xt73bk16mf8w_466 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [328] Miscellaneous text [328] Miscellaneous 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_46/Folder_6/6306.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_466 xt73bk16mf8w \ . I ' 51*4—2—I4—4378 _
r 7 a“ ‘ /" f7
\_ //’ a' - W\ V l/ L/ ' // \ 6%Zn, 37% F
M f 001; u ltj ' 1914:
’ or. J. J. Donahue, ; r'- .
‘ Chief Haw Agent, .
Louieville, Ky. ,H ,..u» 'U /

Dear Sir:—
Your letter of the Enfi asking for names of witnesses

knowing something concerning fihe claim of Cain C. Friday as to

being aseeulfiefi by our conductor near Hazard September 13th, 1914.

They are as followoi '
Hrs Joah Hughes, Roxana, Ky.
Hr. Jv i..Arnolfl, 2423 Griffith Ave., Louisville, Ky.
Mr. H. H? Lee, Eineville, Ky.
Mr. A. E. Titus, Keane, Ky. ~— Menifee County
Misc Anne Xelch, Rooelyn, Ky.
Mr. E. E. fiilliems, Jacknon, Ky. Free. lefi. Hat. Rank.

Yours truly,
-, ,. ./\= Y
B/IIH ~' 7' LL‘I :._: L‘- "W7
/ ,9 [:5
COW-:3 . ;‘a. L‘iilson ./ \

 . 5M—‘C-13-34378
» " " " r" ‘ I: /’ / ’,:" ,:: N/ / ' ' , ' x :'/ /, [2‘ ) ’ / ' ‘ ,1" , x"!
_////////’l/ (m) fay/(WI, [KM #77 Qfl/%mz%
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-/t?lfi(7elz /fl%&iy/fllzéi/ y;
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' 3::‘5282'13i3 33 21235.5, 3.93..«é.
311’. C‘ 579.13.165‘75 , 9E2???” - //. :7” x; <2:;“:
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Baa: ;.,":fj‘:‘.":« V M I '7 H ‘ " * i
1’1.; “LJUI :;i-zcaziwrazfi. an. H a;g;:=a::::é; .‘:st 51121105311, 111-
.3 r "r” 1:117-1‘W‘r-wé '{xmvmwr} enjoining: {.:i-:;:'T_‘)':"‘--?'L‘-.'E;-' 1w :‘::OV‘iIii";
val: L44, ;-, ._,v, 5-x..ku-«w ._,.H ‘ a -—
fil'}. 52.123992? 13a: «133033»;
3:31:12 if, 3
353, \
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 I 5M‘P~i>+v—4-378
-II/”7%” my) fax/(w, (”fl/(47 §Kfi%fl/¢/
(/ ~./, 2 ;yvr/y / ‘ .
. \iingww/ /7/m2 ‘
ZZwfiééénggV €;7;[}af/¢7l :ngg
t “ an ,/'6. ,b 1 (f. ( .",/;// :4!“ / 4;
W / 5/
August 15th, 1914.
a. z-I. innards? , x
[fiagfison, Ky. ‘j
.- w 1‘
Hear air:—
Eerewifih summons servefi fin our Agent the 14th in the
case of John May, for flnmage to growing crap.
Yours truly,
 /‘/ 2 VV‘" ’2
VL/KZif?:é%’ ;er 447%? ' Jig; ,/
final. \\\H

 I 514—g~I4—4-373 ‘
3 / W 7 f / ,Jrf‘j}, / 7
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irai‘fs31mizi.zif3:3 5163'"{3333111161 {:.:-2.52210? :73 ::nra Lab-73.90:“ x . ._ 1 hFI—zuilfig. .:3, .,L- 3
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I ' - -‘ .. .. ,. 1:3... ...’ '.1, «.\'.-.,.I ext-1“ {K‘_}..- _
7.3::,'§:'s3:r‘ "7?,qu ’ (121.3103? 1:3,1‘8 “an 1* ).u. 12.37 _111. 3-3.:: ,.1. Ln.
t}. .'::“: rm .’ ‘1=i}’."‘2¢"~' 11186312.”??? ‘ r)‘:'1..
3.’ “m ‘:‘.:‘333 ,
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in}, "-.':')'/'".l:., ..,) as
,2' .’::? a . .' ’ . .,’:i .3: -3. 3, , I.; 3. :3; .
b/P’Z .

 Q; 7 (a // ,7 // /
‘.J/U/y/xlxx {my (m/U/x ///////I/// /. i/w/wzy,
/’ I. / j :3 / ../
.»’ _/,.j,’./
' Q/l/l’l/I/ flfl/fl
a I
October 3:311, 193.3:
— \6
I). D. ‘:‘ieldsa Son, (JP/L 1» '
Whites-wharsy K27. 1: i 3 \ '
Dem: Sits: :-
3: hand. you. herewifh rumana in the (32123438 01’ ‘:‘..‘é’flash
and 2.“. C}. Fields vs. this company, served on our agent at :.‘hites‘curg
on EEG-fate '.’“Ib er 2‘.? t h .
Elm-me. inrotnct this COMPEEHY‘E‘S zinimres‘tr‘.
Your: ism 1:;,
l 77 / 41A 1,6?
3» /
/ I! 3' ,/’ 7L‘QVC, 1'
V xrgljrz‘fl . f" ()7
, I ‘M/ ,/'
. / xxx
:3. / \
.inclu '
Copy to
£3.‘i.f.‘il-309‘1, $1691.:
/ city.

 f _/ , . ,.//. /// 2, //(“//j , ,7 7/
A/Kfldfl/flxg fld%7% #flfl’x/W/ ‘,////%/////

, , ,/ a 4 2 '
firm ammug) mg /" Li? fl“ a ./ r ' ;‘x
,.,‘ 7/¢,¢“WMMWWWI .;fiifleozflyéaiéboawl;énh/QeW/kflfl3/.
g%mbé%ia/;4/%0me4 v / ’

91m. @lLvln'cz: flaw/M}: {1 7

‘ (A 4 ‘, 7 79 - .2;/12*"
fl/yne/d/fga/Mémgf ej/W/Jflp/é/fy n - r,
/ [ 63ml ,.(ma/ye/M. / ' dept . 26,193“) . , /
fir. John Howe ?oyton,
Chief Engineer of Construction.

Dear Dir:

I am handing you herewith copy of petition and docket
report in the case of E. B. Hoble and Georgia Hoblo, his wife, v.
L. & L. R. Co. and L. & i. R. Co., Rroathitt Circuit Court, in which
plaintiffs seek to recover $950. as damages sustained by them on
account of the construction of the L. n 3. through their farm in
Bi‘oathitt County, K3.

1 shall be under obligations to you if you will furnish
me as promptly as practicable the facts in this case in order that
our trial attorneys may be advised.

fi’t’rk‘fi w"! (to »”'-:15“? «3“ d" J'dfégdf 3?: ,."“;

JJD/w Assistant District Atto’r‘nésyi
Sonics to

ilr. f3 . ‘Jiluon,

(302211;:le , L. 8: 72. 1‘2. Co. ,
icxington, Ky.
:.2.r 0. 11. Pollard,
attorney at Law,
Jackson, Ky.

 raw/y ///,.m:z// //////// , [xix Hwy Crw/znzy;
/ 7i!” / A “ /
.‘7 1171 w (l/ //////”
$707??? a? MA, 1‘:)? .'.'".
'1). :3? 3011913145., 71314., W {.’7 /3
'1 T‘. , .‘4 f .
1'20 1' ‘f—iir:- .
its 1"!*‘~."‘.‘13'n :;‘igar-2130315," 21.315239 3. or. 01.13." 52.136111": 9'.: zf’2'=c}'7szror: I: 1110.3":
he? ’?0:1’:’§:1*!‘Zef; tr: w: 12?: :3?-‘V"Excwrfi‘:=or ;TEZFiJE'L, :3. 110 C’? :21???- m“ :1.. on we
we f.)"7.2:—‘3i,:-7-.m ; ” :‘:'E;*‘~_.: 302127-5313. If {is 1'10 3:; him" T”i"‘_;".’fj
the {321.7352 :s'?ti?‘?‘:':‘f:i".1 3'; Egg. .;1')»,
2-01». 12111.1 3 e), «,3, .
"229:1“ ;11‘: >
Find. {:."e'1<,:10.-'tr3:'2 Errar‘i’, in 111:“ Gui-N: of Hurry 3,. .121218
1;;-3. '.i ' 5.3;. :;m «91‘3“; (2:336. 915‘ xvi-23;: ':‘c. ,Obe: £15le (margin, 'chle
vs-s. 1‘. fi'.‘ ESL". $0.; Whiz:- s‘uitr’: ~ ;i'iflc-zi in Lhr? _' 37:31: 21:2}. in";
{arc-3,41 »"n‘r‘t ( 'i'iwr‘ ':CJ—h '5y‘-r-” , -+
I- . ,. .1. r ule- Jit ,’.-u. .L U231 .;.)..2’1; .,Ilqo
our: 11113.3,“ _ _ ,
If ,..» 0c ,'- ,5." >. :. v-
.i ,r I“ ,1 9‘ .
x 1”,»? 5' i . ’
.1 . ..'ng ‘, Ci}. ‘
‘13'.<.d';.';‘ev.‘o :2. 13.1.3103}.

 7. 7 A / 7 7 7, 7
-MU/y/w m/ [Al/.I;.(V’f/f L, ., MAM/fly ./;/-’///////zy;
. é/fl/M/ffl/ /////1
“””“WW; CUM/y/H/ -. W.-
_ / (L
W “V” /3 September 2m 1912:.
£51“. E}. Be‘zijtlezr, .
. Filmiinem‘slxrg, Iy.
_ Dear Sir:—
xla'. request-6:6». 3::; Judge Edison]: triae PIEE‘BL‘LTE‘ in
handing you hermiuh “54519.9 :'"02- gram" tron, bin-911113 13c .’i.e;~::'-.ng_‘:ton.
Your, truly,
»‘ VA) , \fl // M7)
\ -"'(‘,//Kf' M "
«v * ,4 ,
(:Iffécz‘ \ f
31 ncl.
Cop: to ,
flirflgflfiiilson, City,
’.,." ' :.i}... '2‘}: ICDRy, ‘.il436613ul‘3‘, :.:?.

 /y / //1 V//',I ff/ / / ¥ ./
I {i/
, September 2$Té 191$.
W04, x5 ‘ ' ’
5 ‘_‘? ‘
1?" . 1‘.'; F i (215;; .55 Son ,
Thitééhurg, Ky.
Dear Sirs:—
T nresnme “on have a copy of the petifiIOK in the 0338

a? J. 3. Saudill vs. the 15& 2. for damage t0 wagon on th? —-- day
0‘ Ju1y 7013, near U2. Ky. claiueé to be fine no the fsct that

~- 1| -~‘ .5. 1 a

a trn‘n backed iuao ifi Thile who Flaintiffi was crowuix; the truck,
anfi fihat vov V111 hrcflwoh #his romyany'u interestfi.

YoLI? mruly,
" 3» 77L 7 \ , i
i « I, .1 . x
// '0,.14Ax C X(‘
Iaflfiaéf. _ r,
.x’ k) /

009: to .

Se‘flo‘lifili30n ::S'C; o , City.




 (V \7/ /” 2 ,7 3 [f ~ A;
\.’ ////,//;/ / I .
,l". x; , / , M; t” /7“
PC #‘2'1'1‘9? 1“}: 7",, 1‘7‘11".
(lac???- W“: , 37:." .
\\ _
\ v
3301‘ $31.1“:—
3"€““v":-‘r“‘i 1T2 3.‘-13:1,?!“339 =*x'1‘\"~i::? 1:. our agent; 31?; céiciiisor;
"' ”L 1’) '0 "1 C‘ifiv‘w ‘fl‘n‘ét, L11»;- Caasi-‘t'; 0'3“ 129113";- ‘_,<31?1.F‘, 15
fit; ~.'....\ ,_o; . - 1 1 L_..
M ’ " " " 7 (12.3 no}. fezum '-“"!"_E‘i? Eh??? h???
11'0an 33.01111: L‘Izfi‘ .:L-L).- .o. .
W‘e 4"‘11‘9109 :0 “mm We 1-c1 . . , ,. 3- V
"11"” ‘- ‘ “’1 ff)" ‘.';- ","E " ‘ *‘ '. . _‘c ,_ "' ‘..‘3
. _ V -‘_ .2 ._ . ,V ‘ _. ‘. . . ,‘_‘ ‘1. . 1 ' l ‘1 . ; w" ,‘ ,“‘ ‘..' ,_ 1.: .-" ,:4 \;.\.. {..' V._ {',. ..7. ,
w‘fl- :.. ‘rv 1).). ““' ’._ Y..‘. ...- -3 .‘J , .'.‘ ,7 . .‘1 V '7
van. 'I"'/j,“w 1". ‘.‘.’:‘l 1"1‘\‘l‘-“\r"‘ ‘ 1...“: -'3 ,‘,,
:73 r" w. ;,-;;_-;. 7 ~ 3 gr; 7::“ 7:195:33
7111-9-‘1A-‘ry-i f" ;yw {3:}? y if fi’i"; ,_. ‘
. _ . , . V?
«._7 ..‘
in LT.” 3’13”] ??‘.1L",
* /
/ A
/ 1 /; flfl/ v
' , ,/ ’r-x“‘1
/ / ’/ fl/L’L'E‘ ' “L4
. .' q": -' . 11...“, ’
81:0: , “183,11; A ’::..1125/ 1
.’/ >
/ /
~ -~. m .‘.‘ 3 ‘\
Voi'zfo ‘ ‘11.. "31’. _\./
V 1' 'w' ,.,
r:0n.§.’~. 113mm,

 fan/7%” my f/U/H/x /////////// Ov/flfly
,../m .
/£/////// ”fin/1," '
. 77.3 .' ..,
a ("I
Mir-7119*: 28th, 1.97.15.
‘ G. H. Etfirixaffil, 7:37,;
(721333301, Ty.
Dear Sir:-
Herewith 911221130113 Servefi. 033. our agent at Jackson on _
August 536th, in the (3:390 of 17981 0:; ilorriss VS}. tins compamf for
$240.00 on noooxmt of 0:33:th killed.
I in 803361335; 5: (307:; of? 13%.“?! letter to iirfiiarfleaty,
S‘gock Claim Argent, 3:17:17}: Hm. Teal—5.109153 that he {3132:1933 you any
i‘nforr'xrgfiior‘. he may have.
Your? 1: r1113],
n I (( (Q
/ Hans-,8 £63 V127 ..‘
(’1 . // .//
final. .
0079:: I30~ .
Snidfi'ilson, City,
/II‘II . 35 . Zinnia 8 try ,

»-/////yi///,/,// (m/x/x M/Mfl/ ////////z//
/‘ '1 / 7 , ,2 (fl 7 g"
‘ '/ ,/ //7~/ ,
{Zlfl/ZK’WKK/ flfl/I/ .
4' 1;
August 27th, 1913.
.\\ .
O. :1. 3011::rc‘.\,\irieg. ,
530-729 on, Ky.
Deer Sir:-—
I hand you herewith order served on our agent at
Jacks on on Aug-2.2m: 25th, in the case of Gran Stamper ve. this
Company. I an attaching an impression 007137 of a letter from
3211'. J. B. Bayer, Paymaster, regarding; the case. Will you
please protect our interests.
\ Your? truly,
, C , ,J
/ ,. Urdu!“ K
/ 156A 1/? 1/ 172
, ’ /
Copy to
S.1‘-I.’.’Tilson, Esq. ,
/ City.
2” it 1,4. I 1 'V" ’1 ' u (MIKE

 ‘ V
off/fly/(fl/ 2/ (m //// //1/ MW/ ////%////// -.
/ i L I /" '2 1 ,, .. ,7 /" ‘ /Z"
7 \V/ ,7 // :j/ / ' “
' me/ ///1// ,
// r ,» fl .1 , ,,, '
, L].
V. .. .;—:—_;_~;;\\_\
, . , 1Vk _ ‘_‘“. \1' ,
" * ’5“-'~’ August 20th, 3.913.
Ir 3310. I). :v‘eflunsoh, 3
_ Stantan, £7. “ " :
Dem: 3311‘?- 5 xx", .7 . --
I;Ezam1 you herewith papers whiah mare servefl on our Agent at
Torrent at 122:.50 Mumst 19452:, in the case of 05.133301“ Cable and ‘3'. Y.
Drake. vs; {L.LL- EE. and mountain Central, 8121011111; 545.92.
.T. :10 mi: 1310?: “93:33.1: the case is about Ema am referring: the
“the papers to you to grofsect this Company‘s interest.
' mum “truly, ‘
‘ f
1 w 2 '
“r ‘l ,
- u/ 4;, /‘ ”5?/xi, \fis (, Q P
16:101. {g mac-2% .7 V, ‘
‘ 2 / //
. k/ 9
:' :?
(30103?E CO I,‘
ijus-g ;pmpam; Builrlmg,
I .Cityc
\, 1 .

/”/ ' / K 7a . / K /
A/I/I/yK/x (W) ///////// flow/77 “gr/7% zm/y
/ V' -1 ‘_ / \:/ /
J v/ / " / " L .1
. tV/‘(Z’lfl/ffl 11,/5477666.};
/l,,rn "I. , x‘, ,1 ,_ ) V
flQ/flfllflfl/Zj y/ ’ 1 > ',1/”,,,:j
.. [fling/ea. , 7‘ fill/yéall’vy:
K/August .ch, 1914.
’ f" ' ‘ ~ .
O. E. Eoll&rfi.§Es V, 2C2;%;§?”"j“”1/}é"
f E 1_2i7t;‘=*,?;‘31 :
- {Ja 118021,} 3113;." ' ‘ j
H? ’
Dear Sir:— 1; ' ’,'; _ W/

Herewith summons serVea on our Agent at Jackson in the
case of Coluin Pugh and erena Strong vs. the Company. I as not
know what the former has reference to, but the latter is in 30n-
nection wifih shipment of householfi goods from Whisk to Little}

The paners are in the hanfls of our ?rei¢ht Claim Agent at Louis-
Yours truly,
“fl EX/KL'R
Zia a. /?/<_/:3 ”2

7111'. {5.111. 171113011, (311.837.

/’”’ / - '* ;~f“> ,, '” 7
/ ' / // “fl / 7
- waxy/”WM //// (/// ////////y /fl//%///7/
‘/ r7; ., ,. . 5” *’” l,
«/' //»I// .
o 7 , .
u/hmtye/z, N . fill/lly/f’l/ /y,
K' K”
July Boob, 191d.
Messrs. Hootton & florgun, -A“:§V‘3, ’}L A ‘
Hazarflg ”y.
Dear Bir$2~
Horowith summono served on our agent as Eazara on
July 28th, 1. who cage of A;J.0&mpbell a Son vs the company.
Youy- Uiulgf,
.130 \\ x". »_
Cy .._. f0:3\¢15’\:13.30wjn " /’

 i" /,x‘"(‘\," / " /’
V ' 2‘ (56/ (‘7?) / 0/
nfl/flyflzmd ///)//W (fly/0y //fl77%/// 4
K V“ (Z WU , K ' z
. n/wzwfl/ -/%(///
.1 472 at: 9---‘fl%"//iZ///(}IWL I?
y . /// 7 6/!
July 23rd, 1914.
.\ ,
Messrs. Woottoén as Morgan, //.W/57_72/ // ‘
‘1 i .,._. /
' . Hazard, 12.37. ' .
Dear Sire:~
Herowith smimons; served on our agent at Cornetteville
in the case of Arch Cornett ve the 00‘:;mz2.ny. I do not know what ‘
the case has reference to. Please protect our interests.
Youx'a 'i;:‘:'uly,
l\\\ , 1, 13:) Tr
\ # ’YDK/ wk}; Q3NS
Cy 1 gigx-xshhz';freon. 2

 5x,f?}3"7 ;////¢ w;”‘ J y,//,5n.,:)//7 /45 , xI/f
- * " ,/////7_///_,,,,,,/ ~éfiW>W/fi /M/ Hwy /////////y
I //’ 7 / 77 K” A [T I
. I/wmm/ flflza
Mil/(ty/I/ \/: , / //=/\/
r :- (.1 f (/
,/* * July 19th, 1915.
1 \‘Iootton EEKEIQFSSLR, I ' A, " ".”: J Mt" A
Kasard, Ky. !§7g i ‘QQ/ /:§V
! A 1: 3:"; W E: é
Dear Sirs:— m
Herewith summons received in the mail today in the
case of Elhannan Combs vs. Lexington 8; Eastern Railway Company.
Kindly look after our interests.
Yours truly.
/ 2W" ’7
/ I "" ” C «é; 741$
*— “I 2%é manager.g; (3
Final. 3
B. ."IVQ‘
COpy to— %%
Soil-Tflilsl‘ , BBC}. ,

 C// / / 1/ (7;) / 7. f
, /////7///mr/ //////// /////’/// Wfl/xmy
/ " v~r k , /' ' (’
’ /J“ / ,A/f ’ . '
.’ :nglflfl7/(éZéZQflZ/
Z?é¥%§§¢www?; (;2¢7 , _n »;?513
/ 1‘
July 16th, 1915.
Messrs. fiodtbn & Morgan,
Hazard, Ky.
Dear Sirs:-
I attach hereto papera received in the mail this
A. H. with reference to suit against this company. There is
no notation as to who is bringing this suit. It is being
sent you for atfiention.
Yours truly,
/ 2 ’7
(1, 99 réuéieng
B. I ‘
00793; to
S.m.fiilson, Counsel,
1;! C i t y.

. I . ,, ,/ V I , / / .,; , /\ 7 _ y/ ‘ / ,» 4
Wary/5y fli/é/sz) QM) w” my”? 1gfl7¢%¢;”
J ‘ ‘.V, K") k I. //’ .;(4.
\M'. , ,/,, r4,/ 1.] "H U.
Q (galleria/Wu.)
%‘W7M a, f/I/lif/é’l/g /////,., '
../ z," r
July lOth, 191.1.
‘:‘ ':’
M1“. 33;. 343. Jouett, //fiz§7/} it; ,
' ‘i’iinehest or , 3.3}. '
1m r 3.311%“
M .T. {..’i‘tsrcrfn. 21.-3:.;th :‘summn .:"erved. on can: Tfieut Jt Efinencsbr
if: the .:3 £131: 43f 2;. ii. EDWGIL "Vii“. 3.: (CC. 3919;151:15’. 1 «icy 51:5 1'” 0'7: Tiffff‘fi the
- M . _. ,,---»-'“--/“’"“r““ ’W““““’
came- .:3-:.:: reference do. ’"'T. [preteen L'f i,:::_t“ei-c:;zts.
k." x i: 111.:
-....-.,,.y. ‘ w
- ,,‘-.7~,;_)i.ri‘ ‘ /
\ - ) \ 13
3.]!201. >
Cy - 331'.S.m.?€ilson.

 9 ' / ~” / ‘7?“ / /
,,/:’ ' , / , , . X” 7’ #1»: ' .77, I/ ~ ,7 ,- ’
A/I/fly/fl (my flow” ///////// /, ////////y
/ -// 7 /' ,_ I K
. I' .! [lip/(l: /6/1/,’
-, ’1/ ’ :‘i .2? "M : '/"
. ‘ / (1'
; Euly 53h, 131$.
_ 1:313 w.
33:33:15; {2,3,5211336335133 », . .
.::/.9 ,3;- Men 313.333.3331 33:33:,
‘ 32,5. :.: 2:33.19 , £331.
32:. 1}} 330"" 353 ,
c/m 1303;733:533 .::‘is'lclity firm-33;; $33.,
:3.:3311123, ;Ijg’. ‘
A“. \.. .3,
'~-\ ii?“ '53.?” 347333.313
’33:» 3.5,]; ¥l..,.§5xx,:1’l.,
if 3 ”EN? 3,
{3112323 551333173 , {SET-5 «
:31 ;:;:1:_~;.. ’
:.2 the 1:3-5:33.333: :33"? {the mufflrt 570:: 323:3: hereby 2303;131:223 33333
7253333 3:33.}. 13:: 2: 33:33.33}; Eta-3:333:33? :3” 3 3033:: :33“ Lax-6333:3352, 3::) be; 31:316.
53.4.; 133:: 13:53:3133 in fizexizzggian, T13. , 3.3: 12 o'eloelz 313023, 3:31:53 93:31, 19123,
far 3.71.15: 33.23:”: :33.” 3.333223333313133 emprmnim 3313313333113 03” :‘3: await-mfg:
13121933322732.33 3:: 32333:: {Sam-3337.3, r2133. 5:32.33 0:33:31“ hmzimaa 313:: 333;; Enraggefly
came 393333 333 moating.
Emma 3333:1173,
MSW-fl? 131311031: =1: £33313? .
. I i 3 "
~. : 3 é :I'v »-
;.;:sec::‘z>f;amr . '

 P /////7/// (my f/U/H” //////’/// /. H/M/n/y
. / ;f/é’r/Ml'fl/ ////// " .
/" A"
/ July 5m, 1915.
; .-/ '\\ 1
' 1 Q. E. Follsznfi, an
  Jackson, 123*.
‘ Dear Sir:-
i‘s I attach hereto SWOIIS servei‘. on our agent at
3 Jackson in the case of 136. Turner for cattle Izzillecl. ’:‘-fill
i you please protect this Company’s interests.
s Yours truly,
1 .’ / ,
I 1, , /‘ \ )“ [\-
~ ~ j / wafflyfi R
\ 5‘.
, , 1:11:31.
3 3:10;"? 2:3
”Va-fr.3.331.311.3011, Counsel,
, Er.\::.;._:.Ii£aré.esx‘ay, 3170ch Claim Agent.

 ~ ,, ,3 ,.,, p3 ; ., .X.», . ,:» / .x J /
..,, Hwy/WWW ///////z /fl///6// 6mm ..
’/ V OK ///7/ , ‘(
e/(llfll’fl/ M16?
.. ...g , w y m , f
, /
~ June £33531, 3.3141; é
_ ,>
17¢..er moot-3:31;;.'..101‘5551314 . 30 G4 ’
i-_§;:*r.g.":zz.1’d., y.
Dear Sirsz~
’ Heroyiah summsns servoa an our 533%: an Hazard on June 26%
in the 033- of A. in Sumhs V” the JJMnany and Jnmes finker for obstrucfi—
ing public highxmy.
' ‘ X.urn firuiy.
2““. I
\\ V w:
’“‘ Vk/n. gV'JL‘ ‘”'-‘- "’5‘7
( .6
Cy ~ Ar.3.7.flilwon, Loxingtsn.

 »W/U/y/H/ ”M f//////// mfl/W/ Wo/mu/
, /' / ,
.,1 / ’ _///,:I/,/ / .
. eééynva/féé%rflz”
1; ,"‘ "j" 7 /" a , - ., \
a /
June 20th, 191?}.
0. Eric. Miriam, flag. , . W 37/ /3
Jackson, Ky. l//
. ,
fieir Sir:—
I. er you herewith orcler servefi. or; our agent: at
*ekson at 6:00 p.m. June 19th, in the ease of
it an account of $10.00. fill you nleese oroteet this
on; em’ :3 interests a
, ////
// 145/ 7,1;LLx:&QK
/ r*mnceer.£%
Cui’i a")
/ City .

1 l
J 1'
«OW/771W 1111 f , /1/;’/// l/I/lfl/l/ Hip/flay
/, Vi» 3:. 1) f, A ’7 I [ ‘,- l
' g * __ fl /1//)/,;/ 1. ‘
. 1 1 flaw/'10 /////(/1,
' «7 <. 131/'1 , I7 1 ,1 I.
////121, /Z / E K ,/ , 14/ 9
7.‘/[34121141 'erm'qrgk ' ; f \//z , /. 'f" f / /_ /.
' " ' ' / Q\—¢/’(:A(’fl/l 1’1’ /(/[1// (J %
~ 1' x ' f June 1516., 191:5.
" " " ‘ - ?1:”—:“"""_"'_
'33 Liv :'Kllé 41, $131" , i ' 41,: t: {:3 i: ; 3" 1.- J‘ _
3 \ Egon 2:37. é/W719~5 ‘
,‘ f, ,1
s :1 a" ANSWERED
Dear 'lir: F1 - ~;;_-;:;;; 2», v:- A
- 3; 31111.11. 3.101: harm’ifiét 11113:? farm served 011 our agent
1211' £12203=:::az'_;>c::€3 :3: 2.3.3:
115. :2 112 -.1;.2 ’9
171/ 13:52 ’ .31" . :.:/"71% ‘12“:
":'?{3' /
5:] 1. F :52}. 5:}:11'1; 1; 11.1133 2:2; 3113?". /

 K // fl: //, 'l‘vt- / ‘/" //'
navy/N mm //// //// M/NW/ ////%///gy
' Cf” ///,j/ 1:7 ) / /
e/l’l'l/V’KK fl/pj/x'
/’ {j
. Ifigr’?3h, 1913.
0. 1i. Pollsérrl, f’;:'3<1., , 77407 g/ /3
Jackson, fly.
Sear Jirz— '
T hanfi vou herewith summons served oh our agent at

Jackson a: jaw 83h.in the case of James 333 VS. 3.3 3.i.fi.Go..

amouflh 350.00 for a fioz killefl. Plaaae protect this aompafly's


‘HuLurs 5311113,
/ 2
- ,§E:>
I] I '.‘/j! ,/ , \fiQQ

‘« Incl . .
‘5“; :3. .
\ 35;“,~ :‘3 -

\3..1.?{ilason, 11:31. ,


 / ' / */( / W W /
Pan/7 (7/ ”M //////// . ”fix/[fly Wfl/mzy
/ ' (fl /// . / Z
.,,Jzznfl/w/ ///U .
.1 ”“./3,,/, ,. 3“,. I
Zh/waf/énztg/flh ~ V. III I, :\/éy/}y7;2//fi//lyl
., , I,
33:23? 7th, 1915'.
.0 33. 3361131155, 3 W
- .. . Y /
’uackeufi, 13. :;Z i?
Jetr 31?:-
I hanfi you herewith summong Served on our agent at
Jackson on £23 6th in the cage of Robin Huagell anfi $.G»3.Hoble
VS. Shia comaany fa: asocun: of 223650“ I £0 not know what the
case covers but request aha: you protect this company‘s interests.
'Yqurfl truly;
/ ’3 /\
. ‘fi/‘hfljz:>
1% ’11‘/C r, ye :09
vflw 3
'1.; 15/ /(\.r/’/ "I ,/ /
.. l
\3 33(3-
‘73.-L.‘-.‘,'ilso'n, 313.3,,

 , -..._.,xc////y../// «2222/ 41,/«Hz. . W ,2// fly /. //// Hwy
/, .,'/x 4 /, z, /
- y/ , ,, 7,. , ,
. .113; I * U ,.3 f 77 , f4
2' ELK/lfl'lfl/Z/[g/Wfll/flh ’ 1,,, .. ,/'2_, , / ,r
,«/ ,; «_L./[,'fl/‘l/yvt/lfl /,
"fix A Z'
./ ‘”"' ‘,..: — ._’ ,V . '.:.
Hag 3th, 1?:5.
\\ ,
3. E. ELGgés ; Son, V _' : » ' 3
gm!» - 4 ..'..‘:- fl..‘: '”"‘"" ~
;xLLI,,uE'x,)QlL—£53, :"./l .E/ X
Ear? Sirsz— ”
Z hanfi you herewith summamses served on our Egont at
Hhitcsburg on 12: 53b, in fiha cage 0? George 2033 a San Veysua
fihe Luck Scufibrnciion fiownnny anfi fihe i.L 2. Railroad G0.v for the
amoun: of £552.50? in which they flTfi attaching eight black males
Eclon:ius to the inek fionstruefiion Sanwamy worth abeut E?5.00 each.
The fianmfiw 3ra taint sea? 30: go wrotecfi our intarcsts.
I an in receipt of a latScr from the Shicf Engineer of
Souatruccion regnrfiim; axis attachmvnt. anfi he afivisca thufi we of
nourse gonna: make answer unfiil thy umounfi claimeé i$ stafied. i
u 1 , '
r - .'. 4. . .-!~’ “‘.‘! .:. '1‘ “ m: ’3 *'
303T a? théa letter 1c balm: sen; .u uflG vfl;ai anLnacr 01 Construc*
tion with the requomt that he aflvisa you flirect as ts the amount
answersfile in the rttachmcnt.
' Yuurs truly,
3' J
i _Q/EK xx? ,!./”‘7
‘p 07'"?
I ) g ,:/
1 ' WK :V'/rm! \\‘LQC
.- u J~ VL~ , ‘
»,.. .L,) ,~- . » -3
.;kV 3.:jéré )‘g/L‘ \
.1 i/ // 31’1/ ,
'w ,. ‘ ,/
E 3301.
“- £3.
\30 is 1')
;r.John fiowe fefifion.

 ' / , 1 /’ 7
,/////y/// * mm / (M _; 1W7! L , M/ x/W/ * ////%////7
./ / / , , x 4
i / _/ /‘,/,_ji/ .,
fl/M/zl/ /%//U
Z/l/(l/(///fllill7fl72 \‘A/7/7A1//' //
i C_,,,, . , 7, ,-y
/ 4
April 19th, lfilfia
0. Ho Pollard, Us .,
Jackson, Ky,
cal .3ir‘:- '
I hand you herewith summons served on our agent at
Jackson on April 18th in the case of Semis Neacc vsa this
, Samqsny fur cattle killed, amounting to 316.00;
ficurs tmly ,
” _ , ’>
[k _ ' "\ ' ‘ MEN 5, my?)
\ ., A : Zf‘; r);(‘z‘/_ E ‘4" l
\ l/ I" k/ \\ lfllLl/ /’
t\\ ;lnc]_. ¢/) 7//,//
\ Gil”? l‘ J
kingfifilscn, 71:: .~ ,

 AKIN/7 zw; mm (,0, //// ///////// (wry/z!
/’ " /' / /
/  / /}/y,/j;/ ,
/////'/n/ flfl/fl/
Z?‘)/tl/zfl/%fi////7flh cély/yfl’f/VwA/(y;
Amt-ll 1.9511,
IO+”.’T\U~ w
Jz'ie‘lzson. 21:70
3233': Sirw
T 21316163. vow. E’Lerewitfir: summons servez‘i on our agent {Li}
7"‘Ink'q0‘n o»: 1‘2")?” 18th in fiho (rose of Hobie 5: 1303319 va. fihia
mug L.‘. ..4. -. -3. _..J— x ..
13023371171127, 2:: (wattle killed. eatcg amounting 1:0 «359.75.
-0 1a Eran),
v * )M A
.;21n:;¢_3-2\I . K C _
’1/ I / f:/'
lin-c: 7:. . ’
K7 $35!“: 35‘)
‘:. " "‘N~
\‘Xfi . “‘1. 1 121a ;b‘v . ,

 ,/////y/// my //// //// ////////// ////////zy
/ ‘ ~ _,1 >7 \ I: I. ‘ .' V“ (1 ‘,
" Cf” /2///13{51/ , ‘
agflklzfl/7l./ gyééézznc“
. .7'/2 / / / , ,1
K c-y r. 1‘ . .f . .,. / 4', ,1. 1rr’//’a,
, Exp/r11 11th 12:12:.
. 1 1.7;: 1

D. D. Fields q uén, ny/

fihitesburg, fly. éégéé/m' /E;
DGLI fiirsz- "~-5-~ ._H ‘

I herewith hand you summanfl 3erved on our agens at
anizusburg on the 92h inan. :r Lhc came of fiobera 5131: &c.,
aghixat aha LexiQJLOr.b i3430rn LuiEroad. Hill :05 kinfily 100k
aftel our 1 fiflrcsbs.
Year» truly,
WWWVEQ w w 5 1.
.:izmr .3027. m ‘ b<2¢~§
‘~ uric}. n
{111.13 .V.!
:.. :.‘1», 15.. ,

 F-/’////7 fl/fl ////// /~//.5/”/*/’// “'. ,, //// ////// //’//%////y,
/ ‘ 1' . . : r -. /,~
./ ,/ / ,/ 7'7 / "
. Q/M/fl/ //////u,
9’////’ ..-//////////§/////
A}? 1‘1. 31,/-‘. .:.
HGI3SI.~,..:1:\.‘J,.. _ ”I‘d," n] ’ W [f .' S
. ‘15",
Deg-r iiirsz- ‘2
I 2753'? :n;v~.,r_;:',?,‘:_ (,..-1:21:15 "xi-3.; 1311‘ {2:013 )1 0'1“. 011:: :.ji'erfi
at ;Z&";.i."_‘:i. IDII‘ ~‘--Sh} .51.? ..,iIiI ,‘Iz": .‘::IL‘I: =12" :“r‘e ;‘s "Lowxfi sifIiiiIII‘fé}
the f=..,'v.é.i_.;vi...".0 ‘. ~;I.;:III’EZ.‘-.u In ,}O.‘I.'.‘T.'\;'. [12:22.50 10:35: ..:"er
012‘: i.';";-=;:. .:. 3.
‘.‘II..=.2ts.“3I 133.“: .
I/\ I [(7% ,;.’\
i * "'1“ ~ N
L,’ 3 4] ‘ (.- -;_~/",7 “xi/3 .
. W Sam/I w u I , L439
2 .3.ILI'I:‘_;I. .
‘5; TROL-
“ ‘I
E.‘ 1130.7, Egg. ,
‘ \\

5177/77/57 _mr/ ”777/9777 //////’/// C /7/%/////
/ 4 (ii/3 /7//‘ 77 , / ‘ Z
. {Java/777! fl/(l,
32m” ”Weft/"7'- <._ ”If/fly //“///, 1, W,
.4" z" _.
1‘1 1 7 £31 , 1911* .
file 6:)-
0' ‘/ imllf‘ii‘fl‘» ”1362-. f / LEE/3 ‘
,/ «JEEC ‘.' 30H, {._:/5.- g m. \‘1 ff: “4 7.:-‘1'} ;
I. ‘36-: 1' 31:“:—
I ;12 i» ‘ ‘3‘Ufii‘flii’7: :31."."i‘:?“:".3i]t.‘> sexual m. 02.1: :3:;r1t
«:23 100 5'»,- -":~‘J‘v. :’.:'_;;i;..,o.:~'m L91;- <‘:::.~m a." ’ .if.Zfzxrz‘sc‘ell,»310r17:,
1:312:13; -, .1310 ..:.:".’.‘.:";,a:2r":. "‘32: '2w.1:1::::;".ce’ , mad sue if. M10 0330
of ".;,-x.Garsbxwr‘Lif., \lvtr'grlr, J ..g .'.:.:7‘_:‘ug:d fur 'fis-livering
i’al-‘Jo::'ir:.‘:‘«,bi?:j ligiaors '50 ‘tgurxrnoxx 03:10:- i;;.;;n n. 2 or :37',C~’3 €50
whom 5.3533»: xx: '; ;shigwmx’i’b
”A, 10;? 5‘17’303‘ a) ‘2:v13(‘::r"c;:1. Q; as. :2:.
‘.'fl‘wr: $271: lg,
W?) /\]a (”g/z 7 7%
. ' =7: _
..',fi‘IL"‘-_.;'J':i;;f¢ . :’CALg
% “n01.

‘ L“.
35:33 i";
::.. ...viil‘r‘IO-fl, 1:397. ,

u 4. ‘J(‘,' n

 K i
<3 9 fl f
<21 (‘77 - (I W . 7 ,7?
“' 37 ' ,. ‘“,K , I» ”1, K" ,,/_ K 7  V \; Ii. 5:;? I

 If , (N   ’7) / /"‘ /
»//////y/// ////i// /////W/ ////////// ////////Zy
/ x/ K ,. : . . // //
‘ (W ,:/// ,.7/ V , '
.: Y/M'zww/ Wm}
75;}lfliflflf/lzflfilfiyflfl, Gail/7777:7771 Q; 55%;
Libra/‘,: f‘in‘rt, 3.15.
\ K ‘2". "xi
:3. .a01:3§;,3~«:2, ii::s.:;., ’ ”ICE/21' .3/3 .3
, ixefimn, ' nF-EZT: 2137‘: ,
lief r ;‘;ir‘:~
.r‘x'Ean‘rmw “>101";sz {21:13 (:‘:1‘..'z"}t‘1on.; t~s¢erxrcft urn 0112‘ (Jana :;‘L;
vac ;., 1:310 223 inst. in 321:: 0:23? of? ,,:Z<“.:13,";1~' Ship?» :,_';:'.-..i:;;23 ‘../u»;
4‘ 525%.": 1. 313.7133 "Tar ”1:.-30, amt. 3.03:" L“ our :.‘IWJC‘TCQILS-
‘.fuurgt 3271113,
AV r 70
"f :5} " / / 7w”-
Wigfl/Q U )1 2405*
fa yr": :m‘w r"
‘ .‘.‘ _ L\:::J‘_-A G
7:01 .

 A / K) jg», / ,_ 7
7-0777707 77,77 ///7//77 flax/177% //77//777y _
(I . I, /. ‘ 7: n I. // _.: [’,,
C6] , , ////,{;/ /, '
‘. v/QW/f7%fx.xé%é6fl4“
4%aééiégwwé? (/ J’, 7”7;A7
faznafl/flnz/f/IM/ ¢\%fyy/ép//it//jf/l
,_ 75:17.7. 3.5.5551, 125153.
fiessrfimloocnofi E gorgan, ; ‘ "”""‘
552217, _;. J
'.'.‘cr {Sire— ‘ 5 ’ “i":
I a? hereVith nuczchin} summons in She cases of
"x. 3. ..ZG:‘,;:=:n 575:."1‘3 5hr: £7.72. ‘.1.
:‘.. L1. .i‘.R‘-."{«.::q:".:: ..,-.4’r;.;‘. ,‘..7‘275'. f.'. I.
Trroen j.‘1.53£‘.r*3{>52011 33:11:73,: 1.'-216: 137.6: ii.
which \T'ere sermzai on our agent :15; Qizxrzzwrd on Chi? 2318.5; inst.
Kindly 1002'; rifts)? our inn-regs.
Yours truly,
. . A, A
7’ 7 3. \ we .77
» I 5 f‘ER-‘K‘lie‘f-q {wh‘w’ 75-? “Eff? -2 55;)
:\ KM‘M‘L/‘j-
\ incl.
3-.3'.'"‘,!T 2‘0
(30.:0‘5‘511-{3 “e, 153': I 7

 7/7 6 /””> , 'm"
»//////7/// m”) ///j fl/fl ”WM/fly C///%//////
K C/7 //// ,::? , fl 5
. 'fl47267il” flaw
x76 . “ .. " ~ .A.
5kizakafl/flryiagydfia cj/Cjiffl/y/fly/IC/z/W/
Larch lath, ”915.
2:." ~3011:~1‘fi,ls ‘ ., ‘
Dear Sir:—
Enalosefi gleLse find summons served Of gur :;eLfi at
JQCESOn 13 she arse of Tm.naleigh agninfit ado L.& 3. ”or labor,
555.133f. Kindly attenfi to this ?cr us.
Xv.) are ‘u 11:7 ,
,7 a. _v j!» [V '_ 47:7? 7x3}, 0‘“
Wk/ " 7 m 7] EW 77747 - L 7777%.%' \ /\ ., j H
__ ‘ ,'» 7‘} ‘.‘; \~.7¢77“,,1;.) '-’ 1“, 7d ‘ r" ‘ >-
. ~11}? 3C 1" n 7‘7 v L1" ‘4 4
7: i1::c L.
:32; "if 3:)
7‘:§k.:.....7.13.30i1, J37. ,
G i t y.
