xt73bk16mf8w_254 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [200d] Annie Horr v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court text [200d] Annie Horr v. L&E, Breathitt Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_25/Folder_4/73182.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_254 xt73bk16mf8w .1333?)sz «at, _ km“)
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Je’fiijfiia 3‘41“?ij Sistine? . 7 ‘ ~ ;0 V
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Local Freight Way-Blll2vy74ffl/WMQ/mm to .. 20%MW- Date... /d’21 1 Q/Q
'- then Freight is Billed at Less than Tariff Rates, Authority fag/#:duced Rate/gu/st be Noted on Way-Bill. //
4 . Separate Aggregats Collected
‘7 ’3’ . //// ,f . / 2
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Luca! Freight Way-bill fl JgWWE :3; N00? E Ta/éd/Jé fmza’finatecwx’flw
TRANSFERRED INTO '"”Ea'-~~—~———-—--———-~--—-—~-~~—~—N°-—————-~——“~~~~~~~--~——————————*——-~'9'v-w- WEIGHED AT E Tare ,,.WW__,_
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 . ‘ Form 1009—2
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.:.:f .I.": mmngement of colors and forms in manifolding, on Straight shipments : (1) Shipping Order [white] ,
1.:“ 135:; (2) Bill of Lading [white]; (3) Memorandum [White]
‘ I
:... . Shipper’s No......_.m_..s..-.._
A. .:‘ .’ 7.." 2
W/ f' If f , Agent 5 No“.
RECEIVED,'§UchcItrto the classrficaI, ions 3., d tariffs In effect on the date 0 I/iSsueflbf this Original, Bill of Ladlng,
fromgc.¢‘nr;7uIthe property described below, in apparent good order, except as noiui

(congents agnd'cofidition of“ contentséoff’packzigesnnkngfi‘n), marked, consigned and destined as indicated below, which said Company agrees u:

carry to its nsnnl place of deliveryr at’said estinatidn, if on its road, otherwise to deliver to another carrier on the route to said destinn

tion. It is mutually agreed, as to each carrier of all or any of said property over all or any portion of said route to destination, and as to car!

party at any time interested in all or any of said property, that every service to be performed hereunder shall be subject to all the conditiom

whether printed or written, herein contained (including conditions on back hereof), and which are agreed to by the shipper and accepted in

himself and his assigns. '
The Rate of Freight f/om—...._~_.__L ..L

to as Ian-{Enis—yjejoo Lbs. hp” Barre” If Special

1:15;; 115“]._i'fiwirkimf—jr‘ IF IF IF 1 IF } IF | IF this“ iflfliiiigfiTFfm‘irw r‘r_‘ in .;m........

151; Class Isl: Class, 2d Classl Rule25 36 Class Rule26 Rule28 4th Class‘5th ClessIIGth Classi ClassAi Class B1 CiassC Class D ClassE ClassH CiassF :

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..“‘} I’ i 2 II.- I: ;‘. I .:';b L. ,.:-i l; I (Mail Address—Not; for purposes of Delivery.)
I: I}; III; II ‘:”l’l .7 f 7 iI ; é 7 I II 7.: I.
Consigned to L’,”-s‘“;
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“WAGES DE--RINi0N 0F ARTlCLES AND SPECIAL hlARKS ! (Subjecitn Common) l RATE 7 COLUMIN | If charges are to be pre
_ ;(L-xf ___. I, I 3 l w 'I ~.7 ' If. ‘ i paid, write or stamp here
if) I/ 7.7/:5 , __,fj. I’LL «Mass/if a, I .5 Nu If; i i “To be Prepaid.”

L.'";‘ (957%,? I- .:' ::‘ l-Lai ff? .7; II} ;f .w" I f I l i
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/ /;»:j3’.r ' (.1 “ 7 i i l } described hereon.
if I; II f? ”if" . I 1 { Agentor Cashiex.
,,:»; 7 _IéII IV . if K. [E II .~. I _ . E I [ah-“liri‘fi' ‘12.:I‘ Per
)0 :.’ 7 ' i 3" ~C 1‘ ,_,-"7’ ’V' 5 {J ::‘” ‘- 3 ‘., {r I ""3; (The signature here acknowledge: '
r. .. . s I .,’IN‘" .._.....i 1II only the amount prepaid.)
, . » " T i 9
I,.-z" 3 i l Charges Advanced:
z i 1», _ ' . f l
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. I .; II/fl " 17.1")”

 . FORE! 6848.0LD FORMIIBB—Revi-e une, 1909. /// / . . / /
‘ LOUISVILLE bNASHVILLE'RML I] 80, Line Initial_...-.........Roatiéyg/jima ‘7 0.4.:iz‘fiaarked CapaCItyW arm/797:
“ 7 - _ - Z/ / Stat' No..4.4_4-...444 \~::: 7 ' ' \
. . Lucal Freight Way bl” 7% WE? {Bloc'lfmmw— 74% To44___ WM.§éDate/7/ 5 l9! .0.
. / Gross.
. .- TRANSFERRED INTO '"itia'~-—-~-—-—-"°-~——~———-At~—~-——~~9"—— WEIGHED AT4_44_4L Tare 4
Initia|4444_No.........4..44...._At.4 .-._4l9144 Net44
:‘w__« m I coflqmjg;mmw f ;‘fm; ’ ‘ FLIGHT" “j “’““"““”"‘“ :m““‘=" ” 44 To BE “
cmmggnmEiazitfjmg— L : , _/L/ Separate ate MhtTdvances Prepaid (:0me
g- flLZ L fiMLjZ/i L / 1 WL ”@4444 I _._
.2. L4 .4L44L44_g7ffé £44424 -4 ,. ”L4L ILL-
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.L4L4_4L44_4L . WWLLLELLL”
.. g L L L L__444_ IL L _L L I_.L .L.-
1 . L L i L i .L L. L

 . FORM 6848, OLD FORM 113877119de $1119., 1909. x _
’ "H. F 81 MSHWHE“”%A|5_ROAB BB ' " W ‘ " - ‘
\ WINS? L . 1 V ,, = 1 Line in1t1a1._7777.ffioad mrhai..V...-V-..W..Lar N0- V. Marked Bapacuy. . V .1111. e No, V
. - / i ‘1
-‘ “L I F - ht w h” Sta Ion ”0.7.7 1 V
033 F319 ay-1 —77777777 T11V._W .V V V -.Date V1911..V__
' . 1 Block No1_...;---.-.V_W. V
S 1 Gross. VV . V-
THANSFERRED INTO IIIIIIaI‘"""""""""""""'"‘No'***“"""““AL‘“"'“““““""““"""'“ 193.-..-. WEEGHED ATVAM____-A 7 <" Tare _ . . ._

I. lnifial._V._.V-W.W.WN0.....VV.......--...-...--At ....VW-_.---_--W_V.-_VWWW191VW { Net ,_ r
OLI:;;‘—é;n;:;}u:i::;::r:7;;7;:57~l;;7:fi—1211—2::22::7:flf¥;&rrr~7t:thtfifiw—7::1:tr:2LTurW-fifggjgfzzzgrxtu—nef-“FM—fiTiT——*—:—rmrrvv—T—T ~~,—v~—-« r 117 7 17:17: Wazlrm- 21:,
7iifialaggfii'fiiggw mums comma-mm: Am) nnsmrmmom i ARTICLES 5,—57-7776t 1‘ 77:77—77:11 Rate it Freight 11.1: vnncnfi Prepaid 1" corroegrn
.777flfilwt “11“?“ 21".: V _ WW_,,_.-W._W_...WW..WWWWWW-.WWWW-W._.W.-.V_V-_.-.W1l “MAW ‘t’ff’fiW‘WWWuWW -.-.-11V___VVV_VW-__11. W..l..-_W11VVV_iWW__._V.. .. . ..

' 1‘ . 1 1 1 1 1 1% 1. 11 11 1 ‘ I 1 11 ‘1
3 ~/ - i1~~1777~ ——— 77———7—~7~—7~~w —77——17———‘————- “'1— 7 r 1 7 r
z 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1: 1 ' 11 1 1 11 9 1 11 1
11.1 V " J 1 __ W. WVVV-VVWW__VV_V.V-_ 1 V WWVVW V V -11W 1;WW1--.W.1V-.___W1WWJ1WV.W--V. 1 -1W1 V .1 . .
‘-- 1 ‘ 1 ' ' ' 1' 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1
1-- I I I I 5 1i I t: I I ‘15 3 1 1‘ I,
-- 3 7 77 1 7. 1. .. . . V .. WVV 1V. V .VVW.___W._.WV1 , V.V__.__V__V,V_V_ V.VVV._...WV..-.WWVVWWWWWWWW1 .VVVVWWVWWWVWWV VWWV. V. W. VVV._WWWW WWWW_WV W1V VVWWVVVWW, .1 VV._VWV:1 WV, V1! , - . V 1 V V 11' 1 77 .
1:: 1 1 1 i 1 ll 1 1 1 '1 1 11 1
w 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 E ' ; 1 1 1 1
m 1 I 1 ' 1 3 11 ; 1‘ 1 1‘ 1 1 1
O ‘ ‘ <' "‘ . ‘ . . ? ---——77777777.77—777717777777777777777 7777 77 7 ”7. 777.7 A777A7777_7_7_.r_7_7.77.._7—.._7.7—7777 7i’ 7— 777.77. _. m... W . i WW.W ,W .W 1W. ,WW W. i . “777—“7 7 77777777 77 1 . 7.77777. . 77 I 17 7 7 1 77777 77 1 777 1! - 1 : ~ 1“ -l 7 a“
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I . 7 1 I . . 1 ..V...-_.,WWVVW V V V W VW _. VVW V.V_V .. V . 1 V VV WWVVV WV V WWII W WW WV. WVVVW . 1L.W-W;: VVVWVVI ‘1 . .‘ 1 V
I’— 1 1 1 ‘1 : 11 I I 1 I 1 1 1 I
3 . 1 1 1 3 V 1 1 5 V1,- W1-.- V V i i V . V? :1 V V
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1 1 1 1 s V 1 1‘ ; 1 1
:1 j ~-»~--7—» 1 - 7 7 ‘ 77 7 7 7 7 1 A 77 - ~~ 7- 77 77» 7 E 7 7 7 7 77 7 ._ 7 .7.7 7 77 77 7 7 «....77 a} 7 7 7 7 7 1 7 1 i E ‘ I ‘ V I
I I . . V I ‘ V. i I
I ‘ i 7 7 I: 777777 7 71 7.7777 7 .77777 V777777 E 7 77.777A7M7A7 7 . 7.,WW..,W‘ .... ..77 7 . . .1; .V. 7 7 77 ‘ 7 i ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ é
‘ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ‘ 3 1
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 Cage/L/I/zywzg:,(my f/U/é/l/ ,,(z;_/,z«z/my/*' 0///////%
/ ,H/ _7 7‘ / k” .
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1;,6/0/2‘zerfl/ Wad,

{622wélgfiwz fl /’“// /2/,f)
.51/(weZIz/Zgér’zf/z’l/z‘m((1.77IJIJJfi/g7ei;V',/qfi/M f’ '/ Z"; 1%
’ ’ WWy/fl/e /-,/Oct‘ 9, 1911
Mr. w. A. McDowell, G. 11‘, ’
B u i l d i n g . Claim 8200

Dear sir:-

Returning you papers in regard to suit pending on ship-
ment to Annie Horr, Beattyville to Jackson. This shipment moved
from Beattyville Junction to Jackson on October 24th, 1910, deliver-
ed to us at Beattyville Junction too late for our trains on that
date. Same was forwarded to Jackson on No. 12 Monday, October 24th.
On October 27th, R. C‘ Musick representing claimant, requested us
to secure through rate on shipment frOm Middlesboro to Jackson.

Same date I wired Agent Stivers that I would take question up with
Middlesboro. On October 29th, Agent at Middlesboro advised that
he had made an error in the rate and had issued correction on
‘ Beattyville same day. This correction was received at Beattyvill/
\. Junction November 9th.
3 November 10th, notified agent to deliver all of this
ishipment except the iron safe. Agent was instructed not to ‘\ ,
€collect freight and charges on the safe, so as to facilitate de- / “
ilivery. This was done at the request of Judge Adamsm On November
13th Miss Horr filed claim amounting to $68.00 for alleged damage.
On January 25th she filed claim through Judge Adams for $858.00.
lgmMr. Fainfigndwhis assistant made the statement that the safe in this
shipment was fddfidmlying in the center of the car, face down near
the door, the balance of the shipment was in one end of the car
and was not checked as the boxes were heavy. The six boxes of 5
groceries weighed 2570 pounds. Shipment was not checked at Beatty-)v’
Ville Junction, but was forwarded under Beattyville sealsa
4¢/ Statement of Mr, Stivers that shipment was delivered
Mum was in error, should be Novgggpwepwiitgv. The L. a;
E. was not responsible for themoverhhfiréewirom'Middleshoro to
Beattyville, in fact we had no way of checking the rates from
Middlesboro to Beattyvillei as we have no tariffs on file showing
correct rates to apply. The bill—of-lading or billing does not
{Show that any shoes, dining room table, leather rocker, range,
gclock, kitchen safe, tubs, china, preserves, window poles were de-
‘livered to Transportation Companies in this shipment. All
original papers are in the hands of Mr. Jouett. I am unable to
give you any further facts in regard to this shipment, except that
the agent at Middlesboro advised me that they had had a great deal
of trouble with this party and that he was greatly relieved when
they left Middlesboro.
Yours truly,
General Freight Agent.

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 ' If:
. :“x' ox
.’J .v/ . :1": 1;; 7' , f -
fl! [.,3‘ 3K 1?,- , ' .'3. . . /:{_>_w£§ :r":
I 3 :1, X“arm-“m ,i; .‘y if; '.‘: 777*“ 3...!33 3:;- fn ’ ,
K / i I.. {ff 1, 1‘ /. , ‘ 1/ K /
/ , 7v , [:3 / 3/ / \
1» f , I j ' , , ’ ./' 1.. / 3” ’3 .3 43"” " 7 /
l, ..3./30,7 3w . ”m2 K34). 0/3 ”AMI/(y Kry/m/y
/ - ,, 7 , _, K,
/_,,/" //// .4/ , / ,
,209/Kv713 _ygggflGZ“
///-,/,(/fl.w , ,
/%ka@mflmz 7 /’27 w} :1
' Kym/flifl/f/izy/f/Wzrflfijiwzynié/gow/ ' \\ /” ' /‘ , / X
' 3 ' 3 3 -,,,,./é;3f/¢7 13/1,; // Mch 14, 1911
/" . , ‘3 /
Mr. E. S. Jouett, f i,=3£ i; 3 '
Winchester, Ky. ?, /’ Claim 8200
. ’.'“nMW/f’
Dear Sir:-
Mr. McDowell sent you papers in above Claim number, Annie
Herr vs. Lexington & Eastern Railway Company for alleged damage
on shiyment from Middlefiboro to Beattyville, reoonsigned from
Beattyville to Jackson. §géfrzz
/,/, / /" 7
////i//{/j,,/M//_ /' ,/ / ', ,
r/fl/I‘II(IIIK/ii‘g/gl/zl/fln/Afi/Ij/U/yflh':///'/’///. // ’ 7V / / V/ 0 t .98 191
a , ~ -, /7///L/7a./w,;w // C - v 3 0
/' 1‘
R C 3128
Mt. R. C. Musick,
Jackson, Ky.
Dear sir:~
Yourfi of the 26th in regard to shipment cons;;x:d cc
Annie Herr, Jackson. I find that this shipment was reconfiigned from
Beattyvil‘ia3 cmargcs up to Beattyville $46.81, this amount was billed
as advanca charges. It would appear that shipment was originally
billsd from.m;ddlesburo, Ky. to Beattyville and reconsigned from
fBeattyvich 1m {1221;3qu13.. Guava—,3; rate: :3.»;;-;=1; 'L'»: haw: 1:912: gglrled
'1' f‘:‘02'::. Tag-71.3”",gmr3.11.53 in; 33:2:5;,-'3;}..11; ("Lazac‘ticm $1111 F:vga,-'.LL.:/v:113.12 .Tli'1ciziixi'1 to
.T_L,<;E(1:=:sl1, in :;‘f'icorumu;:'.- ' m.» ch 151.011 Ewan: “..11; our: Frugjgnt at Erick-—
‘3 Bun, LAB-3 C‘ 131.32.; :391511013.;1,Lb},u i151“ ;—'~L.'Ll<;zg;-.ad 6113;513:512 to 9,:fo 2311:1211. aap- .
pearw to huvs bgun loaded on it; 5203 citkar at Hiadlsshoro or
Beattyville and delivered to us at Eaaksom in same condition as re-
ceived from the L. & A. at Beattyville Junction.
YOUFS truly,
General Freight Agent.

 ' ‘//’/' /. (K // / /./ /
,- , 1.1/may xw m/ f (U ///‘/7/ . ”mg/(fly / K’//%/// xy, *
/ a »
— WW2?) "é;// . '
. ' /;'* 5:7. /’ / /'/ //
.Qw/ra’tI/v/jhr} x47/I/1/K 711.11%”! WW/ WM H ' A “ V ’ V ‘ ’ Q
‘ / x ,/ _4/é¢7737/;74,/ép0 Oct. a7, 1-10.
/ (V 7" ..‘“, ., »:1-.0 ,. ,«rwnfi'w’
R C 3128
Agent, L. & N. Railroad,
Hiddlesboro, Ky.
Dear sir:-
Please refer to your Hiddlesboro way-bill 444, October
15th, shiyment of houaehold goeds and one iron safe consigned to
’ Annie Herr, Jackson routed via L. & A. and Beattyvillc Junction.
_ Kindly review your rates on thifi shipment which is refused by con-
Signee, account of overcharge, also adviSe if shipment was lOaded in
L. & N. Car 3844 at your station. Send me copy of your way-bill.
I enciose herewith atmmyed envelope for reply.
Yours truly,
General Freight Agent.

 t " , . ‘ L ‘ { " ' ‘ ‘ .
‘ 5 it “t“
. > ,3 33%.”; :1 n
, . ‘ ‘W .
Anna Herr v. L. a. E. V ‘ ' ,
February 16th, 1918.
Agent L. a a. a. R. Co., ' ~ , .
hiddleshoro, we. . , 4
Dear Sir:— . ' V - ‘

. Ea have a suit against the 1.33"“ . 3. Eastern Railway ‘
ternary at Jackson, Pfy” growing- out 0% 19‘5“; of goods from Hid-
dieshoro on October 15th, 1910, your ‘.“.t bill 444, in which there ‘.

' is eonplaint of overcharge ans-flare? ‘ .hiprent. They have just
tiled an avenoed petition, copy 0 at send you for your infor—
retion. ‘

Will you please I this up and send re a copy of your
hilleoi>lading by return r, f poseihle, so that I can set it '
Satnro‘ ay? ‘
As you are <§rjis:}. In a E. Railway Corpany is now owned
- by the L. a N. so *. q: a: all together it is as important to you
as to as that we t,‘$ . orptly have all information in regard to
ttis shiprent. ~ -
‘ I "\tio in the correspondence a letter from your Mr. G. W.
Bailey, of da . y ;“uary 8th, 1911, (3 ~ 36?5, 8200) addressed to
Chas. Scott, wi‘n. Fay rive you sore claw to this shipment, but the
hilleofelefiing is What is especially needed at once, so kindly let
re have that, one oblige ' .
' » Yours very truly, ~
' ’ISJ/GCP. '
y - Zhicl.
' P. 9. Please upturn the copy of the petition With your
V letter. -~ ,
; ' ,
k _
V V x , _ _ , I

 I . t
. , . . Fox-11116 ‘
it? «Helium? . Trot. 139 lilfl.
~‘ - ~ a v > 9
, I. r:: :
1 u \Jlda
. \ « ,.J..L «'1‘
..r. was. loom , :3.
1‘ ‘..': J v“ .
,uL,_-‘_J 1A,; (4011, “v. a
near 31:1”,
" - - ..~ 1. ._, ,1 . I‘ - z rum “2..‘-.~va me A
le- L11" to .7‘:le Letter 0.; out“ :3:-mi, {loch/o- ill-5,
.. ., o ..
_ ‘i, n mi ‘4,,;.. ._. 1} ~._ 4‘.., ' 4._ .'-..1“ -— '- A‘.}.
7201-: to coho you herewith 0012., OJ. to ..oaotgylie ..,/o ‘.1/:1:
— ~. V. F'JJ, _ ._. A: .. ,.‘n 5 _. J. :L ,..L; .,‘ mug .‘: ’3 .j, _
rated QCi; .. 1:: oil, Cc‘v‘Ul‘,‘ 1Q, ;oi; L; MOM. u l 11 (AI v-‘J‘ ~.) cl L'.: . “4.‘:: Still.
*-~ " v .,,.1_... ,‘,.l ll: ,,i..,,rA-V.‘ -3-
meat .:::Ls :.Llertl fray; :;ose : a 1 rate can; CLFLLCCDJXJLL l
‘ .1 M l t. . ”_;,.Ll ~_ c w' _'.u r. :-g. 3 .‘ ‘\—" - whirl
“and pct-L ;Lcif... closeoucd. I/l ,..ro Lon wlb ..as Lil-11m). LUGUD
'_';ez‘ltthi Lle , j , zf ,3 . LLL,“ :_.z‘fe use: :‘cco 231:1;«7L: a 13
4.1 ,_.J_ _, :..,L. 4., - 1,1,“... ',F
i.n'.\..l_; if“) :.Lu UQ L:),Qfi-»J‘J;l, l-;7.
um. ». ‘ Jami-x .
;.t_;;._,._ E, ti if; ,
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 1 \ ‘
‘ . . Form 16
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‘1 f'yr‘waf
'fiE‘A {WJN '~
inc; ()NOU
MW,“ ‘.‘, .1,.5 \- ,1'
.;l . ‘_;,nz-VJ. moose, -; ,.
,,ArGLinj‘tlel, . .
1,0935 :.”7'Y'
0. ha. 4._ ,
"~-. -.4“- .I 3. .._,, he ~ w. ‘“”‘ , L >47“, .w 47m .
tail—l, in, o‘v‘ ~Llifl Q.- villi. :.ILSL', - ”:ij L..;J‘Lv, '..xtlt 03 V0 00
..:, _,.; ." " ,'1. 1‘./\" m4 ~,F ~',» ~~§n ‘ V..” «net-“u “"511", --
L,.- . ,. .K.5..u 0i a: V‘v Ly.) vw L;.. )_,'-, \, .;J .;:.,._._«, ‘.‘a..- , \zL-vv ‘.1‘, .4. .....‘v , L“.' . ,
nmwrn'mmf " +n “NAM-wwwvin 11». .'?/“A _. 1m ,’1" /‘;r‘\ “.,.,.., ’7‘" 4x, 3,
at . .._ --. “.‘,: "v uu ._,,”va . ._. -v ‘., M iii +41-"l av, \JUL'C/ ~..; «AA._uu .‘,
"A A A ,gi, : L.L” ~ _ ,_ ,7 .»- ,. in j /‘1 . .t 4‘: . .2“ ._, A " "_' .
LiL_f..CUU adaption, also cog, o_ __3,‘ L > file ii. :..‘ihnlUCn
i: V ,'1 ,,,: ,1, .,,.i H 7:. _ L’..» i‘ ' .“," .3 .‘. ,,.'. f 3 ,. j
give. 2,.; “H (_:C‘iltlu 3, c.1_ (J_MiUi‘wL-tiro _..x , whit
, ’,‘3 an ‘ . ‘___ '_V‘ j '- .._” 7.7“: _ ,, 4 J. —-,, Hp“: »‘ , " MTV” '\
not a 37:13 hf-CN‘FJ 3 ,.IA _1 l on mi oi ”Mt/8.20.
f . in, ,_ ',. . r ‘4“ "‘ . .—.. V . ‘ r - -.. ~v~» _ >>—« ~,.‘~,VA
114‘ L'.: riu‘l-JHaC “You. L_.‘OJO 400110 man; O’COlL ‘.‘QLV', ;ALLLO/lx‘L-J
- i , z
at, ..I e «.017. :.‘. »1,? L wrong. axe“ our-re has canarnital
, J, ,7, “I 4 ,_. ' V .,,...L I‘ e ., ‘ pm“ 1 my: ’ q --‘ Air uww-IW -»» —.
(_,‘JJ 4:. ( < . “.LL on- ”,1; when“ _ ..e 1.1120};
' ‘70' Wt" “'""w e 'n -"* 4'7»~ - ~--~ 'n J" ~’ "w
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L3.~i!_1,LCJIL: wot urns: ".:_ :3 41
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3i; ..,.in 1., :”.; ‘..;O; I.Ifil‘rlL‘..__‘-./Jk)»: __L,{ L.r._l-_‘C 7‘; this
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‘ ~ 0 - ~
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I A ,' .1 ' I.I“ _ 3 ..3—3' 3 ' ‘,- ”3“”;
‘ 1 I V V "1} ‘ ‘i ; 3:" ' ’,': H 3,: I]: h 3‘" .’ ,‘ ‘ ..'";Y " 1 “ C3” ‘1
,3 3A Wolfff“" gfl 31.M1,3 333“, - _
. . , I3 3 3 3 .. ..; ,, _. ~.., 3 , ‘ ‘:. ._34 5.3.39. ‘ ‘,1 .,,/”>33: > ‘I/ 3 ‘1 ;‘l [j
3 . ’,‘! ' ‘ 3’ 3’ ‘
The Lexington & Eastorr Peilvay 30.
Anna Horr Dr.
OctI'To iamsgo and loss of goods on freight shipments
from fiiifilesborough to Jackson,£y.,as follows:
"1 box shoes broken open,anfl the following shoes
3 miosing:
7 :2 pairs shoes,at $2.00 yer pair, $ 24.00
‘ 17 pairs shoes at $3.00 per yairg 51.00
3 broken
130 003. decorated dishos,at $1.00 per dofien, 150.00
1 iron safo;damaged and not fit ior use, 115.00 “
freight paid on two boxes broken china ware, 13.85 3 _ g
wflfreight paid on missing shoes, 1.20
l oak dining table, short 7. 15.00
1 leather seat rooxur,brohan, . 5.00-~ *
l wash keiéle, short, 5-. 2.00 ‘ ‘
(7' / 3
1 range broken, - 15.00 5.
‘ l clock,short, ' “ 15.00“ '
_ 1 Kitchen safe,doors broken , ' ' 2.00 ”I“.
V 150 pieces of fine china, short, “* 15.08%
1 Tub,short, , 1.00
l tub enamei vare,ohovfif 5.00~3 "
5 galons proseyVos,mhorfi, * 5.00 ‘_3,”
l parlor ohair,logo broken, 3 1.00 w : ',
ll window poles,and curtain stretcher, '71 ” “2.00
ramages for the refusal of the Company to
. delvor the mammmm shipfionts at Jackson
‘ and witnoiding the same 20 dayn,at $20.00 per day, 400.00
Toyo; $838.03
3 7 Z/f’l CU // _31] (Q7k/kx
”.._—_-._.“- ..__.... _.._...- _\ - _

. 3 . ‘ , x, p
x3 \ I ‘.
» . . .
. ,
List of Artiuleh receipted for by Annie Kerr,
_ govember 0th, 1310.‘
' W—u—n‘m an .
3- 1 Roll Tin ‘ gisgriluhS on delivery to
‘ . nt-q-n-au.~’_...a~.._fimm'..—..._"..mw- . M..
2'- 1 :.'H. . 931338 ,»,“; .16 “0117-: ‘
, -“,,ln.._e_
. j- l 6. teller
ffi.‘ .A. . .\ .‘ ,, . ,. .,7, “ .\ ,‘. ".,
‘,' .’,) ‘.--.«‘\-."»":: Z ' x531. OX; :3 (.;.j's 3,:,Ylere
. 4~ 2 eu‘;a;;ijg ' ripe tits on it.
3 5» 1 Clfiif 99? 13 ~'L'-JQ”” LMT'LCQ
' ' " . ,, ... ‘
. ”26' u: cart CI sontznen
_ k" 1 nettle :. C r 1300?.
"- '". z" » . ' , “ ‘1 ' . . . , r /. ... '. ._
{a l B3dl. u.n.uoore in} I... m yer any’ in;
, . 3 "AC _‘:4_L"“5| . .1;-2.43.1133"
' A» l uten 3 ate?
K , i~i} Lc\... o; ::t3i: o: ;SOt:
— l 311. ». Pipe ,
. ’3" ’ '- ‘. ......_', ’,‘..1. ._, _
. 3 3:) ~3~ 3 _,J v , i,i. i.» 31].. _.; ,:2;L:.‘L 1* I‘Cm‘.
30» l erfiir ' L g L. ' ,
. .. . ' I - - .- r ~~= A ”1.., .,. ,' ,, I ..
, 3.1- ; ;ij)’2"3...él;‘j 2 '.;) i ..'..". ‘.: L,~J x; , ; 2.0;“: :, LA'O.‘ L g; r:
‘ » i?- l in Ctniii
. .., _ / __’,“ .'~_ ‘
.13," .1V stage s\ by, v; m... 1}
14— ; gfittresses , ‘
- I
. ,. ..T _‘fl
‘ J.‘)" .3. £2... Owl‘s?
lh- l vofa , . »
' , l?- '1 3. Base ' ’ .
l:- l or te ‘
19- 3’.oxee
SO- 1 bce:et nub contents .
,. Q; ; “ates '.E.G:o“v -
K .

 ‘ .._ _ /q . I. ~ ‘0? - ”a ..
5w . wfi.“ ,~4fw 74XL,?“ "i..” ‘. ’3' ‘4\E (a f; ?7€§:y" /§F?flg$”w
3.9:”: JAYUEIN" ‘ »1'!!! if} ..' :J‘» . ”.;”); 2“”??fl2/‘k [’I”.,2 ',' :...r" 4‘ :2 ‘.7-"9, / 5;:"; I». -. yoga [V 4
‘4' .:i ‘ ”‘.L "‘ ‘ I ._‘“..- 1" :‘.": "f -. 5": A :V’)" A 3 "w-m
.7 x I i ‘Q f 2:" £12!" £9" ;WWP/fla 5"“ iii/{flni
I 1 '. W)» '4 4'74“: , $5.21.; .' ,: .,»: «..0‘5‘2 . «{Ww” , ,\ _, . - .’.'” > , , I; L l‘ (Luz.
Q /1fi/V : ’"f’&0ibfi“’9 lffiiwfl rm: g; $5,2m%%f%ffi*wnfiqfimg
W _ , «..”» ~ '7 .« »,., 3 .» .
faimi I: J 3,»; r .\ 5F 7‘ . . y ‘ 5,.; “if
, j“? ’L’W" . r /’ ... .‘:," {v {if} ;’ ;r Ifl-;R:,g.._--,M r» maths“ . «f; . ":1
Li"? 1% ”xx a: e ‘3”}.1‘: ‘.1? a '1 FfVB/x’uf. 1L pf???
-’ ' m“ " -' r I § ~, y'/, ' .,
*::,“”..,,‘,..“mflimmmm-M ‘ ‘ ">}W”’3“{’;"‘V‘:ix'fv ~v“)!’¥3“&»‘_. {4,,-v y ‘5.: _ .
_.¢\.;.... . f"?- . ~. (.‘1 f U 511/,
,. v ' ..»”. “£142“, 5’3“? '.9-“5f fl 2. I/fk/é.
7 WWW“.
Items shown by ray 3111 y Ly, ;inchester to Jacxwon,
' .m---i,m _.- mmm3§141£ifl2¢~..._.M....-_-w- W....- ,..,.”...iw '
(1) Q'er. B. Gaul fiKUfiPTmOLS to certain items
‘ *Wfi-‘Io—q-IW ’.'..—..‘. ».‘“)?an .
~ » t I”. i ' . a ‘ ~ w
(4) a gal. ox L.UhalTE. L1 Lula “fit @111 list. .
, (3) 12 mamas -
(1) 9f the 4 hole. of U chairs
(4) 2 bOKQB 3- E3~ G00d5- éxccrtion ohows 1 Chair
‘ . I had hath rockerg broken -
‘ (5) 1 BiSCUiL “0”?” . ,in MC» ICOxiVGJ from
,_ (6) 2 L;..Izl. r1.- H. Good» , _ . 7
I r u »x A I .\ . . I A: ‘\
, (7} l “* “0&3“ (2) 1L9 jrn iteg oi i£*5anu$ “_3
' . , . -, Wu? ”Mort iron the L MWE"
~(v) i S. muuhlue, (ermRCu) -
- (2;!) r 71 -"3 Re 35 E..- D: n U 00%;.4,‘ (3) ‘i LEW} i tilt-'..‘ ,Ux 2 (3 gr: {filer
. tnbjeg CKCEfition vhcmfi
(J..) l :Llri‘or' CI'Nnde C:.aiC ~,cz ‘.‘.(XJJ L‘.].‘(lle
“ , Rib: Ln? artnflz'avns,:fliwrt
(11) 2 Bdl fimtfifit ' ;303 L.C L _ 3.
‘ " '1 ”1;- L‘. --.~' , ,- , . ,, _ .'3
‘ ' ‘1“) J “' ”91*““ (G) a: a c ;uG, a: 5 Lats 5
‘ u;.-;2:L~w;x, one wag ‘\
(3.3} :’. do (L.’.-b16343 _ MO :3- L1 3.1 :3;.
n '. ’7‘" 1 "' -/~ ~w ,- . . ,.. - , ,
(414.) l .2411. xv frame-s. {;,4 i): f .',3.-:’.: :31 c; I‘Cfli’é}
’ guttiaq, auc wag abort
‘ .. ‘. _. . ' . .‘ ..;. V .4 ,_. _ _
(IS 3 pl}. {m Full. giant,“ 1..; TIM)- L {15,; ”,_.
1 V . a” ‘ fl, , A . '
‘ (19) 1 3311 OJ ‘lH- (V) 3h: itcd Di 1 not i6 ans
' 7__ ~ $311011} 3 330...; '1-‘1’1'. L 7 n '
(17) A befi ante » -
4 (g) r2» name i,
_ (18) l 5’ 301193 3?; Broken off whex
I V fencivea freq L & I
(13) 2 r0113 m“tfll»_
. (E)' Tbs ita; one :ofa 0kg.
' (KC) 3 Cfifilf ‘Qne zettle (wettee) when 1
‘ rteviveo from L a 3
(a1) 1 kettle . ,
' (fl) Ihc item on? Atovc,uryzefi,4 ‘
’1'). ~ 1. .., .:.- .»7 7; ~. A. ' . ‘ ‘ -. . . __‘ a»
(“‘3 l “0* 0* n“ 4' 500d“: oceans at Jacmoon "QDC e
.. \ h”OKCn o“ hick where pipe
'~" "' 4‘ _, ...‘ 'n ,‘
((5)) J. we); lbw-.31 . 111.“: 13:"; iii,”-
_ (24) 1 B”1. of 3. Pipe ‘
(25) 1 C air .
(2b) I-Spring - I A
(27) l L. an
('3 .
(2o) 1 stove crtd.
(29) 2 mattressed

 l | ‘ ‘ .
. ' . ‘
2- '
. .L .,‘ . ‘.”. ‘ '5, ' fl . '; v f ‘ .”., ,., 4L .,. .:’ . ,, ,., .» ._
’ 1 ten-LS ;-.-.;lO‘!Jfl LA“, "mg; .5111 ,.,»: ”',‘, ,:lnau'ESbQJ. to J r.l\.1{ .014,
i " r ’ , 1'; /‘_
llz if J ‘:!J
«flwe.m4«mwu—W*vmmfi‘n_ ..:—:._.fmmsw-w—y ‘rwmnwv‘xumfifi—fi _
. \ ,
_ A ‘ ’1. .., 3,. .,‘: ‘
_ 3L) J. 1:.. Dale. , ‘
'3 '1 ‘
(3i; 1 nofu '
’- "1 H .H ’" ." 7
(id) J. Di”. ‘,izhrve
* V . ' , * ‘., I
(3:;) 1 CI.‘« 116 ‘3; " 'J.-3C7”
V’m: ' f ,. ~~ - . ; -. J. .‘"wrn I
{:14} ,:f akin-L LS (Puma Kimmie-um).
, h J .' "V _A a w .’" fl _ . . ‘ i
( fifi} j in) 5.61;. OJ. :1. x.=. HOOK) '1
1‘“ rlt'm r -:- ‘.:'- '7? r ‘ .~ - 1 -- ..4 4, ... , - m .,‘ V, . ‘ , 1~ 57‘
;.‘Ji,.,i; C} , C .‘ J.A. 4.10 '\JL) {.;M ., Lia/..:. ..: 93H 393.2", . ,.'.L',>_ :.\;.Z.,«, ..