Also, the U.K. experiment has revealed that meat- ment as rapidly and economically as possible.
t e ho ·s make ee uallv fast and as economical ains Of the first 28 certified Ham ishire meat·tv Je litters
P_ t l . . _ . _
2 as fat-type hogs. in the country as a whole, the Kentucky Experiment
The annroach to the 1neat—tv>e hog iroblem bein Station roduced six. This is as many as an· other
1 G l n ' · 4
E taken at the Kentucky Experunent Station 1S of a herd 1n the country up to that [1l11€.
i practical nature and for the most part can be used by
A breeders and commercial producers to locate Slll)€I`lOl` —
' producing strains. ()ne purebred swine record assocta- _ {   ‘
; tion inaugurated a similar program for their breeders __ _ _ _ .
‘ " this past year. Three more associations have started · _‘—" Vt .   . . .
,. testin · irorrams this sirinv. The U. S. De >artment   { V `Q? ._.,   ‘ · at, _
} _ ·_ · l rs _ · .    
Q of Agriculture has recently started a field program in   _   , Vg ,y_) gig.   -.-. if     __p3 ; _°_· ·   ·
cooperation with purebred breeders and agricultural     1;};-:·=%£_? ~_‘` ·;»;  ;·»*V   ···.` E'?2.;iQ i · _ ’
4 colleges in the Mid-west in an attempt to locate fast- V V-.__z:___‘·.   ‘`:·.   _   4 {
gaining, economical 111€21[-[}’})€ l10gS [OY l)Y€€dlng Pup       .··.     I, _l__ _
Q. ])0$€$· ` ‘-·‘   .   N »   ‘
· -   ‘»-*·     s   N    5   .—.. .· »
Hog producers should have as their goal eight or __   wi <      —· ~
~ more pigs per l1[[C1` that average at least 40 pounds   __ 4 ; X · i     -V-· - · ··
Y each at 8 weeks, and 200 pounds in zi to 1)%   X fe .   _   J.   ..
A months. These hogs should make 100 pounds of gain   {   · ·—      . »
on 300 to 350 pounds of feed. The carcass of a good   ,_   ` \'   g.
200—pound meat-type hog should measure 30 inches     .  " ;_ `   U -» ·  
*3 in length and have an average backfat thickness 110t     ""   _ » ·¥ 4    ___A‘   ` ·»
at more than 1.6 inches and preferably around 1.5 inches.   ,_! ’ A _  " ·     ‘·_` ..3, fQi_f . , ._
_ Fifty to 55 percent of the carcass should be composed     ~ i  ·  ‘* `   `·_·       _.
of lean meat. The 1054 spring-1`arrowed pigs tested   x ` _ QQ  xg, v "   ·.~· >    
A at the Kentucky Experiment Station produced car-     {Q _     S**‘ gg r`_5+.·.,j. _-V. 5 i.p_ . {   .
casses with an average backfat thickness of 1.6 i11cl1es,     i`}     ' °·_~+  e  
a len th of 29 inches, 53.4% lean cuts, and an avera ·e       · t . f · 1-  =. ,·.=.» `,··§‘_.f_..’§?l:g:—    ·
' . . , . ’ .     ~ · - Ht   .__   ·.·_    
rib eye of las square inches. T hese pigs averaged 1.72     M '· _, V .   gg ‘   ,·   x _-_·. t t
F pound daily gain from weaning to 200 pounds.   __ A_   JQ  _. ~ ,  . —   —·;.;.;;— . y _.
‘ ~ · - ·     *·‘_ T .   .1 · "     . . ~ = i 5
P Swine growers cannot afford to ignore the con-     yy 5;;,;., A .   _ ,,;.  
b •’ Sl1ll1€1`Sl challenge to produce a meat—type hog. lf they         _ . ‘.--  
` do not meet this challenge, the American housewife   pe-··. 3     f     _
will buv less pork and more of other meats. The often-   #1 °'._ ,· J ` l   J`.   _... . ’-‘,
' M ~   ‘r  ».i   by ·` .. ..   RI .’.- z .Zz·.
heard excuse, \Vhen the packers pay me for produc-   —   ,_  , _;  
· , · - ., .     w- *-· _1  .`·fig/_:»‘_i;,¢.·7i·
_( mg lean hogs, then l ll start 1`2`llS1l1g them, IS H ]>OOl`   ‘ it ·•·-·"  `•  l`  
~ y · · ·   ».r‘.       i `  
one. It s up to the hog producer to raise l11gll·Lll12ll1[y     _ ry , . :.— ` V,.  .,_.  
·· · · —  ’¢= #·-‘    ' .   .. I ‘   ..·,· ·  
q meat-tvpe hogs if thev intend to get their share of the         -   .._..‘  
' ~ - Q ·   ·   ~    ir-%;:33:1~’;..’j.);<€i,‘-
{ consumers dollar. Ihe research results commg from  5:- · .-i· \’ _- it   .--=  
the Experiment Station prolect descr1bed above should   ~·.j _     ~ , ·    
, f . . ‘».-.   . ». ‘ 5 . ,; ., ,  v»·   ,;;;  
l help Kentucky farmers to make this necessary adjust-   gg I .3 ;’· ,.   
  ‘·~. Clie fil. "*;   ~»'.  
,         J ’ p . *   t·a‘?  
, :!` `   ‘   `-i'   V   .   
‘ 3   q .         g   · * sa   ‘.`    · .   - = y  
é — · · " .-,’     V , 1 .   ‘-»ff *¥·`*:Ii‘1i<~".   a., *1 { ‘*zTl’T;¢*§.·i° Q
’ .       V  ''’‘‘’ 1.     -   l   l‘• “ <‘ *T>· ° 
` .   —`.c-’   " ‘ ”   S        
·  1*. ··~-»· ¢  Hr ¤’ ‘· . Ml.  ,   ~.. · ~t=·;··a ·.<
‘ ·       »   ` ~~ *3 ··.`.`   ` :i f'  
V   ````   lil   A Y i . J    .‘.—· ‘»   »   . M   ,   I . -?Zi;¥!':%·*·<.;
r al,."2,;"Z`   " ‘   ‘ ' VV ._ ·
{ _   .·   "    i  t .1 The 200·pound hog shown at the left is representa-
' =‘ gy- -4 . __ _ tive of the meat-type hogs being bred in the Experi-
. V ·`-is   ’   V. , ’ ' V ,_,_¤ ment Station herd. He made an avera e dailv ain o1`
= ;,.;. · .   .:;· . ·····:. . . g . ' g
. ‘ ”' °j` ‘ ‘     X, · · ~ ` 1.73 pounds from weaning to a weight of 2()0 pounds.
A       ..     »_   His carcass (pictured above) had an average backfat
(   ..,· ¢       -»     L *  ~` 1 M     thickness of 1.46 inches, a len th of 29.13 inches, 58.97
  _ ` I   , ‘ ’ - . ‘ . g
  "_   é- I-.’_..,.··_   · .   t - &`.   ,\ percent lean cuts, and a lom eye area of 6.27 square
*   r ·-1  if `'`’' `  l "*i'.   —l W ` · inches
ev;. ia--—~·+  · -*.¥" .~‘·' . . *