D. Chair’s Report: Presidential Search Schedule
Dr. Brockrnan asked Mr. Stuckert for a briefing on the activities ofthe presidential search
committee. Mr. Stuckert, chair ofthe committee, reported that several meetings had taken place.
The first such meeting was on November 5, at which introductions of members were
made. Barbara Jones discussed the confidentiality and code of ethics policies. The committee’s
functions and expectations as well as a tentative timetable were discussed. A private session
reviewed several consultant RFPs, after which a majority ofthe search committee met with 14 of
the 18 university deans, a group of department chairs, and other trustees for a successful
interactive session.
A week later the search committee met, then went into closed meeting. Thereafter, they
selected a finalist for the search finn and a consultant. Greenwood/ Asher & Associates, Inc. was
the search finn selected. Dr. Jan Greenwood, from Greenwood/Asher, leads the search team.
She also worked for the search finn that assisted with the search when President Todd was hired
in 2001.
The search committee has fonnulated a position announcement incorporating interview
comments and other items from the retreats. The announcement is scheduled to appear in The
Chronicle of H igher Education on December 10. Subsequently, the committee will begin to
accept nominations.
Mr. Stuckert thanked the many people and groups who have cooperated to move the
process this far: Faculty gave important input in three town hall meetings. Director of
Purchasing Bill Harris and a team of others from his area received and reviewed RFPs
professionally with Mr. Stuckert and Mr. Mobley. Mr. Stuckert announced that the search
committee office is on the second floor of UK’s Helen G. King Alumni House. Others thanked
were Tom Harris and his team, including Jay Blanton and others at Public Relations, for their
wordsmith talents, and Peggy Way for her ef`fectiveness in assuring that all ofthe required tasks
get done and for keeping everything in order. Mr. Stuckert also invited everybody to visit the
committee’s web site at www.uky.edu/presidentialsearch.
On January 28, separate campus forums will begin for faculty, staff; and students. Mr.
Stuckert invited all trustees to attend the forums. There will be a presidential search committee
meeting on the aftemoon of the 28m as well as an evening perfonnance of Porgy and Bess that
might also interest the board members.
E. President’s Report (PR 1)
President Todd led into his comments on the following items in PR 1 by saying that an
inordinate number of good things have happened at UK recently.
UK Celebrates Opening of Confucius Institute