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A ,.--..(2/10/21/4,a .y,
r ./t
July 82—19143.
L11". ..3. D- 1Vila]:..fie1.(:".,
District Attorney,
Buildin ,::.
Dear Sir:
I return papers sent me wi oh your letter of April
Elst, relative to :zit of Jane Jilliants, seekiiig to re-
cover damages in the sum of $5500.00, namely, {1500.00
for right —oi‘-—way take n, and 3.3201030 for damage to her
property by reason of the tell.” and also by reasfn of
changing. th." channcl of the K'f;l’ll7‘-'LC"§7 River in ’the con—
struction of our No rth F3l1-I Extensio n, wiich she claims
caused lamage to her property by wash.
The history of this case is, that at the time
right -oi‘—we y was being: securel for the li‘orth To :1: Ex—
tension, Mr. Jouett, I believe, tool: option firm Hr. Iii—
rem Williams for the right —oi‘-\A'-Iey "Lizru his 13; operty.
1.211“. ".'.’illiams later refused to mite deed, enc“. the claim
.3 , , .
was set mg that a p 22.-rt, at least, of the property Optioned
‘- beli-ng ed to fire. ..’illiams 11.1d1v1dually. We proceeded with
the construction of the railroad acro es the property on
the strength of our option, and I believe that suit was