Friday, April


2, 1937

Hal Goodman to Play At
Engineers Ball Tomorrow
Kentucky chapter of Triangle will
entertain from 0 to 13 with their
formal Saturday night In
the alumni gymnasium.
The music will be furnished by
Hal Ooodman and tila orchestra.


Little Jack Littles Band
To Swing At Junior Prom

burn, Mary Neal Walden, Dixie
Abram, Ruth Waatharford, Marian
Mehler. Charlotte Prrclval, Jessie
Wilson, Beth Doyle, Ruth Hammers-ip- y,
Maxine Mayes, Nancy Noble, v
Schroeder, Suflorene Hurt, Ruih
san Price, Jane Houston, Dixie I ,
Hal Ooodman, Benny Goodman
brother, haa been featured In many Uower, Leila Jordan, Dorothy Sanof the nations outstanding danct son, Mary Frances Hollldny, Julia
rendezvous including Castle Farm. Hogue, Hollls Huddle, Dot Compton,
Trianon Ballroom, Southern Tavern Lois P. Brown, Elizabeth Dietrich,
and The Club Greyhound. He ha Juanlta Zwelgart, Mildred Lewis,
and Lucy Keyser.
also played lor proms and fraternity dance at Ohio State University,
Miami University, University of InSigma Chi Elects
diana, and Notre Dame.
Lambda Lambda held election of
Decorations will consist of bal- officers last week and the following
loon diops, corner displays and a war
elected: J. B. Stephenson,
ovr the orchestra. president; J. E. Chester,
Tho lighted fraternity shield wlli
May Lamberton Becker, memGordon Bugle, secretary; Wll-il- s
be mounted behind the orchestra
Jones, treasurer; Oscar Gray,
ber of the literary staff of the
on a black and gold background. assistant editor; Lawrencs Francis
New York
auMembers of the decoration commitBoland, maglster; Jack Sullivan,
thor and commentator, who will
tee are N. I. Oebhart and B. H. ustos; James Palmore, historian;
deliver a series of addresses on
Herman D o t s o n, lnterfraternlty
The guests of the chapter will be council representative.
the campus, beginning April 8.
Mary Jane Eddie, Dot Nichols,
Mary Lou Dixon, Frankle Griffin,
Alpha Xi Delta Elects
Helen Frantz, Juanlta Seyfert, VirXI chapter of Alpha XI Delta anWebb,
ginia Robinson,
Natalie Corbin, Betty Prather, El- nounces the election of the followBrown, ing officers : president, Margaret
len Overstreet,
Katherlne Crouse, Loralne Hooe, Stewart, Lexington;
Lenore Fonvllle, Anita Ware, Sue Virginia Ferguson, Cloverport; secHickman, Rosa Lee Claxton, Mat-ti- e retary, Anne Wyatt, Paris; treasurLawrence, Dorothy Neal, Jean er, Elaine Allison, Mlllersburg; asAnn Overstreet, 8ue Sparks, Nancy sistant treasurer, Evelyn Ewan, Over 200 State High School
Lipscomb, Evelyn Ewan, Mary Lexington; corresponding secretary,
Students Compete In Con
Downey, Elaine Allison, Ruth Oay, Sue D. Sparks, Lexington; marshal!.
tests Held On March 26 and
Gladys Royce, Danville; Chaplin,
Elsie White, Mary Wooldrldge, Kay
Barnard, Ethelda Bryson, Betty Jean Gloster, Middlesboro; historian, Lovaine Lewis, Lexington;
Phelps, and Edna Brumagen.
Two hundred high school students
The chaperons are to be Dr. and Journalism correspondent, Jean Mcirom an parts or Kentucky partiMrs. Frank L. McVey, Prof, and elroy, Princeton.
cipated in the instrumental solo
Mrs. C. S. Crouse, Prof, and Mis.
D. V. Terrlll, Mr. Steve Saunler, National Inspector Entertained and small ensemble nerMnn nf th
Kentucky High School Music Fes
Mr. and Mrs. .A. L. Chambers, Prol.
and Mrs. Philip Emrath, Dean and Regional Augustine Piatt, National pus wnicn was neia on tnis camInspector of Delta Zeta
March 28 and 27, under the
Mrs. J. H. Graham, Dean and Mis.
is a guest at the chapter house this auspices 01 me aepartments of mu-- 1
W. E. Freeman, Mrs. Ethel B. Fish,
week. The actives and pledges ensic and extension.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. McClaln, Dean
tertained with a
Ralph E. Rush, director
Sarah Blandlng,
Sarah day afternoon at formal tea Thurs- Heights High School band of Cleve-of
the chapter house
Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Clint Hofl-maland Heights. Ohio, and Eugene J.
Col. and Mrs. B. E. Brewer, in her honor.
Weigel, professor of music, Ohio
Dean and Mrs. T. T. Jones, Prof,
, ... . ... ... , , vj.iiuuiuu.i,
Phi Alpha Delta Elects
and Mrs. Nollau, and Mr. Robert
W. Splcer.
Phi Alpha Delta, legal fraternity, the iudees for the event whlrh in
cluded string bass, violin, cello,
announces the election of the folstring quartet, oboe, violin, viola,
Kappa Initiation
lowing officers:
Oscar Whitlow, clarinet, bassoon,
woodwind quin
Beta Chi of Kappa, Kappa Gam- Kevll, justice; B. T. Moynahan, tet, string trio, trumpet, fluegel
ma announces the initiation of Lu- Nlcholasvllle, vice Justice; Joe Free-an- horn, saxophone,
cy Elliott, Elizabeth Zimmer, Sarah
Paducah, treasurer; Roger horn, baritone, tuba, and French
tromMcLean, Ruth Peak, Kathertoa Womack,
marshall; bone, and xylophone performances.
Richardson, Patricia Hamilton, all and C. C. Wells, Hazard, secretary.
Glenn Mohnev. of t.h TTntuprRitv
of Lexington;
Training School, the only trumpet
Laurie Cannon, Verpiayer in ine contest wno was rated
sailles; Genevieve Montgomery,
"superior," was the pupil of Bob
Frankfort; Bee Flcklen, Charleston,
Orlfflt.h of t.h
W. Va.: Mary Morton Klrkpatrlck,
composer of the march, "The LitParis; Patty Fteld Van Meter, Wintle Colonel." The complete results
chester; Ruth Gay, Winchester;
of the event may be obtained from
Clementine Cooper, Georgetown.
the department of extension, where
the participants who placed are
Delta Tan Delta
Sigma Nu Initiation and
rated as "superior," "excellent," or
Bob Freeberg drove to Richmond "good."
Tuesday night.
Gamma Iota of Sigma Nu anGeorge Scott was a guest of John
nounces the initiation of tha following: Don Doelker, Clncinatl; Ollmore at his horns in Jenkins
Curt Denny, Perk Hamilton, and during the holidays.
Ed Meusehler spent the holidays
Dennie Gooch, Somerset;
Gordon, Madisonville; Tom Wat-kin- s, visiting In Mlllersburg.
Winners of Fraternity and
London; James Howell, Hod-ge- n
Ed Beck drove to Chicago during
Sorority Divisions To
vU'.e : C. B., Marcum, Berea; and the holidays. He was accompanied
Alvtn Stacey, Cumberland.
Receive Cups
by Glen Carl.
Gamma Iota of Sigma Nu anBen Buffet was a visitor In Nashnounces tha election of the follow- ville and Mlllersburg during Easter,
All applications for participation
ing officers: commander, Charles B.
Bob Travis spent the holidays as la tho annual Owens-OD- K
Maddox; lieutenant commander and
rushing chairman, James Gordon; the guest of E. C. Wooten In Haz April 12, sing, to be held Monday,
In Memorial hall, must be
recorder and social chairman, C. B. ard.
Orvtlle Patton and Delynne An made by next Tuesday to either
Marcum; treasurer and house manRoger
guests Mary Jane Roby at 2208-ager, George Reynolds Watkins, re- derson were the week-en- d
Brown at 2691, or at the Kernel
porter, George Kerler; assistant of Gene Combs, Hazard.
business office. It was announced
treasurer. Curt Denny; chaplin,
Louis Haynes returned from his yesterday.
Perk Hamilton, sentinel and intra- home in Owensboro. He had as his
guest Bob Freeberg, Des Plalnes, 111 group number allowed in each
mural manager, Elmer Can.
must not exceed 24 members
George NageL Delta Epsilon, 36 or be less than , and no chorus
Delta Zeta Entertained
Titusville, Penn., was a house visitor may be trained or directed by perMarie Snyder will entertain the during the holidays.
sons other than those connected
Lexington and Louisville chapters
with the fraternity or sorority.
with a formal dance
of Delta Zeta
Groups may sing accompanied or
Sigma Chi
at the Art Center on the Esplanade
unaccompanied as they wish but no
Friday night Andy Anderson's or- housebuffet supper was held at the outside directors will be allowed
Wednesday night preceding
chestra will play.
Alpha dance. About
Members of the Louisville chapter the Kappa
thirty Sigma Chls and their dates
who are planning to attend are
Florence Hagman, Ann R. Nauman, attended.
Evelyne Spears and Susan Ander
Mary Katherlne Norwood, Margaret
Lee Hartley, Sarah Maney, and son were guests at tha house lor
dinner Tuesday night.
Agnes Jungermann.
Betty Elliot was a luncheon guest
Those of the Lexington chapter
who will attend are Edith Wood- - at the house Tuesday.









Page Three


The annual Junior Prom will be
given In brilliant evenings entertainment from 8:30 to 12:00 Monday night in the Alumni gymnasium. LUt
Jack Little and his
orchestra will be featured for dancing.
Lances, honorary men's Junior
fraternity, will pledge their new
members at 10 o'clock. Following
this ceremony, the queen of tho
Junior class, Evelyn Flowers, Del. a
Delta Delta, will be crowned by the
presidert of the Junior class, Oene
The attendants to the
queen will be Mary Lou Stark, Chi
Omesra; and Eleanor Randolph, Kap.
pa D'lta. The court of the queen
will be composed of one girl from
each sorority and one independent.
They are Evelyn McAllister, Alpha
Oamma Delta; Dorothy San en,
Delta Zeta; Sarah Renaker, Alpha
Delta Theta; Oladys Royce, Alpha
XI Delta; Mildred Wheeler, Kappa




For Cwens ODK Sing

Delta Delta; Betty Jackson, Chi
3me?n; and Ray Lewis, Ind.'prn- dant.
The main committee
fnr the
'vent Is composed of Bnbby Stilts,
hnlrmun: Leon McCrosky, Rnjter
Brown, Tabor Brewer, James
The deroratln? committee is
In charge of Billy Splcer and his assistant ate Raymond Nute, Betty
Jackson, Betty Bewley, Carol Flohr,
Caroline Adams, Elizabeth Black,
Frances Woods.
Tlr rhaperones will be Governor
and Mrs. A. B. Chandler, President
and Mrs. F. L. McVey, Colonel and
Mrs B. E. Brewer, Dean P. P. Boyd,
Dean T. T. Jones. Dean 8arah
Blandlng, Dean Sarah Holmes,
Dean T P. Coopor, and Reed Wilson.
The program will be broadcast
from 9:30 to 10 o'clock.




scintillating, as captivating
as moonlight, are the new evening towns at the Fair Store.
Soft . . . feminine . . . glamorous . . . they'll make you as
lovely as the stars on a summer night All whit and every
fashionable shade. See this


Dr. Ernest W. Goodpasture,
profecsor of pathology at
University, who will talk
to members of the Bacteriological eoclety at 7:30 o'clock, Monday, in Kastle hall.
Van-derb- llt

and all directing must be done on
the stage.
The winner In the boys' group
will be given a cup awarded by
Omicron Delta Kappa and the
girls' winner a cup by Cwens. The
winning groups will also give a
special broadcast over the extension
studios of WHAS.
All competing choruses are re
quested to dress In formal clothes,
with tne women's group having
dresses as near a uniform color as

A selected group of members of

the university men's Glee club un
der the direction of Harlowe Dean,
Jr., gave a conoert at Holmes High
School in Covington yesterday,
Twenty members of the organiza
tion formed the group that gave
the concert.

Elwood Stevens, a committee of
from Kenton county,
gave a talk to the high school gioup
on "Going to College." Virginia
Rich, another commutes of 240
member from Kenton county, also
made the trip to the Northern
Kentucky city.
Adele Gensemer
accompanied the Glee club on the
240 member


memorial fund In memory of
Willard RIrus
Bradu.tte of the University with a
of arts degree in Industrial
chemistry and son of Colonel and
Mrs. Owen R. Meredith, has been
established by ths parents of the
young alumnus in the amount of
$700. Young Meredith, who lost his
life In an automobile accident in
Aug-is- r
1936. was graduated from
the University in 1933. Colonel
Meredith was commandant of the
R. O. T. C. regiment from 1928 until 192.
The principal of the Willard
Rlgss Meredith Memorial Fund. In
accordance with the conditions
pecined by Colonel and Mrs. Meredith, in making the gift, will be
maintained in perpetuity by the
fund's trustees. The annual Income
therefrom to be used as a prize "to
be awarded annually on the basis
of good citizenship,
scholarship, and the promise of
servics to the country."
It will be made each year after
a VOte bV the Staff Of th rhomUtrv
department of the College of Arts
and Sciences. The award will be
made to the senior majoring in
chemistry or In industrial ehpmls- try, who shall exemplify in the
nigne3; oegree the qualities ex
Dressed In the announcement
The fund Will be unrtpr ltnnvrtlt
control of the business agent for
purpose or investment, and under
tne general supervision of the
Board of Trustees.,
Meredith was a member of sev
eral student organizations, Including Alpha Lambda Tap, social
AlDha Chi Rtsma
chemistry society; the
tuuntii, ana was captain or the
varsity golf team.




Cut, Sour Math


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The honors this week go to
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An outstanding campus personality In her first year at
the university, Miss Richie Is
destined to add to her ever
Increasing campus laurels.

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Going Places


Hatlie Richie





Applications Due

Gamma; Mildred Lemons,
'eta Tan Alpha; Audrey Forster,
tnppi Delta; Su'nn Anderson, Del- -

Col. Owen It. Meredith Establishes 5700 Award In
Memory of His Son, Wil-lar- d
Kifffrs Meredith


Social Briefs





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