Xlnu-es oJf the IM-c-eting _f ,he Ex-cu.ive Commi.tee of the
Bocrd of Trustees, 'nivf Kentucky, 7uesdav, June , 1978.

     ne _xecutive Committee cf the Board of Trustees of the University
of Kentucky'v met at 2: 00 oIclock (Eastern Daylight Time) on Tuesday,
JTune 6, 1978, in the Board ?oom on the 18thI floor of the Patterson
Office Tower, with -he following miembers answerirng the call of the
roll:  Mr. Wi' liarx B. Sturgill, Chairman-, Mrr. William R. Black,
Mr. A.lbert ". Clay, and Mr. George W. Griffin.  Mr. Richard Cooper,
who is officia'll  stci1 a member of the Board and the Executive
Comnmittee until nis replacement qualifies, was not present.  Prcfessor
Paul G. Sea-s, E-v:-0 `cio Secretary of the Committee, was present
as were Professor lNic.ael Adelstein and Mr. Homer W. Ramsey, mTembers
oft.he Board of Trustees. ReDresentatives of the University acm.inis-
tr=-:o.n oresent inc!"--ec-_: Presidern  Otis A. Singletary; Vice
residert;s 7ew-s W.C rchran. Robert Zunnwinkle, Stanley Wall, Peter
P. Boscmworth, Raym-ond" ?. Hornback, John T Smith    . JBlanton,
and Donald B. Cl.v; rlofessor Wimberlv C. F'yster, Dean of the
Graduate Schoo' E-n  Tordinator of Research; and Mr. John Darsie.
Legal .Co-unsel. Repse,- ives of the vario1us news media were also

     A.Meeting Cpencrd

     Mr. Sturgi-ll, Charm,-.n, called the meeting to order at 2:17
o'clcck. After oroncuncing the Invocaticn, Mr. Sturgill asked for
the ro'll call.  The secretary rencrted four members of the Executiv
Comzittee present and- t;he meet.ig was declared offic-ally 0:-en  or
te co nduct of bus iLnss at. 2:1S  cl^ck.

    -. 4inutes An-rovefd

    th, o _ut dIscussi.on or in o tin dly 2ade, s cond -Md a n d carried,
the readir.g of the Min.uies of the 'May 9  197, Meetng of the Boar_
cf Tr utees was dispensed with arnd. -Tha Minutes were aLrrcved as

    C.  President's Revcort o t-he Trustees (PR 1)

    Noting -,hat a copy of his monthly Reort to the T.ustees
in f ront of each memrb-r, Fresident Singetla   recommended -hat t-:e
report be read later.   ?ie concludedi wit-n a report, not in PR I
rela-ive to a pet'I4'to  w,.ich Ine hac rece'ved signed by 8'1 acu'
members recuesting tLhe U'n iv rsity to dro  chlarges against 12 meo-'^
arres-ced f:or  sruntio  f - a program  t te  iversty on AL-
feauring Stan- el    rner, Direct-r -ff the Cer..ral Intellicence
Arency. He sa d-L the U_7nversitv ann.           ^ratin felt it'.w  -