Government To Give
UK Surplus Acreage

University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky.. niil.iy,




The I'lmriMty of KentiuKy Kill soon ieeic SO ;ui'ri of
MUplus pneinment piopei't on the Veterans Administration
Hospital test nation. uhih aMotdini; to I. inn extension ollxi.iU
will l)C used lot Mnltiv

No. 2

Eisenhower Addresses
Large Coliseum Crowd

President Eisenhower had a special word Monday for Kentuckians
In the
year old category.
The President, delivering a major campaign speech to an overflow crowd of 15.000 persons at
Memorial Coliseum, said he was
glad the Kentucky legislature "had
enough sense to give this group
the right to vote."
Earlier in the day, Eisenhower
had said, in a brief talk at Blue-graField after his arrival there,
"I can't tell you how happy I am
that another state has said 'if
you're old enough to fight, you're
old enough to vote.' "
Eisenhower urged the Coliseum
crowd to elect John Sherman
Cooper and Thruston Morton to
the Senate. He urged the
of Congressman John Uobsion
and Eugene Siler and put in a
plug for the other five GOP nominees for the House of Representatives, including "that
Wallace 'Wah-Wa- h'
The President's speech, transmitted by loudspeaker to thousands
more outside the Coliseum, was
broken up 45 times by applause as
Eisenhower repeatedly answered
Democratic attacks on his administration.
Eisenhower, calling attention to
the Republican theme of "peace
and prosperity," said the road to
secure world peace "merely began
with the Korean armistice."
"But it did begin. And there
have been no more Koreas anywhere in the world," he said.
The president said "four years,
ago you gave me a Job to do
to set America firmly on the road
toward peace and prosperity.
"We have come a long way in
that direction."
"But," he continued, "here are
still some who would go back to
the old road the zigzag directionless road of trial and error."
Eisenhower envisioned an Amer- 18-to-- 21






















Ike and Mamie
The President and first lady wave to an overflow crowd of 15,000 persons at Memorial Coliseum Monday night. Ike urged the Coliseum
crowd to vote for Republicans in Senate and House of Representatives
races in this state.



ID Cards
Approximately 20 UK identification cards were recovered by the
Dean of Men, when a student voluntarily reported that he had
taken the cards.
Dean Leslie L. Martin did not
identify the student. He said the
student is undergoing a "very strict
Dean Martin said, that about 20
blank ID cards were taken during
registration. He said that after
the student came into the office,
he went out again and returned
with the missing cards.
A man, not a UK student, was
accused of attempting to enter the
Tech football game
here Sept. 22 with an altered ID
Police Judge Thomas J. Ready
fined Harold Eugene Pigue of Lexington $25 and costs on a charge
of impersonation, amended to
breach of peace. Judge Ready dismissed a charge of forgery against
Tigue was arrested at Stoll Field
light showed
when an ultra-violthat the UK ID card he was using
had been altered, police said. Officers said that Pigue's picture had
been pasted over the picture of
the original owner of the card.
According to Director of Athletics
Bernie A. Shively, student identification cards will be checked "very
carefully at all home ball games."
lights are
Portable ultra-violbeing used to check the
cards at the games.




Unaffiliated seniors should
sign for their Kentuckian picture settings as soon as possible,
Joyce Adams, yearbook editor,
has announced.
Students should sign the list
posted in the hall on the main
floor of the Journalism Building.


(Contlnued on Page


Word was rcccUcd Tuesday from
Washington. DC, by J. I). Williams, director of the Division of
Property Utilisation of the Kentucky Department of Education
that the application for the surplus
property had been approved. Williams said that the Department of
Health. Education, and Welfare is
now in the process of preparing
deeds of transfer for the tract.
Lloyd Mahan, superintendent of
Agricultural Experiment Farms,
said he welcomes the additional
farm acreage because the present
poultry study area is crowded onto
18'i acres on the experiment farm.
Tentative plans for study on the
new property include housing, feeding, improvement through breeding, pasture for poultry, and management for both broilers and laying hens. Mahan said thnt he expects to use about 3.000 laying hens
and 10,000 broilers for the experiments on the new property.
The property Is located on the
Leestown Pike, on the west side
of the Veterans Administration
reservation, and bordering the
Viley Pike.

false fire alarm at Donovan
Hall early Monday morning erupted
into what' threatened to become a
panty raid on the
women's dormitories.
The ardor of the estimated 200 to
300 raiders was quickly cooled, however, with the appearance on the
scene of a swarm of police.
The alarm was turned in to the
Lexington Fire Department at
12:54 a.m., forcing some 300 male
inhabitants of Donovan to scurry,
pajama clad, into the chill night


When it became evident to the
youths that the alarm was false,
someone, apparently as a "spontaneous" move, suggested a panty
The group, after a stop at the
men's dormitory quadrangle for
added support, headed across campus for the women's residence
The crowd was reported to have
reached almost 500 at its peak, but
by the time they reached the
women's dorms, the number had
been reduced by about half.

in 1947.

UK's second annual Leadership Conleieiuc jets underway
at (lamp Daniel Boone, tonight with an address hy Dr. Kalpli
M. Stodgill of Ohio State scheduled to kevnote the three day
Buses to take delegates to the an the sessions, with a total of
YMCA camp are leaving the Stu- "about 170" expected to be there
dent Union at 4 p.m. The camp is sometime during the conference.
located about 17 miles northeast
Other speakers will Include Dean
A breakdown of the enrollment of Women Sarah B. Holmes, who
shows a total of 6,810 students on will address the group tomorrow
the Lexington campus; 168 at the and President Frank O. Dickey,
College of Pharmacy, 807 enrolled who will speak Sunday morning at
for credit at the Northern Center, the conclusion of the assembly.
and 325 registered for college
A panel of students and faculty
credit in evening classes at Lex- will discuss campus problems folington through the College of lowing Dean Holmes' speech. Mem-

Adult and Extension Education,
of Lexington, out Tates Creek
Chairman Jo Ann Burbidge, said
125 persons are expected to attend

The throng
Hall and headed for the front door
of Patterson, which houses freshmen women. They were met there
and rebuffed by Housemother Mrs.
W. B. Turner.
About 20 raiders were at the
same time climbing up the fire
escape behind Boyd Hall, also a
freshman dorm. One youth managed 'to get partially inside a
second floor room there, according
to the housemother, Mrs. Carolyn
Pennington, but he anickly rushed
(Continued on Page 9)

bers include Assistant Dean of
Women Jane Haselden. Dean of
Men Leslie L. Martin, Miss Carolyn
Collier, representing the student-alum- ni
group; SO A president Dick
Lehman; and IFC president Dave

The conference Is sponsored by

Links, Lances, ODK, and Mortar
Board. Each organization on tha
campus is asked to send two delegates to the meeting.

by-pass- ed

w1 Sir

Adlai Stevenson
To Speak Oet. 19
Democratic candidate for President. Adlal E. Stevenson, will speak
In Lexington Oct. 19, James W.
Robinson, Democratic campaign
chairman, announced yesterday.
Final plans for the speech have
not been completed. Robinson said.
"We have received confirmation
for the speech."
Stevenson is scheduled to arrive
about 11 a.m., Friday. Oct. 19. He
will leave Bluegrass Field at about
3:15 p.m. and fly to Louisville.
Stevenson's speech follows on
the heels of Republican President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, who appeared at Memorial Coliseum last
Robinson said that the site for
the speech had not been chosen.
UK President Frank O. Dickey ha
said, however, that the Democratic
candidate might use the ColLseum
for his address. The Democrat
have not applied for the use of the




There are two other possible
sites for the address the Lexington trotting track, or Cheapside
There is also a possibility of a
luncheon being held in his honor
at the Phoenix Hotel.
Plans for the candidate's appearance were discussed at a meeting of local Democratic leaden
Wednesday night. Opening plans
of the Fayette County Democratic
Campaign Headquarters were aba
discussed at the meeting.
The headquarters opened fof
en's residence hall for a panty raid. They were
business Thursday, but the formal
turned back there by the campus and city police,
opening date has not been set.

Trouper Tryout


The largest fall .enrollment iti
the 91 year history of the University was recorded this semester.
The total enrollment reached a
new high when 8,110 students registered.
Regi.strar Robert L. Mills released the record figures, uhicn
include all late registrants on the
campus in Lexington as uell ai
the College of Pharmacy In IxujU-vll- le
and Northern Center In Covington.
Approximately 1.835 person
throughout Kentucky are engaged!
in home study courses offered under the adult and extension program.
Another record fell when 1,573
freshmen registered at UK for the
fall term. The previous high was

Leadership Conference
Opens This Week End


The Troupers, a variety talent
organization, will hold tryouts for
anyone interested on Oct. 9, in
the Lab Theater of the Fine Arts
Building. .The tryonts will begin
at 6:30 p.m. If you can sing,
dance, or do any type of specialty
act you- will be eligible to become a trouper.

Old Record


Near Panty Raid Is Squelched


After being aroused from their sleep by a false fire
alarm, the Donovan Hall Inhabitants decided to
make a real night of it. They headed for the wom

