xt73bk16mf8w_635 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14.dao.xml unknown 35 Cubic Feet 77 boxes archival material 51w14 English University of Kentucky Copyright has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and Lexington and Eastern Railway Company records Railroads -- Appalachian Region -- History. Railroads -- Kentucky -- History. [471] R.M. Taylor v. L&N, Breathitt Court text [471] R.M. Taylor v. L&N, Breathitt Court 2016 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73bk16mf8w/data/51w14/Box_60/Folder_11/6916.pdf section false xt73bk16mf8w_635 xt73bk16mf8w .
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o. H. Peg/ARE)
‘1’!“ {ifif IKJTU‘CKY
‘ p A59, .
?/ Tune 30, 1915.
1 . . a M 2
Juage San uel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky. 1,

Dear J‘udgge: ' -

I enclose statement of judgment and. cost in the following cases:

LC. Toler vs. L 8c N;

R.M. Toler vs. L 8c N.

With reference to the case of J'.C. Toler vs. 1. 8c N, I have no
doubt ”out that I could have defeated the cause of action on trial,
but taking into consideration the fact that the cost in the lower
court is only $1.55, that the plaintiff is insolvent and the cost on
appeal being cost accumulated. by the Company and hence an obligation
tint we had to pay to the officers in any event, I deemed it expedi—
ent to accept the proposition rather than to take chance on the trial,
particularly in view of the fact that we were unable to get our wit— _
nesses here. and would have been compelled to continue the case until
another court...

With reference to the case of 3.1.1. Toler vs I. 8c N, upon inves—
tigation and talk with the witnesses on both sides, I find that Mr.
Pcore, eectioms men rolled sore rock on the gar den of the
plaintiff and Girl some damage. Poore estimates the danage at about
five dollars... Rather than to take the chance of having a larger
amount aijvdged against us, I made the offer to confess for six dol—
lars with the view of putting the cost on the plaintiffl. He accepted.
the offer and taking the matter as a whole, I think we have got off
very well in this case. You will remember he secured. a judgment in
Squire Deaton's Court against the Company for 5,320. 00 for the detri—
ment to his garden. By offering to confess, we eliminated $14.00 of
this judgment. In addition to this, we have several dollars cost to

In the case of 12.111. Toler against the Company, please have
Voucher made payable to John E. Patrick, attorney for Toler and. for-
ward to me. In the 3.6. Teller case, please have voucher made to me
and I will settle with the Justice of the Peace for his cost and with
the County Judge for the cost of the Quarterly Court. You understand
that both of these cases were appealed from the judgment of the Jus—
tice's Court.

Yours truly, M

 ' : Audi]. 23, 1915..
Juvge O. H. Pollard,
Jackson, 15:37.
Bear Sir:

Refe ring to the suit of 3.5.Tolor v. L a H i 3 Co.,
allegefi dasage to garden,&c., I herewith hand you cepy of letter
of the let instaat, from anflmaster J.U.Ely to K.t. ficiovoll,

YourS truly,
&. »

 . c - 14—4-466
_ l,/éwizy/fl7/ my (”z/fl” ,/////////y ”HM/my
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April 22nd, 1915. _
L’1-I‘- SO Ii:- 17118011 ’ ‘ (“I 1} [1\ _Il_.. ‘J “ '1
, Trust Building, City. ‘ I. ‘ 'I3 ’ '
Dear Sirz— ‘. >5 . J A. I
Your letter 12th instant, suit of R.M-Toler, alleged dam-
age to garden, &c., near Roosevelt, in September 1914. The Real—
master has investigated and I attach hereto copy of his reply.
‘ Yours truly ,
1* ”LC/<7
. . / / " ’/~’
/"/€‘)\ 17ng {KEV/C»:- VG: , “T «55>
COPE y ’
O.H.Pollard,Jackson,Ky. ,



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n). .
, April 10, 1915. ,
Judge S.M. Wilson, , ‘
Lexington, Ky. 1 _ _
: Dear sir:
I enclose docket report of toe following cases, namely:
J.C. Toler vs. L & N and R.M. Toler vs. L & N. You will note
these cases were both'dought originally in Squire beaton’s
Court, Justice of the Peace and judgment rendered by default.
I afterward appealed them to the quarterly Court.
We have nod some correspondence witn reference to this
matter and I was not aware until I received your wcent favor
that I was expected to make docret reports of tnese minor cases
Where toe pleadings are oral. However, complying witn your
request,.l enclose tneee reports.
At the last term of tne Court, one parties were mere and
;I had the cases passed pending investigation. If we neve.falid
j defense to tease claims, I will rely on you to furnisn tne ev—
fi9 LUJulfo
75- ..

 V   * march 17, 19155
Jufige 0» Ha Pollard,
" Jackson, X3. ' p
' Bear Sir: I _
I ackaowlodge receigt of your favor of ihe lfiéh ,
' inatant, rel tive to the case of R» m. Baler v. L & E.-
Hr. Hilson 13 in annré anfl will probably be there
the remain'er of this week. fir. Hilson has no file of ‘
this case anfi all the information I can finfi regarding
the cage is contained in your letter of the @336 ultimo.- I
Hovever, I an enclosing copy of Mr. Wilson'm reply (Feb.25,)
I to yourS of the EBrE, in which he asks to be furnishéd
vith 303193 of Petitiou anfl Docket Report.
' Yours truly,
enc. ‘ ‘
> I _ stenographer. ‘

‘;g‘fxm. 771% ,7 M, '
‘ V Marco lo, l9l5.
Judge Samuel m. Wilson, ‘
Lexington, Ky.
Dear Judge: R.M. Toler vs. L a N.
On February 25rd, I wroze you fine details Witu‘mferenoe to
this man‘s claim. Please refer to letter wnicn éives one facts.
You will note tnat in my letter I advised you trot the
Odse stands for trial on one afird inst. I nave received no
rosyonse to my inquiry.
' Yours truly,
OHP—L (::EE;Z?57VL>/“/"‘C*/°’

 .. , . . . . . . 1 u
1 ;f , . A > .1 ' ‘February 25, 1915. , ‘
" \ Jufige O. E. Pollard,' ’ . ' - . 13
' ~I» .. Jackecn, Ky.x _ -. 1 ' ' ‘ 1 I ' I
' 9’1ear Sir: , ' ‘ - '. , ~ ' _ a
> ' - . ':.;eélying to yours 0f thg fiKfifi inatamfi, in reiérenaa to caée
‘ ' 3f 3. E; Tslgr‘v. L & fl in :guire_39¢§on’s Quart of Brga§hitt Cqfin—
_ z .- E ty, I a0 net £156 thej I have over baa a rgporfi of any Rina on 1‘
‘ ' .fhig.cuée aha éan diucover nothing in my filas'reéaréing it. '1 1
> 1 Flnawv let we have Emckct ieportvsnfi three capies cf“ .1
1' , '1‘ .Pnfiitimn or Statament; if a:? was filcfl, ahfi also aévige me Whether,‘ 7;
’ W:Eefo:u the trial the aura mag aver revertefi to 0? invegtigated by _
. . ‘ -firifihrnngh Ky. fisfiawslng offiaee I? is infligpensable that I hafé ’3
- ihis ififnrmation bgfdre knowing how :0 fiavifig fibual - a 1” 1
‘ ‘ 1' .1_ . 1' Very tffi1?_yuurs; ' ':‘ '3
A u. . ,‘ . . _ fiouaael. . ' 1 V I ' I;
1 . . , ‘ . > A :;:.:
. , 1 1‘ § ‘1 1 ~M . .1. ‘ 1 I if
. ‘ 1 I. 1” 1 . 1 . ._ .1 '1;

-".x’cxson. KENTUCKY
- Feb. 25, 1915.
Judge Samuel M. Wilson,
Lexington, Ky.

Dear sir: Case of R.M. Toler vs. L a N R.R. 00.

Plaintiff recovered a judgment in Squire Deaton's
Court for $15.00 alleged value of a gardefwnicn hesayswae
destroyed by an extra gang of men working under section fore-
man Poor last July or August. Plaintiff claims tnat in convey~
ing ballast from the hillside to tne track of defendant, the
foreman and his crew rolledrucke down off of the hill on to
his garden and also used nis garden as a passway, completely
destroying it. Unless we can get some evidence to rebut this
contention, I am inclined to toe View tuat tne claim had bet—
ter be settled witnout any additional cost. I have appealed
this case to the quarterly Court in order to get time to in—
vestigate} It stands for trial on mares 23rd.

Yours truly,
._'- ' f .

Copy to B.D. warfield, Dist. Atty.,
Louisville, KY.