Universi;ty of Kev.1ucky
     St"atement of Unrealized Income
For -t,.he Cu-rret.- Fiscal Pe--iod Whic. Began
Jul 1, 1962 and Ended March 31, 1963

  I. Educational ard Gene~ral
         A. Student Fees
               Incidental Fees and Tuition
               Trair.ing School Fees
               Adult. and E,'-ens'on Education Fees

                      Ta al Studert, Fees

        B. Statte Approp-uiP-.-o-rs
               DrVs-o7n of Cofleges
               Medical Ce-ter-
               Geological Projects
               Agricuitu-.ral Expe-riment Station
               Agricult;ural Ex-enssoni Service

                      T&,.al State Appropriations

        C. Federal Grar-s
               Division of Colleges
               Agricultural ExperiLment Station
               Agrr'cult Aral Ere.sic.i Service

                      To-al Fede ral Granl-s

        D. Endowrmez.- I- come

        E. Sales anad Services of Educat.iona, l
               Divlso:o- of Colleges
               Agrccuii'xal Experimezti Station

                      Total Sal.es and Services of
                      Educa,."ional Depar'iments

                      Total Educarional and
                         Gener- al I

Ilo Serv;ice Eyt'erp r lses
               Post Office and M2dcal Ce,',rer

IIIo GG.fts and Gr.ts-Ketnicky Research.

IV. Hospiital

                     Tot-al General Fund
                       :oincome             I
 1. Realized ii" E-Kcess of Es;1.~ma-e.



Estim rat ed   Realized       Unrealized

1S 557, 414. 00 $ 1, 819, 810. 12 $ ( 262, 396. 12) 1
     17, 500. 00     14, 535. 00    2, 965. 00
     148, 000. 00    109.7 62.89    38,237.11

$ 1,722,914. 00 $ 1, 944, 108. 01 $ ( 221, 194. 01)1

$ 9,595,201.00 $ 8, 176, 9 76. 00 $ 1, 418, 225. 00
  E, 125, 000 Q00  4, 79 7, 000, 00  1,328,000.00
    640000o00       626,00000       14,000900
  1,325 540. 00   1,127.725.00    197,815e00
  1907 000. 00    1, 300, 500. 00  229, 500. 00

  19, 215, 741 00 $ 16, 028, 201. 00 $ 3. 187, 540. 00

    303, 071.62 $   260, 682. 46$  4-2, 389. 16
  1, 028, 254. 00   813, 106. 00  215, 148. 00
  2, 251 842, 00  1, 775, T75, 41  473, 066. 59

  3, 58 3, 1672. 62 $ 2, 852, 563. 87 $  730, 603. 75

     38 ,600.00 $    38, 667. 99$       67. 99) 1

     30,000.00 $     46, 600.2 11 $ ( 16,600.21)1
     i70, 000. 00   -533, 307. 71  166, 692. 29

   730, 000. 00    5779, 907. 92 $  150,092,08

$25, 290, 422, 62 $ 21, 443, 448, 7 9 $ 3, 846, 973. 83

     $ 5, 500, 00 $  4, 265, 16 $   1, 234. 84

     26, 725.00 $    13, 362. 50 $  13, 362,50

   54' 160, 00 $   858, 141, 35$ I 310.981.35) 1

25, 869 807 62$223192. 80 $ 3, 550 589.82
