The first fruits were harvested _]uly 2 and another
N D° f harvest was made july 6. Yield of these two harvests
` Q     0 from the plots receiving the full treatment averaged
1326 pounds per acre. The fruits averaged   ounces
, • each and 85 percent were marketable. ln contrast, V
{     only 136 pounds averaging about 2 ounces each were
harvested on these same dates from the plots treated .
'¤ only with parathion and manzate, and few of these
A   were marketable. However, the total yield (early plus
` tp later harvests) from the plants given the full treatment
did not differ significantly from the yield of plants A
Q By \\'. D. Armstrong, Department of Horticulture [mated Only wlfll Pal`*llhlO“ and lllflmllll`-
’ Treatments in the field and in the greenhouses at
_ Lexington have given about the same results, but the
[ A new disease Oi appies llas been iniind in be ennsing tests in y northern Kentucky demonstrated they impor-
_ * seiiens dennnge in snnie Kenineksi nppie pinniings as tance ol having the chemicals together in solution and _
well as in lndiana, Illinois, and other nearby states. *ll’Pll€(l as fl “`llOl€ Plfllll 5Pl`?l)’· “ll€ll lll€ <`ll€l“l¢`?ll$
• The organism (BOf)`;\‘().S`/)f1llC)`f(1 rifzis) causing this dis- “'l?l`€ illlllllell S€l’*ll`?ll€ll`» Ollc llollowlllg lllc Olllcll lllc
,,- ease, known as (-in-i-iini Cane biigini has ii wide range ellects were not so pronounced as when they were
of hosts and causes a characteristic bark canker and a llllX€(l lOg€lll€l`·
" soft type of fruit 1`OL. ln Kentucky, bark damage and
i limb and twig killing have been most severe on Rome, ”#”‘"'*Y"%
·r Paducah, and Golden Delicious varieties, and fruit l
rotting has been serious on Golden Delicious. Red
if Delicious, Rome, Paducah, and others in few orchards. I • •
" This trouble has been noticed only recently but has    
_ spread rapidly within plantings. It is thought that the
after-effects ol the severe winter of 1950-51 and of the
ep severe drouths of the past three years have made the    
trees more susceptible to the canker phase of the dis-
» sg ease. Little is known so far about control of the canker
J Plllls€¤ lllll l`l”ll)ll’lll and llllcb seem l0 be llellllilll lll I’>y_]an1es Herron, Department of lintomology and Botany
i curbing the rotting of the fruit. ‘
s` Studies of this disease are being made in several
llll@l“'€$l€l`ll $l?ll€$· Nimblewill (Mizlileiibergia sclrre/veri) is a hne-stem-
med perennial grass troublesome on lawns. 'l`ests were ‘
h ”"_'Aé_"—T begun last year to control this pest in mixed bluegrass I
and nimblewill turf. Several materials, at different ·
{ rates of application, were applied as sprays at the end
· . ’ ° of May, lune, _|uly, and .»\ugust. Materials used were
      potassium cyanate. maleic hydrazide, 'l`(1.·\ sodium salt,
‘ alanap, sodium chlorate, and premerge.
ln November, at least 80 percent of the top growth
~;     of nimblewill was killed on plots treated with either
. maleic hydra/ide at rates of 40 or 60 ounces per l000
fi square feet, or 'l`(1,<\ sodium salt at the rate of I0
)   (il)(lC SlllglClill`l', l)Cl')2lll\llCIl[ of H()lll(.lll[lllC ()llll('CS Pcli   S(Ill2ll`C ficcl. lf·()I) iJ'l`()\\'lfl Oli l)lll(`gl`iIN5
i had been injured, but was recovering. ()n plots treated
with the other materials in May. ‘|une, and _|uly, both
_, ln an attempt to induce earlier yields, tomatoes the bluegrass and the nimblewill were injured, but
being grown in northern Kentucky for early market both were recovering.
A were treated with a spray composed of boron, corn (Lrass on plots treated .#\ugust Fil with potassium
. sugar, and a fruit—setting hormone in combination with cyauate, maleic hydrazide, and 'l`(I.·\ was severely in-
the insecticide parathion and the fungicide manxate. iured and had not recovered by November I2. ()n the
’ "freatment was applied on May 20 and May 25. 1951, plots treated .»\ugust 31 with premerge or with sodium
I with a knapsack sprayer. (jheck plots were sprayed chlorate there was no evident injury to either the
.r} with parathion and man/ate only. bluegrass or the nimblewill.