xt73bk16mf8w_545 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [386] B.J. Mathews v. Kelly Fulks, Fayette Circuit Court text [386] B.J. Mathews v. Kelly Fulks, Fayette Circuit Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_54/Folder_11/3117.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_545 xt73bk16mf8w / 5/ fl / « ~~/ / /
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.‘F. B. CARR,
General Agent. I- K
. _. k - 9988.
4 ‘ .,ilgékéqfly' [3
Mr. S.H.Wilson, - _,
Atty. L&E,
Lexington, Ky-
Dear Sir:—
Plouse find enclosed order of attachment
3.J.Hathews Vs Kelly Fulks, served on me to—day at
5:00 Pdf.
YUurs truly,
l" ,i' //
. v"
General Agent.
Cy- Ur. W.A.Moh0well,
Mgr. LaE,
Lexington, Ky-
_ Q; ’? 4’7 ~. ,4" R...”
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BlMa-tthewsrPlainttfi” g
—vs Attachment on Irr't‘o’r’vening Petition of John P‘ well &o.,
‘ Order of Attachment
K911YFUIKS’ Defendant l .
T ’ To the Sheriff of Fayette County:
You are commanded to attach and safely lceep the property of the Defendant
Kel ly Ful ks , . ‘

Intlézr t‘gffi fig"%t’fi leo'finélt’s
from execution, or so much thereof as, wtll satisfy the claim of the/W in thts action
gohn, Powell, Lafayette Powell, Floyd Sparxs and James--
and thirty dollars for the cost thereof, and to summon the Garnishees
to answer this action twenty days after services thereof in the Fayette Circuit Court, and you will
make due return of this order as provided by law. .

Witness, J. C. ROGERS, Clerk of said Court, this23rdday ofOOtOber’nga'

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,5 October 21, ldlfi.
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venereal, 4504.13, .:» cc J1 :'. .3‘. Co.,
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Deer @ir:-

I have yours of the 20th. instant, one? offing the order of
attachment eorved on you by Deputy Sheriff, 7d. Yogere, on the 20th
instant, at 11 fi.fi. in the come of B.J.Iathons v. Holiy Folks. dhis
was not a ”summono” es eteted in your letter, but Si ply an order of

‘ ”2‘1“?

” f . . ., "a . e . _. . . l.
attachment. The premecq;ug aiiecte the J a u only as tarnishee. I
have already conferred With Kr. YCToTGTl in regard to making Answer
for the ” E W in this case and etch finever hes been prepared. Unon
filing such finswor, i do not anticipate that may further attention
will be required from‘us.

Very truly youre,

.'F. B. CARR,
General Agent.
LEXINGTON. KY.. October 20/12'H 3
f./ L. O
UCfA ,«J [3
Jr. S.M.Wilson,
Attorney, L&E R R,
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Sir:—
Please Find enclosed summons served on me at
11:00 A.M. to—day by Deputy Sheriff Rogers, in the case
of B.J.Mathews against Kelly Fulks,amount $273.30 with
interest from October 20th—1913 until paid.
Yours truly,
Mk f/y .
,lfl/ I/gj;'/:/ : /
£¥II .1; , .3’,/7
ug/ii/“ 1 /,
/ \
General Agent.
CY“ ::II‘. W.A.HCDOW011,
Manager LnE.

>.‘ .
BJMathews’Plamtzfl )
Order of Attachment
KellyF‘ulks, Defendant l
To the Sheriff of Fayette County:

‘ You are commanded to attach and safely keep the property of the Defendant
KellyFUlks’ in your county, not exempt
from execution, or so much thereof as will satisfy the claim of the Plaintiff" in this action

flrom October 20th, 1913, until paid,
and y dollars for the cost thereof, and to summon the Garnishees
to answer this action twenty days after services thereof in the Fayette Circuit Court, and you will
make due return of this order as provided by law.
Witness, J. C. ROGERS, Clerk of said Court, flzuiszolthday ofOCtOber'IQZ 3'

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fir.CqLaHilliemson, Sec'y., /H;%%/

Lexington Greaib Jen’s aesn.? {}4

City. _
Eerr flirz— ""-~~*

Ypfirfl of she Elst High its enclosure) viz“ an Greer from
sells; Fulks o Go. signed by Iolley yolks, to nay 36$.fiattha*8 $100.00y
hgs been receives: .

I disagree with rim or so she law governing this cose and
in fueu feel euro rhea under the conaitions Qollcy Pulks cannon bind

' uhis eomoenyfi however. I have rcforrefl the nearer to Juflgo Vilsont
Y are srulyg
L\ 4-». "i
f5 ' 9 "A .,.“a. ..— a q'2: l [i
1.; ‘ x, (2.". m g r « _a Av. .42 V,’
, =7: 6 5'» / i/lgffl [figgwawr 53;
{ii if i €// 9 5’ REX-fly} (La Xi £4" ‘w/‘Yg/fin 5:


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=1 ,irrmsgor

Coo}; to

\IT 0 S o wit 1} 118011-

I enclose she oraer and or. Uilliemson‘s letter referred to,
and for your information desire Co ado than she firm, Kelley Fulks &
Comnany, is considerably financially involved, are in such a way that
We as Uhe ens of the season will probably nou only have to pay the
confirecn price for ghe roe; furnished, bub pill also have so pay
contracuors liens in addition. The debt no B.J.fiatthews is as I
understani it, secured by a mortgage on a farm in Powell Counuy be—

‘ longing go Kelley Folks. I therefore believe fir. Letthews is fully
CSPUble or collecuing his own debts for she tools, materials, and
$00& Will which Kelley Fulks purchased from him, yithoub.urying to
enIorce a lien on uhis company which I do non believe BXlSuS.

In answering fir. Williamson's letter rill you kindly seno me
a copy thereof.