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to note, President Todd has confirmed reading it in this spirit. On the other hand, this
June 30th report date has created something of a "time warp," for many of the important
findings of the committees anticipated some of the first changes enacted by the new
administration. The good part of this is, of course, that many of the recommended or
suggested actions are already in place or in progress.

       The Committee asked for the Board' s agreement with the substance of the report,
for correction of any remaining errors of fact, and for endorsement to send it on to the
printer and thence to SACS.

       SACS has appointed Dr. Roger Sayers, emeritus President of the University of
Alabama, to chair the visiting committee. He will come to campus in mid-February to
finalize plans for that visit, as well as to meet key administrators and members of the
Self-Study committee. Meanwhile, SACS is in the process of naming the members of the
visiting committee - there will be somewhere between 30 and 35 from institutions
throughout the southeast - to whom the report, in printed and CD format, will be sent.
Dr. Havice thanked Joan Shropshire of the College of Fine Arts for her time in designing
the report's covers and CD.

       On the home front, the so-called "Fix It" committee, charged by President Todd
with acting on the report' s recommendations and under the direction of Senior Vice
President Holsinger, will continue its work. These and any other relevant changes since
last June will be captured in a written addendum to the Self-Study, to be sent to the
visiting committee in March. And the Self-Study group will proceed with local
arrangements for the care and feeding of the visiting committee. In all these myriad
details, the unsinkable Connie Vaughn of the Self-Study office has been both a force and
a source. She asked Connie to stand and receive thanks for managing everyone and
everything else. Ms. Vaughn received a round of applause.

       The visit itself has long been set for April 15-18 and represents an intensive
verification of the Self-Study' s findings. At its conclusion, the Chair will meet with the
President to share with him preliminary findings; the formal written report of the visiting
committee will come in the late summer, at which point the University will have the
opportunity to respond, again in writing. All these documents become part of the formal
record and will continue to serve the University in its work over the next decade. In the
shorter term, they all come into consideration when SACS formally votes on the
reaffirmation of accreditation at its annual meeting a year from now.

       What the Self-Study Committee can expect during the visit may be a little clearer
once the Committee knows who has been named to the visiting committee. However, the
Steering Committee joins SACS in encouraging Board members to participate. There
will be an opening dinner with the visitors on April 15 to which the Board will be invited.
Additionally, some of the team will visit distance learning sites in Eastern, Northern
and/or Western Kentucky where the Committee may seek the Board' s involvement as
local experts and hosts. Certainly, the Board will be kept apprised of the changes and