{  WOl¢1EH!I'S llZISSIOlIf·IrLY SOCIETY OF BAPTIST CEJJRSH (TIomen's Iii ssionary Union
,1  - , _ . . N ·-` ` ~ * 7-
  of Kentucky). jstablished 1890. President, Mrs. geobt, meelermn, 1i,,i·‘.D.
  Springfield, Secretary, ljrs. Pete Degley, Springfield. Telephone 182.
  Tormsc exp l1‘lI>·j.`JG.llUY.L1`:’•` 19722,
  §—.»Zembcrs}1ip; 42, Qualifications, interest amd. regular ettende.nee.
  Cozmitteesz Social ‘.,orl<;_, llrs. George Parrott; Publicity, Bliss Idea
  Cleybrooke; Training School Chairmen, llys, J.   Pettus, all of
  Purpose; Niszvion work and stimulation of Christian activities among
f  yOLlZi; people.
  Normal Civic Activities: Sewing for refugees, Red Cross work,
  Defense Activities; Interested in Operction of (janteens.
  Local Publications: None, —
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