·(   .  E;.    TI()1l \\';lS §.1`1‘&(lll&ll€(l f1`O1H H10 UH}   _
the illllllléll ineetnig ot tl1e assoe1a—   i  Ti ·=·--.  $5;, .;g;g@§5§i§;§§§;§»§%;;s:§;¤i§;§§E§E¤£.5;  “_l_%iT\, in 19k) 1] md 1.€u,i\.€d hi. i,
. . . . ?§i?‘ ¤¤"·A V  "°§?§$§FiiiéiiiiiiéiiiéSi§$i€;?€$§Zf€§:§?‘?§i;·»’i   ‘ · ` “ ‘ ` 5
1 tion. and was tl1e result ot a mail = ;?1;- ._     LL BA (](,(,.].€(, in ]q·>6 Hp is ai Im '
— .  -.=.i£$E3Q .`...e   ·=;. ¥ =·· fi *1.`·   ‘ ‘ ‘*` '“ ‘ e ` ·
- ballot. SGIIAC Olll by the oifuee to all  .;§;§g§;g§;._.;é;ig§g§§§g;& zig? Itgsésizizisiszsiiiaziiziiii;;§;E;§§s§§;§5§;é@i?§;§;l§j;§;2;·& .:=‘ z $1»e   {ive of R]@]]]]]()]](l Iiv but fo] 1 ·
  ,‘°= ea ’ ·A "
aetive 1ll€‘llAll)Gl'S of tl1e association. - - mam- yam-S has been a pmiytjcjng , ‘
1 , CHA N Y . A · · · A A
1 M12 Fome}, is pwt g.0v(,mO1. me U CE E FORGEY attorney 111 Paris, 2l11(l was Police .
his (ligtrict of Rotary ]]]’[o1·]];]ti()]]- l)l\’lSlfA>ll. lie llzl]] ;]Cf]\*(¤ ]]] (jl\71c AU) lll? l'2llll{ Ol` .l11(‘llIGll2lllt C()l()]l(’l to the Stdto §()H(lt(‘ 130 lb dn ac ·
and {Inge]-sity affajyg fm- many a11d returned to civilian status i11 UV? ]ll‘i’mb91` of the .Alumm AS A  
B-(ima HO has been A m(e,m])()]. me tl1e suniiner of M45. He is a farm- S0€mtl0U7·?l Past llmsldeut Of th‘  
1 the QX(1t.u·[iV(, Committee of The er illltl owns and opepates the <>r;1‘a111zat1<111 2lll(ltl1llL‘1?l)(‘1`Ofilh gp
. . , , _ n   ·· · · ».   Y , Executive CO11ll11ltt€€ or severa ‘
1 llinversitv of Kentucky Aluinni I\(AmAAA`A‘AAA Amzm In l‘AA”’ hl . -‘ ·
. t . .` . , A . He is a f0l‘lll(‘1‘S€Cl‘Oi2ll‘\'illltl also Yetlrs pmt- HP was Orgamzatlol ‘ .
Association sinee 19+Lo, and IS an _ _ · _ _] _ -_ _ f H B Oqew (lub 0.
_ ._ _ _ . to1·111<>1· Tl'G2lSlll’l’l` ot tlie Alllllllll * l*mm1‘*l. 11)-ll.; as a ('H]}l`{ll]l in the (`anipns at the annual business and has been 21 1l10l1ll>91‘ ot lilh W  
A  A the R(‘$C‘1'\'€S, served overseas ]1l{‘(’l[lll{_{`_ June 7,_ Miss King has Executive C(>lllllllltC(" SIHQG 1931 Q  
AlA"lll April lil-I2 to July 1943 in been aeting i’l'(‘2lSlll'(’l’ and treas- He is a \’(‘I(?l'Elll of \V01`l