Lynne G. Goodykoontz ’75, '82 is 1 Mona Gordon Wyatt '76 has become   Tom Williams '79 is now working for   J.
  _,; -Q €l€Hll of ill€ $Cll00l executive assistant to the president for   Edmund L. Hafer Architect, in   n
i __ V  I  - Q of Nursing at the external affairs at Centre College after   Henclerson.Prior to that he was cityengi—   B
“/   i ,  ,; Ulll\’€fSlI}’ of North six years as director of alumni affairs. l neer in Evansville, Ind. He is married to   I-
  ’  V   Carolina at Greens- She joined the Centre staff in 1979, l the former Marlene Puckett ’82.   L
,-   I   boro. Sllff 21lSO ll0lClS working in the communications office,   Z
j , ‘ - ` ~` A if lll€ l`Zllll< of fllll pl`0- as special assistant to the vice president Gail E. Cohee ’79 is now an assistant  
é . · Ct  f€SSOF.G00€lYl<00llll for external affairs, and with special professor of English at Emporia State - H
- V  if  *  C21lll€ I0 UNCC ill projects, before herl985 appointment University in Emporia, Kan. Prior to ‘ h
1989 from the College of Nursing of as alumni director.   that she was an instructor and lecturer ’* cl
SouthAlabama-Mobile,where sheseryed l for women’s studies and independent S
seven years as associate professor and Phillip D.Rogers '78 is assistant opera- study programs at Indiana University. tc
chairperson of the Cornrnttnity-Mental tions manager for the Valvoline, Inc. j ·
Health Department. blending and packaging plant in Cin- Jamie H. Vaught '79, ’8`l , a vet- N
A cirmati. He lives in Florence. , { ,,,. 4 , el-an Spot-ts Colum- ir
William P. Cubine ’75, pastor of the _  nist who has cov-
Immanuel Baptist (Zhurch in Paducah, James M. Brown '78 has earned a   as , cl-€dUKm]d South- Fl
has been named seminary pastor at Ph.D.in Religion and Societyfrom Ox- » , _   ` s y ? eaStei~nConfei-ence a;
Southern BaptistTheologicalSeminary ford Graduate School in Dayton,Tenn. l   ’  games for 16 years ill
in Louisville. (Zubine, who has served He is a teacher and librarian at the 1   ( _     has written 3 book, ir
the Paducah congregation since l978, Christian 8: Missionary Alliance Dalat {     "  f '   I   Crazy About the Cats. V
begins his duties at the seminary in School in Penang, Malaysia.   `.`i A     He is a full-time in- R
December. He has been an adjttnct struetorat UK’s Southeast Community N
professorofsociology at Paducah Com- Keith R. Knapp '78 is president ofthe . College (the Mielrllesboro branch) af. 2
munity (Iollege and a field supervisor corporation of Life Span, Inc., a teach- j teriiveyezlrsOt`[€aCl1il]g-atstlCa[ha1~i1l€ C.
for Southern Seminary`s doctor ofmin- lllg g€TOU[0lOgl€Hl€OUl1TlU1lll}’· H6 ll\’€S ` College and Sue Bennett College D
jgtjy j)r()gj‘;u]j_ lll l.,OlllS\'lll€. Cl
r ~  ____hi _s L
KentTr¤chte ’75 is associate vice presi- l Rodney Carpenter ’78, ’82 is a sales I   V
dent of advisement and cottnseling/       engineer for Chore- to - _,., A
dean of freshmen at Franklin Sc      i f A ‘ Time/Brock Inter-
Nlarshall (Iollege in Lancaster, Pa. He     A   { Z   national. A regis-   Gury W_ GI-uy Igo is the assistant mgm- P
.i~*¤<·¤·<>f¤SSl<>¤¤l l Eiga Orramiiatetr Timbers ine in um- rl
  in     A Cuglneel`- he has don, and is chairman of the technical ui
Lori A. Eggers Suter ’76 is a part-time l y   been with the com- sdtqsmy Committee Of the American [H- R
l`(`il(llllg lllSll4ll(`l()l` ill I,(lXll]gi()Il (l()l-I]‘   Q   ' i p2[]]y Si]]C€   Stitlltc Of`TilI1b€[- COl]StrllCtiOn. P
munity (Zollege. Q holding various po- i Sl
sitions in the engineering and product Gregory K. Cinnamon '8`I has taken a ff
Steven D. Kirby ’76 is head of Eastern management areas. He and his wife,   leave of absence from practicing law in ui
Xlielrigan l'niversity`s Departmentof`For- Debbie, and their two children live in   Atlanta and moved to_]apan where he is
eign languages and Bilingual Studies. Goshen, Ind.   a foreign lawyer with the Tokyo firm of K
  Mitsui Yasuda Wani 8.: Maeda. al
GeorgeW. Martin III ’76issalesmanager Richard E. Jones ’79 is a principal   9
` in The Prudentiafs engineer for ARINC Research Corp.in j Elizabeth Cole Abbott ’8'I is the presi- h`
Southeastem district Colorado Springs, Colo. dent and founder of The Professional ` C]
_ oflieein New.-\lbany, Edge, a training and consttlting com- ¢
in   Ind. Since joining Toney R. Dollins ’79, aNayylieutenant pany specializing in professional eti- Q R
' `_;__ ` the company in commander, was protnoted to his   quette and exectttive communications.  
{ {   1990, he has re- present rank while serying with the Na-   She lives in Evanston, Ill. U`
  ceived many honors val Special Warfare Group-Two, Naval   O
EK-if   for sales and scryice Ampliibiotts Base Little Creek, Norfolk, Va.   Anthony M. Richardson '8`I has re-  
leadership. He and his wife. Mary. have   ceived a Ph.D in electrical engineering ui
four children. They live in Dixon. lnd. Edwin C. Luttrell ’79 is a design engi- l from Dttke University December 1990. Hi
neer with Duke Power. dividing duties `
between Charlotte, NC. and Clemson, S.C.  
IIS lietutttkx .\Itttnnns \\'inter l99l M