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Assembly action and delegated management of Paducah Community College to the
Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS). Once that happened,
Paducah Community College's management on January 14, 1998 was turned over to the
new KCTCS Board. There are still arrangements between the University of Kentucky and
Paducah Junior College, Inc. which need to be reduced to writing reflecting programs that
are not community college programs, i.e., the bachelor's degree programs in Engineering
that are being offered in Paducah. He explained that this agreement is not a replacement
agreement, but an additional agreement with Paducah Junior College, Inc. that will establish
the relationship between the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees and the other
program arrangements in Paducah that are not delegated to the KCTCS Board. He said he
was pleased to recommend that the Board authorize the execution of the agreement with
Paducah Junior College, Inc. On motion made by Mr. Welenken, seconded by Mrs. Bell
and carried, PR 3B was approved. (See PR 3B at the end of the Minutes.)

      1.    University Research Professorships (PR 3C)

      President Wethington recommended that the Board approve the naming of
Professors Joseph Chappell, Department of Agronomy, and Peter C. Eklund, Department
of Physics and Astronomy, as University Research Professors for 1998-99. He noted that
the first Research Professors were named by the Board of Trustees at its March 8, 1977
meeting, and the purpose of these professorships is to enhance and encourage scholarly
research productivity. Professor Reedy moved that PR 3C be approved. His motion,
seconded by Mr. Reed passed.

      President Wethington said Professor Chappell was not able to be present at the
meeting. Professor Eklund was asked to stand and be recognized, following which he
received a round of applause.

      President Wethington said that he would come back to item PR 3D and have Mr.
Burch make a report.

      J.    Procedure for Electing Board of Trustee Member from Nonteaching
Personnel (PR 3E)

      President Wethington said that PR 3E is the Procedure for Electing a Board of
Trustee member from Nonteaching Personnel. During the last legislative session, a bill
passed that would add a staff member to the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees.
He noted that the bill was signed on April 1, and the Board material for the Board meeting
had already been mailed to the members. A process for the election of a staff member to
the Board of Trustee needs to be in place since the person will probably take office in July
or August, depending on when the legislation actually takes effect. This is normally 90
days after the official action of the General Assembly and the Governor.