i'2) that the Vice President for Business Administration, who by
       order of this Board has been suspended pending the final report of
       Peat. Marwick, Mitchell and Company, be given an opportunity to pre-
       sent his side of the issues or the charges embraced in these two docu-
       ments and that in the meantime, the suspeznsion order of the Board
       heretofore adopted be specifically applied to include the suspension from
       all positions of the Vice President for Business Administration with
       affiliated agencies or organizations by reason of his office as Vice
       President for Business Administration.  In other words, the suspension
       will be construed to apply to all other positions which the Vice Presi-
       dent has by virtue of his office as Vice Presidertand that he be directed
       to cease and desist from further activities during the suspension with
       respect to those offices and records.

            (3) That these reports above referred to be treated as charges
      against the Vice President of Business Administration and that a corn
      mittee of five members of the Board be appointed by the chairman as a
      hearing committee with that committee instructed as follows: (a) to
      give to Mr. Peterson a full. opportunity to appear before the committee
      in person and by counsel to present any facts or defense or any witnesses
      to present his side of those issues; ib) that the members of the committee
      provide for a public reporter to take all of the hearing and transcribe
      all the notes fully and completely of any hearings heard before the
      committee and the full and complete transcripts of these hearings to
      be furnished to Mr. Peterson and to his counsel and to each member of
      the Board- and fc) that the committee conclude its hearings as early as
      consistent with giving Mr. Peterson a full opportunity to present anything
      he desires tc- present. and that after it has furnished Mr. Peterscn and
      his clunsel and each member of the Board with a complete transcript
      of the hearings that he be given an opportunity to appear in person and
      by counsel, If he so desires before a full meeting of the Board,

      Mr. Landrum, counsel for Dr., Peterson, indicated the unwillingness of Dr.
Peterson toe present his case t: a committee rather than to the full Board of
Trustees,, He also questioned whether the reports of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell
& Company and of the Attorney General constituted charges against Mr. Peterson
and asked that Mr, Peterson be permitted to file with the Board of Trustees his
answer to the statements made by Governor Combs at the March 4, 1963 meeting
of the Board of Trustees,  Th*. Board indicated its willingness to receive this
material. and the secretary was instructed to file one copy as a part of the
permanent record of this meeting cf the Board, it was agreed that if, after a
hearing before a committee, Mr. Peterson still wished to present his case to
the full Board, he wculd be granted that privilege, Mr. Smith amended his motion
as follows: 'K.. .that those facts (the reports of Peat, Marw ck, Mitchell. & Com.-
pany and the. Attorney General):. if established constitute misconduct on the part
of the Vice President in office.,"