the moral of the student body was never so high as during the year now coning to a

close; nor has the standard of scholarship been lower then that of any former year.

In a former report (December last) I told you of the great success of our stock judging

teeam at the International Dairy Show at Chicago; since then our students won a debate

with the law school of Indianapolis; had a tie in a debate with the law school of

Cincinnati; won the Intercollegiate Championship in debate with Georgetown University,

won second place in an oratorical contest in which all the colleges and Universities of

the State took part, and lost a debate with Vanderblt University. It seems to me

that this is brilliant success and shows that this University more than holds its own

in contests in intellectual attainments with other institutions of the country,

     Since the December Meeting of this board the license of several drinking saloons

Which had for so long fringed and disgraced the campus of the University expired and the

Commissioners of the city, and the Fudge of the County Court under the provisions of

the act forbidding the presence of such places within four hundred feet of the campus,

refused to renew them, and thus Passed out of existence a moral blight which had

barnacled on the cmapus and corrupted the students without let or hindrance for so long

a time that "The memory of man runneth not to the contrary." I feel that I am duty

bound to here acknowledge the debt of the University and through it that of the whole

State to Judge Kerr and 5udge Scott who upheld the constitutionality of the four hun-

dred feet statute, the learned County Attorney and his able assistant, who represented

the Commonwealth in the litigation with the saloon keepers, and the Mayor and the

Commissioners who enforced the statute by refusing to re-issue the license. These men

it is true only did their duty but it is proper that we should express our gratitude

to public servants who perform their duty and this I now do,

    As you know we have had a resident Y.M.C.A. Secretary upon the campus during the

last school year and I am happy to report that the seccess of this experiment in the

field of moral development is most gratifying; about eight hundred of our students en-

rolled themselves as members of this and its sister organization the Y.W.C.A. The

June 4,, 1913