l through a wooded area, contact • • l Ma°
Ch31°l€$ E- Tucker with tha battalion on the left had Dlmmlck Returns i R l
' bee lost" the citation stated. . · · ·. . . · l
M       MHD 1 7 b .7 d ti t t i D1.   B.`l?11l1l1llCl(y dnectoi of i  
o ?lSo o Sollo lo S lollg the Ch1ld Guidance Service here · Maj
i' Cllllllos E· 'l`ll°k€l`» _Wll°_ Wills ollomy fol`ooS llool o 1·<>e<1J¤¤¤t1<>¤ who has recently returned from loayo l
graduated from llllo Ulllvellslty lll tllroolollod tllo exposed flollk of Ar1ny duty in Europe and resumed to Lai]
. 1932 and received a masters de- the leading yifle elements of his his Work Willi tho sorvioo, was armod
g1`€€ 111 $(11611% 111 1934 and also battalion with direct rifle a11d iirihriiial spoaksr at ai liiiishooii isis,
added a master of science degree automatic weapons fire. There- ihooiiiiir or rho hoarrl or (lirootors Maj
lll Pllllllo _ll°altll lll 19431 ls edu` llpoll Wllll lltlol CllSl`og*°ll`(l fer Pol" June 10 at the Lafayette hotel. Conti.,
· €3»t101'13ld11'€ot01` f01" 15116 K€11t11€kY sonal safety, and under continu— \ r r h i t 1 l I
•·· · · . . { ' Qi" Pi Oli: ` le
d1VI$10I1 of NIB A111€1'103I1 C&110€1‘ ous enemy maclnne gun, sniper, U1 vlllilrellog il, ll? Ci O Gigi SDTW Rgllh
Society and 1111d€1` his l€&d€1`S111P mortar and intermittent artillery l“;"i*l _} boi um lif {ij i1`   *_°l`ili’
courses in the study of cancer are fire, Major Mattingly personally mth je _€Sll_ On ieillil flllliloill me ‘
being offered in the State. led a small group from his bat- gm eirl Silliiu im, lefomgcr lim HH
· • ' i , y iw- (T .
Though the <¤1eSS€S were ar- talion against tha ahamy strong- ifllll _l ‘ 9; _°¤"‘lllll== O 1° wady
ranged primarily to give cancer point at the road section and with ufl Summm mm` llllll lll
i €dllC3.lZlO1l to 'l',€&Cll€I'S, HUTSGS {Mild fhg Supporij Of iiigptgiy flyer xvhigh »l&l(il( B1'}'2lll, Cll21l1‘1llEll1 of the Offloo
H1€mb€1‘S of U18 Field A1‘111Y 0tl1€1‘S he personally adjusted, the board, presided at the meeting at “`lll@l1
· who will desire to attend may do Shi-Ong Enemy threat to hig igadiiig which reports of work done dur- P‘1S€
so. elements was destroyed." ing the month were made. It was *lllS€llo
i Nazareth College in Louisville The oiratioii statorl that Major announced that Miss Judith Key: i UHF -
was the first to offer the course. Maltiiigly iiiaolo his Way ovor tor_ who has been acting d1rector ot Co1111l5
____.1_l.... raiii Whioh had hot hooh oloarorl the serviceriluring Dr. Dimmicl;’s Sag¤
of rho oiioihy aiirl horsoiially os_ absence, wil resume her regu ar corresi
Stal. Awarded tablished contact with the battal- “'01'l{ 1111111 1116 Q§1‘011P· llilalf
· hx in n 1. w ·1 - .._...-+- *9111
¤ · 1 " `
Posthumously . ltilffiihilrv toghigpostallie{\v1slixi¤<=1J¤1¤¤S*<>¤ .
posthumously to Maj. Spencer E. , V. _ . _ _ _ . J. Pdham J<>1mSt<>¤. Lexinatw W F
Mattingly Jr. of Versailles was V ll?il°l lll§ill‘;*gl1#jl°lm“ Ulu- 21 QJ1‘€1d11?1t€ of 1116 U111V€1`S11Y 111 Rocoh
, prosoiitorl to his widow, Mrs l>ris_ loliligo S ll oll ·> Woll lll o Sollvlcc 1939, was elected commander ofthe Cyp
cilla Smallman Mattingly of Bos- m ` _ Fourth district of the Veterans of ruined
ton, at cgrgmgiiigg Jima 10 in the Members of the fe{¤11y who at- Foreign \Vars at the Jaaa 2 meet- msi]
office of Dr. Herman L. Donovan, lcnded the Pl""S€lll*lll°ll Cemnlow 1112 of tl1€ 1`€P1‘€S€11tatives of the mild
l presideiit of the University of 195 W€1‘€ MMO? M¥¤1tl9111glYlS W1f€5 15 VF\V posts, at the City Hall in For I
  Koiitiioky their daughter, Priscilla Dianne Lsxiiia-ioii_ l
‘ . . . · ° Tl
_ ca1.c.r.Maahaaaa ofthe um- 111ett1¤$1>¤ we =~¤<1,¤ M11 rem Mi, Johiisioii is amiiibai. Gia,. mal?
· varsity military staff made rho old; h1s parents, Mr. and Mrs. s 7 _ ~.»
· Spencer E Mattin¤·ly Sr Ver- ll**m‘>* A- Lucas Post., Ile M5 Group
U presentatmn, and Lt. Joseph P, _ - i e i» L Soparaiorl from rho Ariiiy wiililhc as i,i_
V Ross, also of tho military staff, sa1lles, and two l)10tl1€1`S,F1I‘SlZ t. _1 F i_ t I 1 and he Tl A.
. read tha citation which accom- oeY1€ B- lllillllllglyv 1*1110 has me °· l"“ Gllilllf °°°“`i . ii, PF ll
‘ Panied the medal. served four years as a navigator served overseas 39 mont is ni t i 1112 ho
The modal was awarrlorl to with the Army Air Forces, and Americanitheatre at 1l‘111l(li;(i?iil;  
Major Mattingly for gallaiitry in First Lt. Dudley W. Mattingly, in the Chma-lndia-Burma tiea · ill oi
aotioii iioar Luxembourg on Jani who has served four years with He was installed at the Kentucky iihsectl
S 24, 1945, in an engagement in 1l1€lVl€1PS- (lollollmolll oollllolllloll held    
which he was wounded fg/;al1y_ _’_‘”‘ilé— OW€*11$b01`0a J1111€ 14-16, illlfl lll ii UFS
"\Vhi]€ aiiaqiiiiig an Enemy Clubs hold the office for a two Yellll alexa;
force in the vicinity of Luxem- More and mo1·e Alumni of Ken- term. Colonel Johnston is a $01101 wig V
bourg Maj0r Mattingly, Third tuckY organizations will strength- the late J. Pelham Johnston \j'l1l’ S(_1_véd
Battalion executive officer, dis- en the Association. \Vrite to the was also an alumnus of the l‘111‘ April
covered that during the advance Secretary for plans and speakers. versity, class of 1900.
. _  1 H E
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