The motion, as amended, was duly seconded and carried without dis-
senting vote.

(Note: A complete stenographic transcript of this portion of the meeting plus
the reports of iFeatMarwick, Mitchell & Company and the Attorney General,
and Dr. Peterson's answer to Governor Combs' statement, have been placed
in the hands of each member cf the Board and made a part of the permanent
files of the Board of Trustees. )

        C. Hearing Committee Appointed

        Governor Cc-mbs appointed the followingmemnbers of the Board to
serve as the committee of flve to hear Dr, Peterson's side of the charges
which had been brought against himn  Mr. Clifford E. Smith, Dr. Harry Denham,
Mr. Sam Ezelle, Dr. Lewis Cochran, and Mr. We F. Foster. Mr. Smith
was asked to serve as temporary chairman with the committee instructed to
select a chairman of its own choosing at its first meeting. The committee
was instructed to carry out its duties as rapidly as possible and to report
back to the full Board of Trustees when its work had been completed.

        D, Dr. Peterson's Position with Auxiliary Services Clarified

        In answer tc a qaest'on by Dr. Peterscrn, he was told that he might
continue to serve the auxiliary services to which he had been elected by the
respective Boards and which he did nclis serve in an ex-officio capacity. The
auxiliary services which he n:w serves as a duly elected treasurer are:
Kentucky Research Foundation, the University of Kentucky Athletics Association,
and the Thomas Poe Cooper Foundation,

        E. Approval of the Minutes

        Upon moticn duly made, seconded, and carried the Minutes of the
meeting of the Board of Trustees of April 2, 1963, were approved as published.

        F. Financial RepcT.rt

        President Dickey presented the following financial report covering the
nine month period ending March 31, 1963: