xt73bk16mf8w_322 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [254] E.H. Brown v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court text [254] E.H. Brown v. L&E, Letcher Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_32/Folder_3/0057.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_322 xt73bk16mf8w x . ‘
- K E1”

fiehtember 21, 1911.

E. 3. Iields o Son.,
’:1 i 56— S b or g , ;:y.
'Ynu are authorized to continue Brown.cnse at our
. T. S. Jouett,

 / ,
5 .
/ mmmmmr 15, 3.91.1...
/ h ”H
3.11: ‘:'?..“>.if":3.01&0 {:.: E30113” x
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if"-:eferriz15 to 32:0 \f\, 13' ’ix'own 13111:; 1173,11 131:7 1:31:11:
1 Eyre a letter 11mm ”51?. 1110111,": “J, 0113;751:8111: 511: 8:3 mnehag
firm 376231 {31:11:11 :11“: 6121:; to- : ‘ against; the 13.17513; 13111312511137, 1:31:11;
11:2 00321115112§ 1:111:10 the 1 _ .:. of amuse, 1.71%}: 311011 supervisinns
or 11:12:1111‘3131100 from t*\- 1.1:“: attorneys 2:1: they flesire.
‘ I hope ”51121:. A .1.”??{1121 :1;“ "31:14.11 in 1221.636 11:11:82: in
1:11.: (:1 term, 1106'" (1:11:15; tigzt 15;. 51:3 m1::w::id;§$fly {110:}. 111::
in :3, 1:31;: mi 31:31 '~'. my 0.111 (mart, which (30111;..16’18191001‘1: inert
, ’: 30116. *1. ‘ > _.
.1 : 111 Viagra: "no ‘06 ‘pI‘GSi‘fl’lt :11; the 11.03.11 5835.1, 7.5130? would
' 1:31: .110 com 1.001: in this tare. 3:310“; 0:21:05. 11’? (imam/“or, you
, should be. DI‘GBQGf’L i 1:110 trim}. 1:: ::-:.::;;,r‘f:3.:.111;; and: £011; t?1..::t you;
needed :sz 2115111111,“:13'106, you 11.1'0 :i:.':1{;}m1:isaed 1m 51.515104112111e 1301‘“-
~ 51—121: 1 ‘51:: 3:031: 17: *she 0:29:93. 11.70610 mtnm‘; 1:01:11“, 1’ (“in 110:; 1:311:11:
this is '08 ceany, “but 35.126113: :.::zmtwé you. "to feel :i’roe 11113111;
it, furoviaied you thin}: :11; ;1dvis=:h‘;Le.
: Yours-3 Very truly,
T1155 '3" £10133 . .

 ;V 1 V/
k f i
D. D. Fields to E. S. Jouett.
June 28th, 1911.

I enclose you copies of the petitions of E. H. Brown and
George Hogg v. L. & E. and their contractors as shnwn in the pleadr
ings. ' V -

I have prepared demurrers for each case, such as you want
in the William Hall cases and I will file these and the ones in the
W. M. Hall cases on the first money in July.

I have corrected the date for the commencement of the
Special Term of the Letcher Circuit Court.

I received your letter, containing checks for R. B. Bentley
in the Webb cases and the Hogg & Lewis cases and he is preparing the
transcript of the endere and a taxation of the cost, and as soon as

_ that is done, which will be done today, I will pay in the checks
. and appeal the cases and be careful to proceed as required by law.

 ./ .
f '
" K" x : 4“ .
. .‘.1.-3‘5. ..;! '2? '
_ January llth, 1912-.
Haggai-s. .73. 3). "Fields & Son, . ' -
' Whitesbmrg, Ky. ' -
‘ae’ith reference to the Ti. 11. Brown Emit, I think I wrote
you last aim that the Railroad Corpany core. ifiered that if there
was any liability it belorgzed to the Emilmax Cozrmny instead of the
‘ contract, ‘cut I have 330611 recently advis ’ 1:33. ‘.’Jillouggh‘my that he
was in 9333.403? about this. 1 53113333086 he 3..; “rad it to yor- vrhile at
‘xffhi'wmmrg this; week. .
Lem; he flid 110%,: *‘Tj?1?.‘”u‘8t tl’li‘it you arrange for
the contrfzctora's to furnish the d 9313 'hough we will, or? course,
2.88131; the? in say way that we ca . ray juc‘LgT‘ent, howevraz‘. that may
‘ be rendered will have to be atisfi? 4 , by the contractor in their

settlerent With the Bella-"~31 . mmny. .

, § :2 793V truly, ‘

I ' - .

 ‘L ‘ I. t
fry \ ’5 ;v f X//
It 5' ' E
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. Septaaber '7th, 193.1.
11339 J o T} I ‘.’I‘J’ 11 101153133? 5
_ Louisville, 27y.
err 9313?» - . .. - _y
I an not sure that I sent you «30135! of a :L-etition *’t
‘ {51; 1,1111%}, 1:,-1; 3;,, .:1. grown. For your information I: enclose serewzith
a copy together with «3011-57 of.” 2.15 answer. . 1
I? 111115115 is any additional tief‘en .1 \1y advise sale and
I. will out ii: in 7'35! ere-"errzmzierxt. I have 1.12" ‘2 to: from .11-13:. Fields
that ‘5‘-1e will was moved across the rive
‘.?.“ our :1: very ..‘ . '
sea/com : :3

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3; \ A,” ~ ;- 1
w I" \ - ’
September 7th, 1911. '
kessrs. D. D. Fields & San,
Whitesburg, Ky. VT
Encloaed herewith I hand you answers in the cases of
M. C. Fields, E. H. Brawn and George Hogg. I Will Send the answer
13 the Thomag Hall, Jr., case tomorrow. I accidentally +39:1..1ed t9
preserve a copy of the two answers in the Hogg and Brown cases and “
as it 18 now might vI111 not have an opfiortunity to copy them, so
want to ask you to have Dug at hia leisure sometime 19 send me ‘
303133 of those twa pleadings.
If thaws are any oihfir facts which you think Should he
alleged in<€3fense, kinfily lat we hear from you ahaut it, and
Your& very truly,
Encl o

v ~ .:a-,~.ts:::za‘i>er :31, 1911.
A_ '.,/5' ;_ 1;.. ::.I . ;irielI-‘Ic :.:-on...
‘ " Izfi‘tg;:»:'~;:‘:1II.-;wgf;, "$239“. '
. ’VI)
,// ‘., . , .
-13 :5;er "lfilfi‘lurlfiiaid to cazgzrtian .:I‘rown (use ::zt our
.1. i3. I-Emlfitt,

 TA. .=‘ ._
_ Sept. lath, 1911.
7‘.. SI Janatt, Efiflo’
- “~3.’i2=2=*=’5553.€ez-. 133;.
1.3553: 8175:“ ‘ ,
1’ 75152551311375: 5.21521. 5.25:5 32111.: “ear “E23015 If. ‘18. Vantars 12:: Wife
2‘01? "the 1:15=:?‘=t;—-o3‘-35:2y 55113753525? “123; 11.25 5:51.153 Venters to 11:5 Lerzizt'sgton &

- 153t'23n 13:-113.3355. I 1213;515:523. ‘20 5:52:15. 3:25.11: 515551 51255331135 5.:-:0, but. I .
1:35:15. 5:12 '1252113; pressed that I 5512315 110?. 5°22 ::- :'=‘=‘:5nc25 '10 3311151}: =12.” r201:-
:1°5253:0:1d=:21;c:3. _ 2 7 2 = '

fit}: 3.353%:5522105 to 11251.5. 3:32:15: 311215. = ‘ 1.1.1 =33; “2.55.11. 5:115
. ' (2.51525 51E” 3.15. 1:511 3151. L. ".:3. F. 335.5: 52:21:13.1:1'fl2m =55 5331:1011 2.5 transfer -
2 525.2%: 1.1:: 2:315: 2152111123; 11053-5533: 355.53 =13; »:551215 ‘55 :2.-.252521355 "13325.51. 31:-:11 V5,,
L. 7'2}. 1:55: 052111112ij 5313:110125225 "“*=“ii‘mb2 9T: 23115357121“: as The;
' (251535 5.5.5: 1: 351': ====22=1:‘.i:=2225:2 I 'ih03.2,s:;}2.1 ‘2». : '.' 1151; 12:3; out the: .='-“5100.00
yam 5:71.155? 3‘23 2:0 75.1.23; until the 60511.. y u: 3:101:35. 2.11:3 3".:‘10‘15513511 :23?
3 17°15. 1.21132“. 5:115": 3.531 335:: 5521'.th 5.13.1 .5311. :5 11 1.2215 5251215355113. .
.153 1.5 1:75:13 (25155;: 0.21” 152‘ 3:15.11 .2‘. L. .2. E., Luca}: 22021555322312.1221
:.:ori‘3v5any 5.11:3. 121115210251, 5 «2::. 2.551125 1:12.151 "531131 this: 5.5.335 51116: 115330139
' 2:121:31 2.715155 at. =11. 55.5: N12 effmzeafl 1r; 1:231:52 ‘.:}:535. 09 22.1221
. 335.23; 3‘1“: :2.-n 50531. 5.2153. “tag ‘31: 1:13.15. 5:113-r:30;r:53;°a(2twr 113.1313? 215.1151
. 1.125. 535152231525 fliwiwe®eh 3:53:13; 3153:1215; his: 05111 (35133;.
' .115: m 3.:?15 .. 2’1. Bram: V51. L. 3: ". I 7525.13. to answer
37:25:12 «3:22.23 1355352 1% your 5.:-51.223321: and? 1.1.15 022515 ::2 55:1: 32:13
Vii-_11 12137533313221: 3° =1. .. -_ 3 5:552 5.'-2335: 215:5 trying: 3.22:2 ("2552 :27? 3'1. 01
3511721515, 513., 3 (=1 1:715 12021‘tz23352152135, 1°93: flare 23215"? in
37:31 1?. :3?: 3:021 5.331 V - 5115152134: .
' I11 5 =2:E Farm $55532”. 1753. L. 7:2 33. 11.3. 1115 «20123325550123
' "“0233 ”51* 5‘55, in 721521 3.1011; 52:72:11: :12 1.11212 5.3115575? 511V“: 1:513 .30 to
511555535, “(.7151 3555: 1'20115111125251, 3:. 13525:;5'8 rmnmt. .
I 52.35.: aim: to filfif‘iflfl “the: MM :32? 1.32125“):an 55.. V5.
C. :2 0. F2. 2‘.. in Vol. 7751-21, 11373;. 3353322212123, 2159, 5.1; 325.55 809 5215‘» “‘5‘-511
' you r5553. 1‘25 135.525, if" 3,1511 5.1111 55:153. .55 my rzim‘tic111s: EX» to Eat-finfifzz =
off-set 11., :3:.) 55, 3:50:12 I 1.211151}: ‘:‘.?wy Will 1:55.59 151:: into 52 $331311 in.
this “'. E?. Brawn 5:15:52, 3; (20313.51 110535315222 «205111111152 "M1151 55:25 1:23; flying
1th-5 50°21; at? amvwflnrfimee, but I We no”: T15-21.15315 12115155 15 5152013326111 in
it to 31151.15}; 53:53.1 5:“: 5.5211511. .
_ We 51315 7551311215 53.1 50'13t52 222’.“ 1122.2121215 “35:55, 512:: .7132. 7:33.731‘8, the
13.135535: ‘15:: 2n, E2525: 1:55:13 11‘15‘1519593 1113125213 5315195253111 1:1: 55- :55:35 1311555333; in »
1.71.13: 5:52:55 2:11:51 55: 1:55:51 3:555:15" 5125‘: 37.1352 1201153 1.11 1:575) of 1:315 55:358.. .
”$012755: truly,
. ".72. iv"). '.:?i-iifim .
I}: _
0152511151 in 755. .

 W1} .,ilL,
1 75 K? 3
; ':' My“
1;": ‘_x
E. H. Brown, Plaintiff.
‘if S. L-LOTI OK.
I'Laax'iv"zgzitx3y'1 59:: Flasa'tenm Railway Co. , etc. , Defendmts.
The mfr‘xw, the Lexi:«15;~t.on 8: 38532163721 :0 Co. ,
waves the .';.)vxfct m g'tzzfi'rae :f‘x'rxm the 32iai:rz’c.iff“r3 petitimi, the
frailowingg Hermon theiTGOT, io—T'fit:
"The 3f33._‘r‘:,iil”si“i"“"“ :f‘wxfisn-w states: ‘I?";rrt 813108 mix":
(by m? ane‘onf‘xz-zgxiiy, .19 17., he has been riepyrivad or? ‘.;-x? 1253 2211-11
yam-f‘ita at?“ sairi 11271.11 up to me rmx or?" £316 flux; of? this
:se'tiiion to ‘.‘/":15 f‘izyr'tirlexr (”wage- in he an}: 0: 4;:7'5. :30 1:83?
manth. ‘1

 . , /”
E. H. BROWN, Plaintiff.
The plaintiff, E. H. Brown, states that on or about the
..i..” day of 2 , 1910, the Lexington a Eastern Railway Cone
pany, a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the
state of Kentucky, and having the right to contract and he constract~
ed with, to sue and be sued, was engaged in the construction of a
railroad from its terminal station at Jackson, Kentucky, up the
North Fork of the Kentucky river, through Letcher County, and the
lands of the plaintiff hereinafter described and terminating near
the head of the said Kentucky river. He says that the Doggett»
Doughty company is a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of the state of Tennessee, authorized to do general construct—
ion work on railroads; that said Doggett—Doughty Company has the
right to sue and be sued, to contract and be contracted with and did
contract with its co—defendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Company,
to construct a part of said railroad and especially that part passing
_ over the lands of the plaintiff. '
The plaintiff, E. H. Brown says that at the time of the
wrongs hereinafter complained of he was and has been at all times ‘
since and is now the owner and in the actual possession of the fol~
lowing described tract of land situated in letcher County, Kentucky,
bounded as follows:
Beginning on a hornbeam on the north side of the Kentucky .
River, about two poles below G. w. Brown’s mill dam, thence with
high Water mark, up the river 5 poles to a stake, thence crossing


the river to a beach stump about three poles above the mill house,
thence up the bank about two poles to the old road, thence with the
upper side of the said road in a northwesterwardly direction, about
10 poles to a rock at the mouth of the branch, thence down the river
about 10 poles to a pine and hornbemu, at the muuth Of a smell
drain, thence south 56*5/4 W 53 poles to a rock, S 74 W 8 poles to
two dogwoods, hickory and blackoak on the top of the spur, thence
with the top of the spur, N 15 E 12~l/2 pales to a hickory, N

lei/2 E 19 poles to a White—oak and hickory, N 16-1/2 E 10—5/4 poles
to three hikcories and a black~oak; thence N 56 E 36 poles to a
pine and elm on the bank of the river, N 10—1/3 E 17 poles to a
beech, black gum and sugartree, N 28~l/2 E l9~1/2 poles crossing
the river to a sycamore, thence south with the east bank of the
river about 45 poles to a bunch of Alder Bushes, thence east about
6 poles to a stone at the road, thence with the road in a south
easternly direction about ten poles to a rock, and paw paw, thence .
a straight line to the beginning.

The plaintiff says that the North Fork of the Kentucky

river passes through his said tract of land and that on the same

is a solid rock bed with high banks on each side and that same is

a first class location for a grist~mill, and that for many years he
and those under whom he claims, have owned and operated a grist
mill at that place, and that he on the ______day of Februanr, 1911,
was the owner of said mill and that same was at that time in opera—
tion doing good and profitable work, but that since said time on
account of the wrongs hereinbefore comphained of it has been prac-
tically worthless to the plaintiff.

The plaintiff says that the defendant's line of railroad

extending up said river through the lands of the plaintiff, is lo~
cated on the south side of the said river and near thereto and that

 -5- 1
the defendants, Lexington & Eastern Railway Company and Doggett—

, Doughty Company, on the ____ day of February, 1911, and continuously
since that time by themselves, agents and employees, have blown,
blasted, removed and conveyed rocks, dirt, timber and other debris
into the bed of the said river blow plaintiffs said mill, causing
the water to run over and on the adjacent lands of the plaintiff di~
verting its course so as to make a new bed for said river on the
lands of the plaintiff, destroying and rendering worthless the
valuable landsof the plaintiff, damaging said land in the sum of

He further states that owing to the wrongful acts of the
defendants above set out, the water below said mill was rendered
slack, that same was damned up so as to drown the wheel of said mill,
rendering same worthless, thereby damaging the plairtiff in the

‘ further sum of $1200.00. ,

The plaintiff further states that since said1___ day of
February, 1911. he has had been deprived of the use and profits of
said mill up to the time of the filing of this petition to his 5
further damage in the sum of $V5.0o, per month.

Wherefore the plaintiff, E. H. Brown, prays judgment
against the defendants, Lexington & Eastern Railway Company and
Doggetthoughty Company for $2000.00, damages, for his cost and for
all proper relief.

. J. W. Hale,
J. M. Cook, Attorneys.

0n the back of same is the following endorsement:

"Filed; tax paid, summons and two copies issued this the
_,___day of June, 1911. Stephen Combs, Clerk."

 v f
. y! s '
_ E. H. BROWN, Plaintiff.
The niaintiff, E. H. Brown, states that on or about the
day of , 1910, the Lexington & Eastern Railway Con?

pony, a corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the ‘
state of Kentucky, and having the right to contract and he constract-
cd with, to sue aha be sued, was engaged in the construction or a
railroad from its terminal station at Jackson, Kentucky, up the U
North Fork of the Kentucky river, through Letcher County, and the
lands of the plaintiff hereinafter described and tencincting near
the head of the said Kentucky river. He says that the Doggctr—

' Doughty Company is a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of the State of Tennessee, authorized to do general construct-
ion work on railroads; that said Doggctt—Dcughty Comnany has the
right to one and be sued, to contract and be contracted with and did
contract with its co—dcfendant, Lexington & Eastern Railway Company,
to construct a hart of said railroad and especially that hart passing
over the lands of the plaintiff.

I ‘ The plaintiff, E. H. Brown says that at the time of the
wrongs hereinaftcr complaincd of he was and has been at all times
since and is now the owner and in the actual possession of the fol- m
lowing described tract of land situated in Letcher County, Kentucky,
bounded as follows:

Beginning on a hornbcmu on the north side of the Kentucky
River, about two poles below G. N. Brown's mill dam, thence with p
high water mark, up the river 5 poles to a stake, thence crossing


..2. ,

the river to a beech stump about three poles above the mill house,

thence up the bank about two poles to the old road, thence with the

upper side of the eaid road in a northwesterwardly direction, about

10 poles to a rack at the mouth of the branch, thence down the river

' about 10 poles to a pine and hornbeam, at the mouth of a small

drain, thence south 56—5/4 W 55 poles to a rock, S 74 w 8 poles to

two dogwoods, hickory end bleekoak on the top of the spur, thence

with the top of the spur, N 15 E 12—1/2 poles to e hickory, N

l—=l/2 E 19 “_oolri‘s to a white-oak end hickory, ll 16-1/2 3 10—5/4 poles

to three hikoories and a black—oak; thence h 56 E 36 holes to a

pine and elm on the bank of the liver, N 10—1/5 E 17 poles to a

beech, black gum and sugartree, h 28*1/2 E 19—1/2 Boles crossing

the river to a sycamore, thence south with the east tank of the

river about 45 holes to a hunch of Alder Bushes, thence east about

6 poles to a stone at the road, thence with the road in a south

easternly direction about ten poles to a rock, and paw paw, thence

a straight line to the beginning.
The plaintiff says that the North Fork of the Kentucky A

river passes through his said tract of land and that on the same

is a solid rock bed with high banks on each side and that some is

a first class 10 ation for a grist-mill, and that for many years he

and those under whom he claims, have owned and operated a grist

mill at that place, and that he on the day of Februanr , 1911,

was the owner of said mill and that same was at that tile in overar

tion doing good and profitable work, but that since said time on

account of the wrongs hereinbefore comphained of it has been prec-

tioally worthless to the nlaintiff. I.
The plaintiff says that the defendant's line of railroad

extending up said riVer through the lande of the plaintiff. is lo-

cated on the south side of the said river and near thereto and that I

 ‘ .

the defendants, Lexington & Eastern Railway Company and Boggott—
Doughty Company, on the ____ day of February, 1911, and continuously
since that time by themselves, agents and employees, have clown,
blasted, removed and conveyed rocks, dirt, timber and other debris V
into the bed of the said river blow plaintiffs said will, causing
the water to run over and on the adjacent lands of the plaintiff di—
verting its course so as to more a new bed for said river on the
lands of the plaintiff, destroying and rendering worthless the
valuable landsof the plaintiff, damaging said land in the sum of

He further saates that owing to the Wrongful acts of the
defendants arove set out, the water below said will was rendered
slack, that same was damned up so as to drown the Wheel of said mill,
rendering same worthless, thereby damaging the plei tiff in the
further sum of a1200.00. I

The plaintiff further states that sires said .__.day of
February, 1911. he has has been deprived of the use and profits of
said mill my to the time of the filing of this petition to his .
further damage in the sum of $75.00, per month.

Wherefore the plaintiff, E. H. Brown, prays Judgment
against the defendants, Lexington & Eastern hailvay Company and
D0ggett~30ughty Company for $2000.00, damages, for his cost and for
all proper relief.

J. W. Hale,
J. h. Cook, Attorneys.
0n the back of smce is the following endorsement:
"Filed; tax paid, summons and two copies issued this the
- day of June, 1911. Stephen Combs, Clor.."