THE following brief and imperfect account of the Common-
wealth of Kentucky has been prepared under the following
circumstances: Owing to the fact that the Legislature of
Kentucky did not meet: in 1874, or until 3i Dec., i875, no
sufficient action was taken to insure the representation of
the Commonwealth in the Centennial Exhibition of 1876. On
the sixteenth of February of this year, an appropriation of
five thousand dollars was made for the purpose of making
some slhowin, of the resources of the State, and the following
gentlemen were appointed commissioners to control the
expenditure thereof:-

          Gov. JAMES B. MCCREARY, N. S. SHALER, Esq.
   First District . . . . . . .W. B. MIACHEN, Esq.
   Second      . . . . . . . CLINTON GRIFFITH, Esq.
   Third        . . . . . . . JAMFVS H. BOWDEN, Esq.
   Fourth  "   . . . . . . . Gen. E. H. HOBSON.
   Fifth    .    . . . . . .    Dr. E. D. STANDEFORD.
   Sixth       . . . . . . . JOSEPH C. HUGHES, Esq.
   Seventh     . . . . . . . WILLIAM \VARFIELD, Esq.
   Eighth      . . . . . .     Dr. JENNINGS PRICE.
   Ninth        . . . . . . . JOHN DISHMAN, Esq.
   Tenth       . . . . . . . F. L. CLEVELAND, Esq.

   At the first meeting of this Board it became evident that, in
the brief time at its disposal, it would be necessary to put the
principal part of the burden on the State Geological Survey.
The work of making thle collections of minerals, soils, &c.,