xt73bk16mf8w_169 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [139] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&N, Powell Circuit Court text [139] Commonwealth of Kentucky v. L&N, Powell Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_18/Folder_7/69478.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_169 xt73bk16mf8w .V’/:'m///
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//”’”"’// */-/,’,’,,’//’.5,’5..I;/W ~»—/H”«W///~/f/I July 6th,1915.
9 , 1 ~
3”?” 7 1
Mr. S. M. Wilson,
' counsel, L. 3: E. R. 00.,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:—
Referring to your letters of the 2m inst. with en-
closures relative to indictments in the Powell Circuit Court.
I beg to advise I have this day requested that vouchers
be issued and same will be received in due course of business.
Yours truly, ‘
/~ . . ,
it t a my“ 79-» [I
Assistant Distmct attongf. *

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_‘ .-7-f m‘ig cjg'fgé LCQQZszdova 7”‘-£é:n
”i ’ , ’Jv fizawntbcacygh.
"1; July Ist, 1:915.
Hen. Samuel M. Wileen,
V Lexingten,
Dear Sir:

In the present term ef our Circuit eeurt we had three indict
ments fer nuisance, chatgcd te have been cemmitted at Eileen
one Oct. 10, ene in Sept. and one in Nev. I914. all steps
were taken for cur pretectien in the matter that cenld be had,
but the trials resulted a verdict ef $100.00 in ene $50.00 in
another and net guilty in the ether, all ef these charred that ,
the effence censieted in abstracting the Highway by allowing
care te remain an unreaaenable length cf tine en the creasing.

I filed greunds and motion fer new trial. which were ever-
ruled by the court, and time given te prayers bill ef exceptions
untill the 2nd day of Nev. term. I am enclosing reperte ef
the judgements and our casts, else report ef the Rosella Ever~
man appeal case. I de net hhink it is advisable te en—
peal the Ccmmenwealth judgements.

Very truly.
,1 i


. 7 f .0) LQ/[iéo'wamz 77" %72 7‘ ,~ F
I 7 / gnu/ryen /‘ /'{/@/L 30 /’/I7

Heron Qfltfi IQIS.

‘--':". A. lieWm-ell '§j?;:{;i_.

”e1“ L.‘ ,0~.1‘.."?u!y,
herinthn, / 1
Kentucky. , ’ J

“an? nir:

A5 iii 39*. 353% turn if tie Pencil Circuit Ceurt, the L.&,i.§w’?.
war? indicteé in thrae canon fef Eminence, nilefiea tn have been cem-
mitted by allowing treine eni Germ tw be nun rennin an and acreee
the Fuelie rgfid at tdfi GTWSHinfl Hi FilBJH KY. t» these indictments
at the reoent Karen term a? the court I filed amymrg, thg EQiEtg 0f
which were that the emerge new net enffieient, end that the recent
road law underteek to partieularly d eeribe what en abetruetimn ta
5 county read new and teak the niece e? the ecumenlew effenee of a
nuisance by ebetruetinf a hirhney cut, end that Plff. muet fellew
the Statute “QW- The court fi’flTruled the demurar and then I file&
en affidavit for a bill 0? newt oulere, and the Ccmmenweelth fies
filed- 0 57125.3 7.54:? tiiz‘? fiZTFEt C7116} tile-.21}, filial? Gi‘féa‘j‘igg Vii-i“? OOIFBJiT‘J‘tUd » CH 00"},
10th 19:4, endxanztnxnezxazfiimxmepgxxraigzg he an Baqt bQund freight t
train between II and IQ O'cleok neen".

And an tn He. 2. that "it enenrred Sept, 19:40
And as t0 No. 5. "that it weenrred in Nev. 19:4.

The charge in these indietmente is as to He. IWchfir than 33 charged
in He 2 a zrfland in Me. 2 "ether than as charged in He.I fl sfland in
Ho. 5Wetner than as emerged in Ne.2 & 5", I did net cell the eenrte
ettentien te theee discrepenciee, ae I tieugnt it better te await
the trial oi'NO.I, and than plead the matter.

please leek up the feats frem the train crews, fer the next tgrm

. 0, . f (.7 ;1
'- / J Jmcfiéo7l / -/0n
37 ,
1 [chitin/n, a /2/
63f the cunt and sadvisrf; was; be: what did. occur there, if «rem can.
That hm? 37532317. .1211; that I 3"~‘_JT tax: is Emoticon 82. ”Marc 3’7? cw”
the anti: «3:? 32914.
"KR-2:03? truly, _
;iL\ W ,1,, '
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, ,, /C/ arc/«Ivan v
(3,:-:71] “as; / W ‘ M/tz/ {L6
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 - ‘ ’ M 9’ /}L ;
December 8, 1914.
Hon. CTarmiel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Kentucky.
Dear Sir:

Enclosed I hand you copies of three
indictments found against tire L £2 13. Railroad
Company at the last November term of the Powell
Circuit Court, each of which charges nuisance
by reason of unreasonably obstructing public
crossings at Filson, Kentucky. ‘


. 1307.? ELL CI}: CU 1i ’._“ COTE—:‘3
.1 7,31». 7‘ ~.: . {’* /-: T ,771f711- 1' \ . :7 ‘ ..‘. .- . _ .4 _
LOLJCOJMEALDH CE i‘lEi-L oLKI ) 1110.10 fluent ior
Against )
- ’“rx f'r ‘1 e ‘1 ,‘-”, '
LOUiaViiLL (Sc i-iAbg-iVILLE )
w‘ —1— ..c rs A, ‘
nALLnUAD ) No. 5
1 rV..—, ‘7'“ 'r'rr‘." ..r- ..‘ ., ‘1 ~-- ,-., ‘w -”~— ~ * ~ F ‘ -‘
Tne unAufl du:1 oi roweil County in the name ana by tne
. .‘.L- -. .., .L‘- .1:- .,‘ ‘i, A A ,.,.~ .'7
authority of the Commonwealtn oi Kentueay accuse the LeuiSViile &
r_ _- ~ T‘. _- _ . "t -. .‘., _o 1. 43.9 _ \ .'.‘ ,‘. ..." h ' ,., . ‘,,,.- ,5.
NashVilie neilroad eompang, oi tne oiiense oi safiering a nuisance
.' 1 , _.C' ' . _..- , . 'i ..1. _1 .‘: ',‘ v: ,.: ‘ A .A.: 7‘ .- _ .4
committee as ioliews, viz. Tnat ease yOuiSViilc ana hasnville
. .—,_ _._..»n». ., ‘ '- :11-i .L‘ ~~.__\.«,_ "; _'_” A ..L.--
Raiiroad Company On tne Zch aaa oi abvemser lBié, in the Coast;
4‘ ~ u —" I 4~M— ..'" 1‘,-._: ivt'i a.-.“ 7-7 .e\7.,_‘ M :'i. -‘:. . .. ..._.
aioresaia, it bLU saia ;QMLSViile and iasLVille gaiiroei Commeny
'i ' a- ,, ”‘.—,.. ..,.,, »,, .:.: .,_, ’.3.. ’1 _ ‘ .,. , “.,,.“ » .,.,r, A r. ; _s. ,'r ,‘., .,‘ ‘,. e ,..i ,._“: ..'.. _ ,- n . .V N
061 Lug a LIL/:iJULal/iCiJ. tiuif/ lac L11. pairs sea. LL_..‘thLL L.‘-': Lax. b1- :: ‘.:i‘ai‘. e:
of Kentucky an: owning and operating'e railreai in 3:1 thretst
4.x a 1 ~..” 7». ...N ’7 «, ..~ “._... ....“ ,.,“ 1._ , a. J v . ., » m," '7- .-. V '-‘, _' "- ., A :
'uiie COitiifiJ Oi ;oweil hiiOu‘xii «:.i: t;;t3 Le;{;i-,e,i..01i and. :...aSiufii :.‘rli.i.'.'0a:_i
aii unlawiullg an; willfully satier ind perrit its care to stazd ‘
across the roai ttat leads from Eileen to Cane Creek and up the
‘W— ‘rzn—nw qr: ;i :.'wa—u : »1— :Lm are: "1“ a -J-- A 4L: w . " -.. e.
3.4011111- .:UJ. _r~ ci -.est -.l'/t;_, .L L uLG tie-Lid. Li; as. '.:;L CL: LL’—1.167 08145 a
m ‘ ' 1a: .-. _- V..: ,. _.-, m —’~‘J-' - -. w —. w'i - s‘i, e. .1 —L an .,a,‘
puolie nighway, age lie saiier ana pegmit tne sane b0 be ena
- prev-i, -~ hand w'x Hr ' 1 - n: D m" --. cw .,, 11"""1fl m «A—(»-“«1 A "l .., +7 J? ‘..‘ ». 1 «J. -\
fo‘iliaiL LXVLJLU {Vb €361.10. fule. _LOL out; LLii; cabundlrip ieiig up. 0; L.'». i;-b Eat.- {at
—\ ‘4."4‘ "Fe raw 2““ 4d 7H“ "“‘ "(I 9'? - "Q n gr: "ir 'i ‘ 7 ' nw‘rrwurr at "vii?" art a") d
’L./Dino “Lt/i. e )JCL.‘_\._ -alJHuOtmb. Cf‘uhbpw bdiO. Illa;.\VL~J u. a JEI&'.L,L.LiJ (Au eat-
.. ,,. ‘.7."? m - _._. - ' ~ :.“u ‘ 4— - —— -4_. - '“
neai JlLSOn Station on said raiiioaa, thereby obstructing said
1 - mum »~ .: ~ i. . -: , -L.~.~-.-.“v 1 mm mv‘v A:.~- an” .. ~ .~--» 3 :;—
nlgiiway 844i feficiei‘i rig LILCLV‘3J. 3.4.0:.5 Ccuile VLCJ_'_.§;‘U_'.OK.ILE IJLlLL 11405.net: to
~ ...‘, M ,, .,,- 7, ._,- m .L‘ ' —, . i ; ._‘ “,.-,., ,,.;i J.‘. r ,., ,..,. ,.,“ " .‘
t::e eoznsoi. iniiisainse oi. ali. t}-e o,tti grate. oi blue iiOLJLO:-NecLit11 oi
Kentucky and especially those living on and in the neighborhood
9 4 .“ N F 2 .a . J. . a _ . _, - “,~._ ~. .1. .:.mi
0: saia ruau and crossing ana feCfOSbluE tne same at a sine otne:
..” .-_; _,.. : .:.- ' J.‘“ ad'— ‘r ': r‘r ,_." _,.: .J., . .,,~
.;an muki;0u9¢ in lfldlCuthb no. 2 a a, agglubt the peace ena
“ :,,. .' .-,. , :,- J,. r .. . ,,. LL .5) '7' . ‘ ,1“,
C..=_,_:j,£ii .',' Oi L'.- e GOILJ‘ififi-iiieal UL Q.‘. :‘.eri “Gilead .
...‘-..“ .L‘—i .'4—m. 1
COLLMflwealuh s Attorney.
manna” fl ,
i‘i’l .Li’iuDSL‘JS .
John Garrett
- . .L. , .
A 0003 attest. \ 1
‘- n _ ~..? n_ ,_,,‘ m1 ‘.,.
(Signed; C. n. uwaU, piera
'-' ..V _ ~ . ‘ - ‘.L .._ ..i.
Boaeli ClTCLlL Court.

 - TIL}:
CC-Q-E~L°'171{ 01‘ 253-7‘: 'JCKY ,‘, Indictment :30 r
151-gain et 3 HUI SAICE. . “
31’-1..: 1220.11: )
rEhe GEL-14131,) JURY oi" Powell County in the name and by
the authority of the Commonwealth of Kentucky aeotee the
Louisville 5;; Nashville Railroad Company of the flier-Ge of
suffering a nee-Ne committed as. follows, Viz:
That 2,51 Louie 1d lle Ea Eis’eehtille 1dill‘ Ced- Cornpziny o. t 11 :37; tit.
dey of fovemb er 1914:, in t Fe County e;‘e: eeeid
It the said Lo1.:-.ie*-rille end :Ee;~:1';.\'ille Railroad Company being a
Corporation duly inc-o r3331“- eted under the law's of the State o f
Iiientnek y, and 01.111111 and ope r ati ;g a r ei lr ea 51 in and t 11‘ ough
the County of Powell 1:110:51 as the Loafing-ten and Ee.eter-13eilroad
did unlawfully 151115. ':iillifz‘ully suffer and pe 1‘11-git is ears to itand \
acre e the reed t1 leads; from Eileen to Ceir- Creel: and up the
Nor-ti: Fork of Shed- jniver, it the said road at the tire being a
publi e I‘ni gym-ray, 2111:3- di ii 5:11:3'i'er affi- permit t he sate t o ‘113- and
1eair across eel road for an unreasonable legth of time at
a point value re Said railroad. 01'-o Co 0 said highwai at a point at
ard near Eileen Station on said railroad, thereby o'betr:7_eting
said highway and rendering travel along same dangerous and unsafe
to tte common nuisance of all the citizens of the Cozmonweelth of
Kent‘izky and especially those living on and in the neighborhood
of said road and crossing and reeroesing the same at a time
other than mentioned in indictment 7130. l & 2,
against the peace and dignity of the Comionweelth of lientdeky.
WI TLTESSES: Conunonweal Lh ‘ S Att 0 me y.
John Garrett
A Copy Atteet:
(Signed) C. I}. Crowe, Clerk
Powell Circuit Court.

, .
. 11 —
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3130;: A1198.»
{'14 -.-, : ‘- r: ~~ r1,.......,. rt“ 7 ‘.7
( 0.2 ‘_glgz; ..I. I‘ ‘v o ,. 2 "J \.‘I ‘I 1. {‘3' , D ...e 41};
‘1‘; - 'I ~.~,”, .,.. -J. \, .1.
' .:. I.'-16.01. C2; 1».. lb (2'3 .I_" LI.

 _ 5M—462—23—4'378
_x/l/My/MWM/ f/U/a/x /////M//y WuM/a/y
‘ (I I 7’ [fl ,7 f)" r/ 5 /
" “;“f/wzww/ /////1//2 '
,4, . /'I,/ ,h;’ '. 7 V /
flC//4//zwf// 7/ ' '- 7 / ‘I/
.,./ifzzegyeé»; m fll/l/y/(a/ / ,1. (y, -
/' "
" liecaembei/é 5th, 3.914.
12:43. Jun. 4'). 4441414444534, ‘ ’
/ I
I ' '
{item-14:0 23 , Jig; .
Joe? 25'}..r:- '7
I “4441.439 received from our agent at éJtP-anton lattice—<4 1 P 841
- 4,4 ‘ V..! 41.5
23 fr om I’O‘J'f‘lfi, (3041314154, inti‘sieti'ngj' the 304113451313 for nuisance. I 43.!) not
know '.‘fimt they have reference to rnl would 112:5: to be advifiefl :f‘ullv in
6.21143“; infatmme.
1'04er truly,
/7 7”
I / /
/17 [79 /
’ » “7" 424 / " f?
{397717 AJ/ ,1;le /5/ I
. 4 .1 / '4ggizlgigkf.
r , my -'II L 777
large}. :1. rile. on.

 ‘ 5
- L w. —, fir“:
3808:.06-3; .1.,;
,7 _ - 'a. u. .-. -, 3 .::‘,“
...viessrs. Jenn D. Atkinson. d: :..:on,
attorneys at "ass,
".1 i .‘ 1, r»
:.: cant 011,541.
-'1 J. v. .. a
1:721:15. width- J- V‘fi‘xféqi’iftl‘ 3303‘ .::'???i-flr). 121 33117.1 set-
,1.- .. .,. ,—.,- . v1 _ J- . v. .5, -J- .'_‘2 \ ‘ w _~ .,.-:..“,3': - .n
elf-2:310:11. 0.1. .L_l. .1.-:n33'iléii fligrr}.i.ilfib MW; J :. ,. ..L‘y'aklzJ. .LJJ. Ovabli-Vc-lOJl OJ:
‘1 ." ”,1., ”,,--
'1,}. 5,111141'5; .’,'J a
17.,“ ...,.) 'i.',,1,,-‘.,I.
... u J..L w L: t’...'.e“:.! o

  2¢$ . _ . . V I : . ‘L , ‘ ‘”> ’ ,Hcvember 17; 1914‘ I
a} G,H.Moormén, Esq.; is f * ‘ 1 1‘ , . “ “
‘ . "Asst. DiSt.Afity.,L & N R R Co.,- ' = . . - ‘ _
, Louisville,Ky.' ‘ - » ' _ ‘ , .
“ I V Dear Sir:~ " .'~ ' i I >
- , ' [Referring to'lndictments in the Porgll Circuit Court I
‘ 1y against fine Company far abstraction of highways, of which two r‘, I
‘ . ’ have Been penfling, I herewith hand you copy of a latte? of thé '  
' - _léfih ingtant fram our local attorneys, John E. Atkinsoh E Son;
5 m tégether fiith bill for jufigment anfi costs an Form Ho.¢. LAS ‘ I
’ you will see, it ha$ been agreed to eomprfimise,one 9f the cases a l
‘by the payment of £75.00 and coats and t0.fi1a tho ofiher case "
I _ away. The Whole amount fine unflor the compromise is $79.45. . i
‘ " PleaSG have Voucher iasued in Settlamont ag promptly as pOSf 1 *’
‘ I sibla, so that payment méy be made to Hr.\Ewen, Trustée of the -L
_ , ‘. Jury'fimnd¢ before the enfl of the current fierm of the Powell Cir— ' ‘ ,i
'.I ' :Cuit Cofirt, aha oblige, .. i n»;
. ‘:' . ‘ ' .l I Yours'truly, " W
, )Engs. ‘ ' . *
. Sam/a ‘ - ‘ ‘ _ f
‘ ' >4? Counsel. ‘ ' f

 »7 ‘ ' i‘ _ , . -_ hover-saber 17, 1914., _ ‘ ' ,
[ill “ Meeers.30hn D. etkinson & Son,yi , p Y ' ’ .
" Attorneys at law, . .
‘Stanton,Ky. ‘ ' t , ., 1 )
‘ , Gentlenenzw ) , . ,
' ' l V l have your favor of the 16th instant, advising‘me of .
' H the settlement of lnfiiotments against the L & E for obstruction
‘ V , *) > 'of highway. I am forwarding a copy of your letter and the enclosed ‘ »
I - bill for Judgment and Costs to Mr. hoomman for voucher. I I -
I notice your statement that the Eerickson Petition has been
i . verified and that the case goes over to the 5th day of the term. '
)2 . )1 am to~dsy in ruoeipt of a letter from Er. Lenorum, dated 7.
ii' ‘ ‘ StanEJn,HOVemher 16,.1Qli, giving additional information concerning a'
I V p: the occurrence complained of by Mr. Deriohson. Che information I
‘ fnrnished me by fire Landrum is not so fevdrahle to our siie as V
the information which cone to me previously through fir. HeDowell‘s
, . office. It was on the strength of the letter that I prepared the i ~
I i ‘ Answer sent you a few days ago. From Mr. Landrum’s lotter,.ityap~ .
I. ' ~peersto be highly important to have‘this ease continued, if possible,
‘ 't to the next term of court. We ought not to be forced into a trial ,
» , V, at this term. With adequate time for investigation and preparation,
-n it may be possible to hold the plaintiff‘down to a minimum reoovery
' ' or to effect a reasonoole settlement with him. 'But I fear the worst '
' ‘f if we are compelled to try at this term. Kindly handle accordingly,
p. and oblige) . ‘ ' .
':' _f -) “ . fours truly, .
f ’ ' 7’ , , ' Counsel. i, ':'*‘ .

. w , ::_ .,’-“fa" / 5% Ufa/(£67240); 7'” -%72
2 \ .\ § “:14; agglmymu’
.2"? \’ ' 2 f -
§ ~ \ :_%(La?.[072, 2%(2/
:Eov. 18%,}: [914.
110-21. $331,221.01 Ii’iT-ma
L6:=3-fiI1{f’0()J:, /'/fl‘d // / 7,
Kc-‘H‘:*01_ICKV . «
. Dear Sir:
I have settled; one {21‘ the indictments egaist the 19.2-13.3?2‘3'17.

"3'03? £3,925.00 and, ens-ts; and the other filed. away, you will remezzrmar
that the 012911;: was: Nuisance by obstmmting highway. I an '
sending you report in this, and would. like": to be able to gay
it. to 2111'. J33. Fem): {Pyrite-<3 of jury .2.-“11.726; Maj-“ore the end. of the
tarm. ‘

Derickson Verified his wetition, and case goes ever to the
5th day of harm. Vary truly. \ 2, 2. _ ‘

/;% .r ;x , /' ' ‘

‘ , ' fl}? 33% Lfifiéznbzdoaz 7" -§4Ln
‘ 5 agate/yew
' ,Céavfll27aaj€?z Y
Aug. 25th 1914.
Sam'l.M. Wilson Esq. 3" l7,
Lexington, 2. ""f 4 V "
Kentucky. = . ~‘ E RE" it..-
Dear Sir: --3'14 _ngi.3
I have your letter of the 28, in regard to the indictments
against the L.&.E.RW’V. CO. And following your suggestion
will take the matter up with the Commonwealths Atty. as soon
as the County Atty. returns from hie vacation, as I think he
may be able to make some suggestions to the Comw'ths. Atty. that
would be advantageuos to me in trying to get a reasonable set»
tloment of the matters. I will write you later of the
results. Very truly.
Z W '7‘?“
or» /7 /(/(Z/ ”Zfltxc 4314.0 9 /

 t , _ ,f
a . ~ . ,
V > ‘ . A 4‘ . '
. ' K ' I ‘
V - , - nugusu 32, 1914. g
T!” V - , _, . ,w‘ t V i , c" ~.5-J . M
. ilesers .. J 01121 :3., “thins on 3? 112031, m we .. 3’ . ‘ , - '
. _ . ‘ 'rr. '
v . smmmm,rgw ‘ » . > ‘ «
I \ '
n: . ,. l . _
senilemenzw » ‘
T‘. .4 i . s . ._ «a _ — ... .». T- :.: is a“ . i v. .' . ._. .
. V AOLUXTAflg ti fweflflb Amuletmonte in Howell Ceuntyior blocking
- 1 am .. .4. n ,, ‘\ ~ :.., =w :‘: ~. 1L . -.. . ~ " .1. - ,, . . ..” -- ‘ - ' '
__ highway eu eleg L155 emu ,tanteu, Suypflflc gfih bee if HOEB very roaeona
, um.
~ ..!. ‘.., .n ..rl v m .’. ..v. , . . l .. , V, .:. . .i :~. . v ‘ l ‘ ~ ' I
anle terms or settlement Gflflflfib he eff eteu with the Gounonwealtn’s ‘
‘ '1'. n .. , 1: .1..1. , .re ‘ , .1. L ".. A - H .V .. u , ’
. Attorneya in ?lvw or the rent :net a? lately settleo onefifl or theee
.. 1 H; ._ .:., ‘ ., .,_ .”.: . . :1 ».. r' ‘z .,‘ . . I N ..L ,. n, . 7.’. .L. J.. . A. .3.. . . , . -' -
commie fiufl by yaning whe.0&, it seeme to M6 that the ofiicere of the law
_ I
. in 9:,- ; n} ..15;(:,-V,¢,J. ,\ .‘,.43 ..L '1. '. ”.'...; " , fl: .,; l“ - a; .f‘ .i‘v,‘ . ,1.." .:. 3 . 0 1‘ ‘.-' -, . .. ,L t , . t . . ..;1 w
my“) i {Lit-Jae ,3,. .‘,) {.'C ..Zl'e" {A :13.-1.1 Ex h Ila-.1V \3 5.3.3) K24. ‘31- 1 “LCD. f 3,: j. 011 EL’ 0 bib 3 J.. 1.4.8 ll QrQS S ifl€§£ wJfliGG"
, ‘ C . . ,
mm. n «" '3 “x“ m ~ _. -V.? .4 «4a.: .—: .,'. ° “a ., - — -* - *
esserl J, reiiiiing that it viii oust me money it MG éo. flxolain that
. ‘ ‘
._ JA-r; ”...; , m. ,- .5'-k n. ,. e - s ‘3 ".'“ 1 , .V ,. .». .’.. «:;. ~ - -
fihflfiw things ere Uthm answereauie, S?€fl.u1uh the west of intentions and
9.;1i70wJ- Fr} 5‘71, p. .,.m 34+ .. .::' .'.?“ q 1; :1”; .,.._ ;— 1;». 1 .:- .:V r, ... “r .. 1.‘ -r m r , .
.5. . ,-. $1 V.1” iw at; .E‘dfiilfie .1 )b. {nib n»-:.-;4_:.-Lv¢‘:1 (1.'.; li {will}, .3. is :3 91531:); (33.108 0 a .3. 110 {M3 :27/0T. {38E}.
.. '3 . , a ...», - ;- u. A. " ,. J -:»‘ 1.“ i ~'-- - '7 » "1 .. -> . v ‘1" .~ > ,. -» - ’
A immee :::, G369, 1.';le a , 3..'. 3:31 L.- :2. .1.1 1.) am :.;;1 5.3-9 :11'11 1:13:12) flit: a n ,
mm...m9 .
‘95} ‘:“n 157$, :.:, ...,. .:3 71>",21‘! ‘73.”) 0""? ;.«h 9:, :;:1 Y '74 ,1 h 3.;“ n ‘.‘ 1 r 1 _ _1 1 r ,* IE
. L r. a .‘L. t, i -, .._r .1. ,. 3., u. w Jx .. . ii L‘ . , :;.: t2 1; C; b 9 (.‘,, i: E); U L13. L011"? eniemoe u
' ‘ ”" H .l. .:. - -31. . e _ .; , . , -
i» £154: '.: .E.“ :.1», h»; DH.) :4. S3,
3 .
i - A
' ' ‘ ' ‘r _ t '1
,- . {191.1118 SJ. 1» '
; r '».“: 5"] - ‘_
, l\\‘$~_.”1_, ‘ “'I _ A I ‘ .
| \,
W t ‘ A, _
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> I
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 . -- :.. . V ' influst 22 1&11.‘ 1.2 -
‘ ‘ O . V 4'? ‘
' _ V I I. _. / " . V ”,7: ..
. “_( '
- - .' 2‘," Ta ‘ :. ’
g C. H, georman, 583., , ‘ ;
. . . A532. 313%. Atty., L. & H; R. Ea 00;; , . ..' 1 ~ _
, 1 1 ‘Louisville, Ky. ‘ _\ ' . ~
' "Up ’,v’x 134* a- . '_ ‘ ' ‘ .
» .J .48.; «;:.. I: o - ‘ . I:
' 1 f 1- l acknowladge youys of the 213%, wifih enelosurg, in regaffl
’ fimlluaiéfimemts in ?owell,cireui%,fiunrt for obgtrucfiing highway erogg~ ’
. - 1 ' ~ 3
_ ' 1333 3% Slay Gity ané 3tantoa» I am Raking guy Eoeai Attornayg at Stan”
‘ fign 39 See'if,a very yeagmnable gettlemanfi of fihegg prosecutions cau~
> 39% hn effecfied. ' l ' J
. ‘. ‘ Vayy firmly geurs, ‘ ‘ "y
/” ' . Cpufisel. ' g
‘ ‘ ,/r./ I ~ I ‘. ‘ ‘ .
3 { . ‘
. . ‘ ‘ l l ‘ - if ’I V I
'I . > . .

 {D/ ,»7”, n7
. /
‘////////// .~‘/é”, 972/,”mmm/y,int/”M; ,. '
2292/23 /// //r-mzmz, /
r , “Ir-Tl'f/‘r/fliglfll'fl'3”/WW /fl,,/ . . / / ,,
//J,/ MUN/M7 Aug. 21. 1914' 79165
Mr. S.M.Wilson,
. Dexington, Ky.
Dear Sir,
Referring to your favor of July 8th, enclosing letter dated
July 4th, from John D. Adkinson & Son, local attorneys at Stanton,
Ky,, together with copy of two indictments found by the grand jury
of Powell County against the L&E Ry., growing out of the blocking
of public road crossings at Clay City and Stanton.

I Your attention is called to carbon copy of Mr. McDowell's
letter to me of Aug. 19th, forwarded to you, from which you will
note that the company is probably without any defense whatever in

‘the matter referred to. It will, therefore, seem to be the part E
\of wisdom for us to endeavor to make terms with the Commonwealth's >
\attorney. ’
x I am handing you herewith carbon copy of my letter to Mr.
McDowell of this date.
I Ymustrfly,
enc Assistant District Attorney.

 2 1:: 1‘ ‘5
‘ /— , ,/ . . l// , // ,/ . //‘// , ,,; //
' ' . ~//////////£ flJ/lVfl e, flaflM/f/ fay/My
‘ . /
.2) 4 , / ' ’/ ,I/ ,_ v. .
.///'2/.m/z///-/. /’(m«,ze/c/, , / 7 y/ l- ,,I/
J/ ‘ war/w/wmma ,_Lfl/(mI IL;(flmg/Wfigfi/f/fir. /7€//2///,(%y.
" / ’ , , . x f/
fi/M k/ljgj ;/ r/éfl’u/mm "
.‘ZMV. 7211/7211 blitz/me“: / ,/
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run/x.) ;«__,/’/'///‘//Lt/p, . // . ,r ,, z (
/W/ // f”/(I/'l/HI'»/’/fl/l/. ,,_AK/[dfl/éwéy” f‘LHS. 81’ 1914- 79165
fir. H.A.Mcflowell,
manager, 1&3. Lexington, :7.
Dear Sir,

Referring to your favor of Aug. 19th, reletive to infiictments
fauna by the arena jury ef Powell Ceunty against the L&E Hy,, on
adéount of blocking of public highways at Clay City anfi Stanton.

The blocking of the croeeings referred to is likely to cost

_ f the company some money fine I kflow you have given Confiuctor Wm. Combs;
3 $0 undersfignd that the public hag righfis which even local conductors\
f l
Kare bound to respect. /
‘ Yours truly,
712:: 47

www¢flw' Aesistant Diefirict Attorney.


00 fir. S.M.Wilson,

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1 , 4 4 ,
afihgywz 111¢aav€¢k4fiav. /§£§
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ngust 19th, 191%.
.'4-fir . =1": .4 ii. I 3:: 5325215521 , 5:355:11} 7 s 'if, ‘.. fat 43;? 1. ,
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