
         University of Kentaccky
 S-ateme- t of Departmential Appropriations
 For t.e Curzen'. Fiscal Period Which Began
Jull; 1, 1962 and Ended March 31, 1963

F. Exvension and Public
      Ser .;7ces
      Ur v-v  E'.. arcd Public
      Se-r ices
      Agr. Ext. Services

        Tot-al Execsio. and
           Public Services

G. Libraries

H. Operation and Ma:K'enax
     of Ptysical Plant

        Total Educat.ional a:-

II. Service Enterprises:
      Pos:. Office
      Med.cal Center

        Total Service

HI, U':ir'ersv :y Hosp -al

IVo S.-udent ALd

V. Workvig Cap :al

VIu Cle     Aci. g AecoiL:is

V1I. DebW; Se:rv ce- Bonds

VIII. Deb. Sct-r .ce-ReseYs-e

       Total Depa-.mer:.al
       App:r pr~ ;1!ons

  Appropriation  Expendltures       Outstanding       Unencumbered

$ 1, 084, 989, 02 $  339, 832,45  $   546, 362.74  $   198, 793. 83
   3, ' 81 842, 00  2, 678, 014e89      38, 680.57    1, 065, 146.54

$ 4, - 69, 831. 02 $ 3, 0 17, 84?7 e34  $  585,043.31  $ 1,263,940.37

$    45, 257. 38 $  496, 091, 75  $    13, 084. 01  $  236, 081. 62

$ 2, 6e5, 59 700 $ 1,581,063.81   $    314, 891.32  $  769,41.87

$ 22, S19, 489. 44 $ 14, 878, 722. 60  $ li 494, 092.55  $ 6, 446, 674.29

$    42. 855.00 $    25. 348. 15   $       310.00   $     17, 196. 85
      95, 949.43      71L 451L35         12, 654.59       11, 843.49

$   138! 04. 43 $    96. 799, 50   $    12, 964,59  $     29, 040, 34

L2,579,300.00 $ 1,630, 523. 78    $    319,554.64  $    629,221,58

    15, 300u00 $     8, 180,001  $                 $     7,120.00

2;   90 000. 00 $   ( 73s909 63)2  $   251,531.35  $   (87, 621.72)

$      75:7R949 $    48 491, 77    $     6, 730. 10 $     14, 356.62

1_219; 000. 00 ,0 $  2219 000  00

129, 940s 62 $      129,940.62

ev0OG1 .L412 9S $ 16, 9.774 . 64   $ 2, 084, 873. 23  $ 7, 038, 791, 11

1 Overd& af`: 2 negas'ive fig u re