Mr. Terrell then read the following resolutions-

     Whereas, the University through its various Departments including the Experiment

(Station) Sation expends annually about tl1800000 in printing-

     Therefore be it resolved that the Board of Trustees favor the establishment of

a Department of Journalism and, if found to be practical and economical, the purchasing

of a printing press with all of the necessary equipment to do the printing of the

University including the Experiment Station. And be it further resolved that this

question be referred to the Executive Committee together with President Barker and W7. T.

Lafferty9 the Business agent, to investigate and ascertain if a printing press and the

necessary equipment can be purchased and operated without any additional expenee to

the University, and if they find that it can be done9 then they are given full power to

act, and they will report their acts and doings to the next meeting of this Board.

     A motion was made by Mr. Stoll to strike out the clases (clauses) "The Board of

Trustees favor the establishment of a Department of Journalisrmt7  Upon roll call the

vote stood as follows-

     Carpenter, aye; Edelen, aye; Stoll, aye; Clay, aye; Patterson, aye; Nichols, aye.

     Terrell, no; Davies, no; Barker, no; Walker, no.

Making the vote stand six ayes and four nos.

     Motion was mady (made) by Mr. Edelen that this resolution be construed to mean

a mere matter of investigation, Upon roll call the vote stood as follows-

    Nichols, aye; Patterson, aye; Clay, aye; Edelen, aye.

    Terrell, no; Davies, no; Carpenter, no; Walker, no; Barker, no; Stoll, passed.

In which the vote stood four ayes and six nos, and the motion was lost,

   Motion was made that the remainder of the original be approved. The vote was taken

and carried unanimously.

Tume~ 4, 1913