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_  (1) Milton Lynch
’ ’73 sits in ¤ • Owensboro
clussroom in »y,,
. P¤duc¤h while  
the h¤nd of his au
professor in Lex- ° P¤¤'¤¢¤l¤ , {1 wil
ington works on ; ‘; " :» ,, I ¤’ "“~
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engineering if rg   ¥ A jgk E    __)  { ll ,
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fl°“• (2) ln l·°X' to the professor. ‘   ,. gf yi, _g  ,,   __, ~~m — / A ..   ' y ngggcg
ington, 50 of (4) Meanwhile, . I.  gt _ iii!.   ° y ·    . ic-- 1 ; A
LY¤¤h’S<|¤¤¤· ¤n¤iher¤t¤ss- ,   ` i   I ‘ l 
motes ¤Iso often this one in   ·‘¢ "‘~   ‘ Q _ ng .
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_ lh? ‘{'d°° "°“" pl¤ce in unother “ ’    ti   ‘ . .;;_;
mission. (3) After classroom in A ··     Q; V
cI¤ss, Lynch fax- p¤duc¤h_ J 
es his homework A 3
to the list of interactive video classes. tant tool in our effort to create an   ble and that`s a long, lonely road. I’m a
A typical interactive video classroom extended campus environment,” savs l single parent and it was a real hassle. I
~ contains cameras focused on the Dan Reedy, dean of UK s Graduate ) want my doctorate, buttt was too much.
(   instructor, the class, and an electronic School. "There is an effort nationally to j So, I said ‘If`I have to do it this wav, I`ll
i “blackboard.” Monitors enable the offer graduate education to non—tradi-   just put it on hold for awhile] lwas very
instructor and students to see the par- tional students. This is a way in which   happy for us to get the program here."
( Q ticipants at the remote sites. Micro- we can offer classes to students who l She enjoys her class with six other
I phones are located around the room so would have difficulty coming to Lexing-   class members, and appreciates the
everyone canjoin the discussion. ton, and the technology allows us to tai-   cohesiveness of the group, and their
Although the technology is com- lor educational offerings according to   professor, Glenn West, but she misses
plex, the instructor is able to control the needs ofa specific area."   being on campus and the campus atmo-
t the entire hookup with Hllllllllfll tram-   sphere, especially the library. UK s
_ ing. A technician can assist the instruc- whc uses H, l library hasjust bent over backwards for
tor if needed. ‘ °   us — Sarah Bond at King Library does
At the heart of the system is a "com- j Gail Ridgeway lives in Paducah. She , all of our searches for us and sends the
pressed video" processor, which enables g works at Paducah Community College   information back. She really does an
. the video signals to be carried over T-I j as a career counselor, disabilities officer excellentjob — but I`d love just being
communications circuits that are simi- l and director of the_]TPA jobs program. ( able to go to the library, where you can
  lar to telephone lines but larger. 4 This fall she began her second interac- E put your hands on it all."
. Although the classes now being ( tive video class.   Because ofthe technology involved
taught originate from a classroom in I Pursuing a doctorate in educational j with the interactive video program,
the Center for Robotics and Manufac- policies, Ridgeway had been attending   Ridgeway feels that she is in a "pioneer
turing Systems Building on the UK Southern Illinois University in Carbon- ( program, and I like that."
cam us in Lexin ton, classes could dale for eventn classes. She savs, "I had f Milton Lynch ’ /3 also lives m Paduc-
P , . .
ori inate from an I of the video- an hour and 40 minute drive one way l ah. He works for Texas Instrument as a
g . . . ‘ l .
e lll ed classrooms in the state. and didn t get home until around 1n1d- I held service e11 rmeer, and IS trvm r to
Cl PP ¤ v l . . S
“Interact1ve video will be an IIT} or- 111 ht. A cou Jle of times I had car trou-   earn a master`s cle ree throu rh the
t f.
’ Winter 1991 Kentucky .»\lnmnus 23