gained exposure to state-of-the-art leadership training developed by some of the nation’s best
"gamers” and strategists. The Patterson School joins only Princeton University’s Woodrow
Wilson School for Public and International Affairs and Georgetown University’s Institute for the
Study of Diplomacy in having such partnerships with the Anny War College’s Center for
Strategic Leadership. The first exercise took place in November and another will occur again in
fall 2011. Patterson Director Carey Cavanaugh’s efforts are largely responsible for the events.
F. Naming of University Property (PR 3)
President Todd recommended that the Board approve the naming ofthe UK College of
Agriculture Fann in Woodford County as the C. Oran Little Research Center. Dean Little
orchestrated the purchase ofthe fonner Pin Oak Fann in Woodford County about the time that
the university was establishing Coldstream as UK’s research campus. Throughout his 12-year
tenn Dean Little was fully engaged in the planning, design, and development ofthe new research
fann, and it is appropriate to designate it now with his name.
Dr. Brockman asked for a motion of approval of PR 3. Mr. Mobley moved approval. His
motion was seconded by Ms. Patterson and passed without dissent. (See PR 3 at the end of the
G. Approval of an Exception to Kentucky Statute (PR 4)
President Todd explained that PR 4 requests approval by the Board of an exception to
Kentucky Revised Statutes 164.131(7), which defines conflicts of interest, to allow a purchase
from Arturo Sandoval, a prominent faculty member in the College of Fine Arts. The UK Arts in
HealthCare Program will provide local, national, and intemational art throughout the new
Chandler hospitals and clinics. The program is proposing to contract to purchase an original
piece of art from Mr. Sandoval. The university’s Ethics Committee has examined the proposed
purchase thoroughly and has declared that this purchase presents no conflict of interest.
President Todd has considered the proposal in light ofthe Ethics Committee detailed opinion,
accepts that committee’s conclusions, and recommends approval ofthe contract with the
Dr. Brockman asked for a motion of approval for PR 4. Mr. Stuckert moved approval.
Mr. Roberts seconded, and the motion passed without dissent. (See PR 4 at the end ofthe
President Todd wanted the Board to know about one more item of interest. Two of UK’s
outstanding professors, Professor William Endres, Department of English, and Professor Brent
Seales, College of Engineering, have collaborated to bring to the attention ofthe world two
ancient documents: the St. Chad Gospels produced in 730 A.D, and a Wycliffe New Testament.
Mr. Seales and his team have put together both a video and an article on how they went about the
work of examining these important ancient documents. Their work has received recognition
recently in The Chronicle of H igher Education, higher education’s most prominent publication.