Q i _ selected to stage the final freshmen de-
 J Hahn Recelves   bate because they had the best records
in the eight preliminary rounds in com-
·· A UK graduate is an honoree of the petition with varsity debaters from
i 1991 OAK Awards, Outstanding Alum- throughout the countiy.
E · nus of Kentucky, presented by the Ken- The topic for debate was: “Reso1ved: v;;—·’-WUI ‘ "   · _
tucky Advocates for Higher Education. That one or more United States Su- si _ l   as 
I T. Marshall Hahn _]r., chair of the preme Court decisions granting the     » °   ` 
| 1 board and chief executive officer of the right to privacy should be overturned."     . ./ i  i ‘  is
M Georgia-Pacific Corpoiation, received the Puckett and Albano advocated the _' ‘‘'V . — '`V        . {
award at a luncheon September 16 at the overturning of National Treasuiy Em-   IQ} .; `L { I
Marriott Resort Hotel in Lexington. ployees Union vs. Von Raab. In this     ·'”—     sf; j if
I A native of Lexington, Hahn gradu- decision, the court allowed drug testing     Qi, · V
ated from UK in 1945, at the age of 19, on customs seiyice employees without      I ,  
with honors in physics, and returned to individualized suspicion.  ji? ,._s I I Si  $1  
.. . _  ,» ·_ J .,;:;;:.2 3.5;: ,5*
“ UK 111 1950 as a professor of physics. 6         a
At 36, Hahn became president ofVir-  ·—— ·—> r     (     _ 
h ginia Polytechnic Institute and Budgef c||'|'$   *" 4 2 * ‘
State University. In 1975, he began a  
seegnd sueeessful Career, joining Gegr. Ulltll OC[Ob€I`, Kéllttltjléy WHS 0116 of Twenty ye¤rs h¤ve UK Alumni Associo-
0-ig-Pacific, One Of [he largest forest onlv two states east of the Mississippi P°?’°d_""‘F *l‘° "°“# l‘°P°"°
° _ _ . ’ , . . university first generate more
prgduers eginpanies in [he WO]-]d_ RIVCY that WELSH [ Op€1`21[ll1g 111 [116 I`€(1. opened the Office of involvemens qmong
He has served as ehgir gf [he bgard and T11€1l Gov. VV2lllHC€ \Nl11{lllSO1`l 211]- Minority Aftoirs with the university's
(QEO gf (Leo]-gj;1-P;iCj§C since 1934 nounced an anticipated $155 million ° ’*"“ °f “”°’ ° l#2°q Ai"‘°"
_ _ I _ h H f I C I 1 h secretory ond Jerry Amencon olumni.
Hahn is a UK Fellow and in 1990 Swlt A Or we ommomvea t . S,,,,,,,,,s,wh,, wu, Duma,
I received gn h()nOi-ary degree Of dgergr The   SYSICIH WAS HS1<€(l to CUL oppointed ¤SsiSt¤nt homecoming owords
oflawg from UK about $15 million from the budget. ;° ll"? ""?t;"‘:’:l°": :’f':‘l;°' ’P°"‘fL t
_ _ . . . .. ormmorn su en rt u wos on o
Recipients of the OAK Awards hold P1`€S1d€l1i Charles Wetliingtonjr. mm- affairs Lyman T_ Jsfnsonl
undergraduate degrees frgn-i Kenuieky ated Zi lllflllg l1”€€Z€ 2ll]C1 2lSl{€(l €\’€1`y There ore now 22 the first Africun-
Cgiieges gr Univer-si[ies, and egch has Cl€p2`11”[I1`1€l1[ to CL1[ 1)3C1< Op€I`k1[IO1`lS ii\'€ ftllsfqnd PER-tlmed Sgencun *0 enroll ct
. . . so mem ers, on .
achieved nadonal stattue and reputation. P61`€6¤L Wh1l6 P1`0i6€UUg P1`0g1`HmS Hlld $,%,-,,5,,,, imiude I, wu, ]q4o and
Alsg, egeh reeipienr hgs grqiyely snppgrred people QS l]lLlC1l HS pOSsl1)l€. recruitment, fin¤nci¤l Johnson, ¤ Louisville
P their alma mater since graduation. D6SPi[6 [h6 bU€lg6i CMS, UT6 Council cmd P°°ls°n°l . s°h°°l *°°°h°r’ w°s
{ _ _ _ — _ 7 . _ . . , . counseling, social ollowed to enter
’ This is the [hird presenrgngn   OI] Hlgllél EOLICHUOII 1S 2lC1\jOC2l[ll]g lllll and auhural only uhm, ¤ coun
lr A\vgi‘ds by [he I{en[uCky Adyvgegres fg]- i`Ol`I11lll2\·fllI1dII1g of S[2l[€ lll`l1\'€l`Sl[y l)Ll(l— pr0gr¤mmihg Grld fight thot struck
l" Hl21l61` EC1uC2ltiO1l a nonprofit corpora- gets bv the 1992 LCU1Sl[l[Ll\`€_Ti]g][ wOn]([ ¤f¤d€m¤< $¤PP¤rt- down the st¤te’s
- _ e _ ’ ’ , , , °   Vice Choncellor "D¤y L¤w," which
l` [1011 organized to support the cause of m62l¤ $286 m11110¤ FY 92 and $324-8 Lqurenq Byqrs mw Ch¤||,_,,,ged me
( quality higher educatign in K€muCky_ 1n1111on FY93 at Lexington; $92 million directs UK’s·efforts to teuching of block
1 FY92 and $110.4 million FY93 for com- "°""'*’ "°*°'“’ f"‘d ‘”l“*° ""d°""
___ _____ _ . nurture und support an the some school.
D · mumty COll€g?S· U . its African-Americon Johnson, now
`[ DEb¢I'I'EI‘$ Do   Aglllll The council also is requesting at least students. 85, returned to help
 "“““—“_—  $$400,000 to be applied toward Kentuckv sP°°'°l °‘""'f'°‘ ‘°l°l"'°*° *1]** 29
i_ T UK d _ Y _ _ d f_ 1 E I ( . R f _ . . .' . 7 I 1   to mork the ¤nmver- yeors of minority
wo stu ents welename top ICS 1- c UCAIIOH e 01111 11]1UdLl\i€S at eac 1 o sary which saak affairs Programming
H men debaters at the annual Harvard the institutions. ploce during on compus, ond the
1- UniversityIntercollegiate Debate Tour- The Counci1's construction request H°'“°‘°'""‘9 "°‘” °l‘{'“"{ 9'°"P
, . . . . . , ,. . weekend were nomed tn his honor.
s nament in Cambridge, Mass. includes ten projects worth fi>l(>8./ mil- Planned hy sha Ahavsl Jahhsan
>- Don Puckett; an economics mtgor from lion is being made. UK's proposed newly formed Lyrnon is presented with on
6 Lexington, and Andy Albano, an uncle- Commonwealth libnuy is fifth on the   ‘l°i";j°': Al";“"' °‘”°"d bY $'°"°“’·
. , ., . . .. . ecno neres
0 clared mayor from Omaha, lweb., won a councils list of prionties behind, among Gcaaa
6 3-2 decision over Redlands University other things, a mechanical engineering The Johnson
‘S in the final round to claim the top honor. building at UK and the expansion of Al"“‘"" P°"* °i 'l‘°
6 The Haivard Classic was attended by Lexington Community College.
ll more than 40 teams hom throughout the Responding to the council's priority
1- country. assessment of the libraiy project, Presi-
e UK debate directorj.W. Patterson said dent Wethington said, "I will continue to
the UK team and the Redlands tezun were advocate it as the first priority for UK."
pl Winter 1991 KcittuckyAlumnus Il