Motion made by President Barker that Dr. Fai rhurst be awarded a degree of Science.

On the calling of the Roll the vote stood as follows:

    Mr. Nichols, aye; PFresident Barker, aye; Mr. Terrell, aye; Mr. Carpenter, aye;

Mr. Walker, aye; Mr. Davies, aye; Mr. Stoll, aye; Mr. Edelen and Mr. James K. Patter-

son, not voting.  Mr. Clay, no.   Motion carried.

     Motion made by President Barker that the degree of Doctor of Science be awarded

Mr. Alfred Meredith Peters. Motion carried unanimously.

     The President's Report was read by President H. S. Barker, of which the follow-

ing is a copy:-

     (Herein followed the President's Address to the Board.)

                               THE PRESIDIT'S REPORT,

To the Board of Trustees
   State University.


     I have the honor to herein make to you mry official report for the period elapsing

from the December meeting to the end of the Collegiate year, 1913,

     With the expiration of this term on June 5th next closes the most prosperous and

successful year in the existence of this institution, Three years ago when I became

President there were about six hundred students in the University proper; today there

are twelve hundred on the roster roll; an increase of more than one hundred percent in

numbers. An inquiry made by me of the various teachers reveals the fact that in no year

prior to this have the students been more studious or more orderly than during this;

there has been no disorder of any kind worthy of mention; no destruction of property

or other outrage; no hazing of any sort has been indulged in and I sincerely believe

June 4, 1913