Changes in Status

       Josiah Hoskins, Jr., Research Assistant, Experiment Station, adjustment
 in salary, full-time, beginning April 1, 1963

       Robert Hall, Jr., Assistant, Animal Science, adjustment in salary, beginning
April 1, 1963 (to be provided rent-free house)

       Charles W. Nichols, Assistant, Animal Science, adjustment in salary,
beginning April 1, 1963 (to be provided rent-free house)

       W. H. McCollum, Professor, Animal Pathology, adjustment in salary,
beginning July 1, 1963 (presently on AID Contract)

       John W. Tuttle, Field Agent in Poultry Improvement, adjustment in salary,
beginning July 1, 1963 (presently on AID Contract)

       George Thomas Tipton, Aid in Agronomy, to be Technician, with adjustment
in salary, beginning July 1, 1963

       Maurice Stanley Wall. Associate Dean, College of Agriculture & Home
Economics, to be Acting Dean, beginning May 1, 1963, ending July 20, 1963

       Anna Louise Hill, Statistical Clerk, Extension, adjustment in salary,
beginning April 1. 1963

Leaves of Absence

       William M. Hopper, County Extension Agent, Robertson County, return
from leave, beginning March 25, 1963,

       Dudley C. Martin, Associate Professor, Horticulture, return from
sabbatical leave, beginning June 1, 1963

       William A. Seay, Dean of Agriculture and Home Ecognomics, leave of absence
to make trip to Indonesia for the purpose of inspecting the University's Contract
Team there, beginning May 1, 1963, ending July 20, 1963


Re signation

       Merl Baker, Executive Director of the Kentucky Research Foundation and
pet Professor of Mechanical Engineering, effective August 31, 1963