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Greetings from the Dzrector . . .
    %.,4   It is a pleasure to ex- It is toward improving and strengthening this in- Ni
c   ,, 'VV`   y T 'p't’   tend greetings and to direct and cooperative way of reaching farm people
    invite you to read and with the message of research that this new quarterly f
  cl evaluate this first issue is aimed. Only a small number of copies are printed,
»  · of our new quarterly and these of course cannot reach directly any large
.·    series of re vorts on number of farm readers.
Q   if = l work being ldone by A sound and prosperous agriculture is essential to
l ‘  `   the Kentucky Agricul- the health and soundness of our economy and society c
”  y   tural Experiment Sta- as a whole. \\'e are therefore in service not only to
    tion and on related   farm people but to all the people ol` the state. It is
  V   tension activities. with this principle in inincl that we invite your at-
’    cc  This quarterly publi- tentic>n to our new quarterly, and solicit your com- `
'· cation is launched as a ments and suggestions for intprovement.
~ means pol lllillilllg li€- Si“C€1_cl>_,
. ports of progress in ie- ·
V .   search and education
i ‘ . ° more; readily available   ·
to agricultural aucl other leaders of the state, and y Y _
thereby to make morc· ellec tive our program of provid- 1‘¤¤¤¤l<   ll €l¤¤`¢1· __
ing neeclecl inlorination to the public.
Reseaichwcarelully controlled investigation of the ‘
problems lacing farm Iieople—provicles the solid base »
ol lac ts upon which sound progress in farming. home-
making, and rural life can be built. The facts found I .
in research, liowevc·r, do little or no good until the      
pc·ople who need them actually hnd out about them Page E
ancl put them to use. Important discoveries which lie , , `
hiclclen in laboratory notebooks or in the minds of Nlcotme Problem °''`'''''''`'''`'''''''''``''``'``'' 3 4, 
only a few people seldom light the way to progress. Quick Nicotine TES"; ··-·····-······-·············- 5 »
lly and large, it is the responsibility of the lixtension Better Burley Vqrieties ____________________________ 1 L
Neivice in .\gric ulture and Home lzconotnics to tnlorin Tobacco Work at Wesgern substation   8
the public ol results ol larm and home researcli. l·or _
this iob ol inlortnatiou we have farm and home agents Burley Romhons ‘'‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘ 9
in the counties, state specialists, local leaders, home- Durk Tobuccc ........................................ 11 `
uialcers` clubs aucl l-ll clubs. l)enionstrations and M€¤t_Typ€ Hogs ____________________________________ 12
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