xt73ff3kwm7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt73ff3kwm7w/data/mets.xml ANONYMOUS 1861  books b92e4588a93118612009 English C.O. Perrine : Indianapolis, Ill. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Knights of the Golden Circle Secession An Authentic exposition of the text An Authentic exposition of the 1861 2009 true xt73ff3kwm7w section xt73ff3kwm7w 

K. G. C."









The Origin of the Order   Southern Rights Clubs   The African Slave Trade and the acquisition of new Slave Territory   The first Organization in 1834, and its success   The Mexican War and the South's interest in it   Progress of the Slave Trade up to 1852   Acquisition of Cuba, Repeal of the Missouri Compromise, Nicaragua Expeditions, etc., to increase Membership.


Increase of Anti-Slavery Sentiment at the North, and its effect upon Southrons   General George C. Bickley's advent in 1855   The first to Systematize the Order of the K. G. C.   Details of the Organization    Its Objects, Solemn Oaths, and Forms of Initiation   Its secret influence upon the Politics of the Country   Speech in Castle of a Knight    General William Walker and Fillibustering.


The year 1858   The Kansas Struggle and the Lecompton Constitution    Increased growth of the K. G. 0.   Change of Ritual   Secession advocated, and the South united through its workings   The Order popularized   The Regalia, Symbols, and Workings of the Degrees and " Inner Temple "   Application for a Castle in a Northern city refused    Firing of the Southern Heart in 1859-'60   Presidential Contest of 1860   Instrumentality of the K. G. C. in dissolving the Democratic Convention   Opposition to Douglas   Speech in a New Orleans Castle    The Charleston and Baltimore Conventions   The insincerity of Southrons.


The Contest of 18GD   The Breckinridge movement, and the insincerity of its opposition to Lincoln   The K. G. C. at the North and the South    Misrepresentations by Northern Knights   Some of their Boasting Letters   Aid expected from the North in case of Secession   New Emblem of the Order   Plans to steal Arms and Money from the U. S. matured in Castle in 1859   Lincoln and Hamlin Scarecrow at the South   Stories of the Campaign, and their almost general belief-Treatment of Northerners at the South.


The close of Lincoln's Campaign   " Submissionists "   a Firing the Southern Heart" for Secession   Great increase of the Knighthood    New Degrees instituted   The Sworn Brotherhood pledged to a Southern Government   Death of Abolitionists and other Crimes licensed    The election of Lincoln a plea for " Southern Deliverance "   Charleston Castle   The " Cockade " excitement   Joy over the Election of Lincoln   " Co-operationists " confounded by the " Precipitators "    Immediate Secession the war-cry of the K. G. C.   The Secession of South Carolina, and its effect upon the Gulf States   The K. G.. C. opposed to Compromises   The different Modes of Adjustment pjro-posed in Congress hooted at. 



Correspondence between Southern and Northern Knights   Men and means proffered   -The plan to assassinate Lincoln and seize the Capital   Lincoln's Inaugural   The " Coercion" bugbear of the K. G. C.    Excitement m the Cotton States   The Military Spirit aroused    Floyd's Treason   Statement of the "Stealings"   A revival of the Union feeling prior to the fall of Sumter   The " Confederate States'" Government   The attack on Sumter a Southern necessity   The Order becoming unpopular, and an increased military spirit necessary to revive it   The Border States and the Knights thereof   Speech of a Kentuckian   The Rattlesnake's Charm      The Love for the American Flag.


The Bombardment of Fort Sumter   Its effect upon the Border States    Agents of the K. G. C. at work   Their cool reception in Southern Indiana and Illinois   Gag law and Mob rule   Prentice, Guthrie, Johnson, and Brownlow classed as " Hard-Shells "   The manner in which proselytes are made   The candidate in the ante-room   The "Preliminary Degrees," their Forms, Symbols, and Oaths   The "Outer Temple"   Its initiatory ceremonies   The outside designs of the Order   How Conventions, Legislatures, and Elections are controlled   " Knights' Safety Guards " and " Knights Gallant"   Southern Ladies sent North as Spies   Plans to destroy Property at the North   Northern Sympathizers.


The North too confident   The Southern strength underrated   The extent of the Brotherhood at the North, and in the Border States    Kentucky's Neutrality   The " State Guard " controlled by the K. G. C.    The Governor of Kentucky a Knight   The War of 1861   Justice unknown to the Traitor Fraternity   The Sword the only Argument that will exact Justice   -Vigilance at the North essential   The feeling at the South since the War began   Negro insurrections   Brutality of the Knights   Their mode of carrying on the War   What they intend to accomplish.


Yancey and Toombs   The Slave Trade and Fillibustering   Northern Sympathizers with the latter   The ". Abolition " scarecrow   The Le-compton Swindle the work of the K. G. C.   Similarity of that fraud "with Secession operations   The impetus given the Secession movement by the Republican leaders in 1860   -The Breckinridge party a Secession Organization.


What the K. G. C. intend to do with their Government should they succeed in their Designs   The renewal of the Slave Trade   The reasons why nothing is said of Slave Trade now   The establishment of an Aristocracy   The War of 1S61   Northern depreciation of Southern strength.


The military character of the K. G. C.   "George Washington Lafayette Bickley "   What the South can do   What we must do, etc. 

or the



The Origin op the Order   Southern Rights' Clubs   the African Slave Trade and the acquisition op new Slave Territory    the first Organization in 1834, and its success   the Mexican War, and the South's interest in it   Progress op the Slave Trade up to 1852   Acquisition of Cuba, Repeal op the Missouri Compromise, Nicaragua Expeditions, etc., used to increase membership.

The Order of which I propose writing an exposition was, for many years, like the earth in its primordial condition, "without form, and void." It did not receive its present name until about the year 1855. The principles upon which it is based, however, and the actuating motives which pervade its membership, have existed nearly thirty years. About the close of the year 1834, there were to be found, in Charleston, New Orleans, and some other Southern cities, a few politicians who earnestly desired the re-establishment of the African slave-trade and the acquisition of new slave territory. They believed that the Constitution of the United States was a tyrannical document, since it prohibited the slave-trade, and regarded it as a system of piracy. The American Union, therefore, had its enemies almost from its very childhood. These men formed themselves into secret juntos, which, without any particular form or ritual, were called S. R. C's, (Southern Rights Clubs.) They had certain signs of recognition, by which they made themselves known to each other, and met weekly, semi-weekly, or otherwise, as the cause which they labored to promote seemed to demand. They might have had, at this early day, some sort of constitution and rules of regulation, but of these little is now known.


exposition op the

Tho African slave-trade being contrary to the laws of the United States, and to the laws of the whole civilized world, it was not hoped to carry it on in an open manner. The first efforts of the S. R. O.'s, therefore, were directed to the fitting out, manning, and equipping of secret slavers, which were to cruise around the African coast and kidnap negroes whenever a good opportunity was afforded. Between the years 1834 and 1840 it is presumed that at least six of these vessels were equipped and sent out. Some of them were successful, and filled tho measure of their appointment, while others were captured by English and other fleets, to the great mortification of the S. R. C.'s, and tho discouragement of their enterprise. They did not, however, "give up the ship" in consequence of these discouragements, but continued their slave piracy with renewed vigor, whenever it seemed possible to conceal their maneuverings.

Time rolled on, and every year seemed to add strength and magnitude to this abominable piratical clique, until the year 1844, when the prospect of the war with Mexico seemed to give them great hope of the acquisition of new slave territory. Their glorious dreams of the growth and extension of the slave power seemed now in a fair way to be realized. In the mean time they had, in their secret juntos, done all in their power to elevate and to continue in office, at Washington, such congressional representatives as were suited to their peculiar views. These were persistent and untiring in their efforts to inflame tho United States Government against Mexico and Spain, in the hope that a war would bo the result, and thereby an opportunity afforded for tho absorption of Southern territory. Wherever it seemed possible to make out a case of insult, it was done; and the most trivial circumstances were magnified into insufferable abuses. Here is given the reason why Southern politicians were so much warmer in their support of the Mexican war than those of the North, as a general thing, and also the reason why Southern States furnished so many more volunteers for the war than did the Northern States. They felt that the successful termination of this war was a matter of the greatest interest to them, and, consequently, were very forward in its promotion.

1 have heard a few persons complaining, since the commencement of the present war, that tho " North allowed tho South to do the fighting in Mexico." Let the instantaneous reply be, "They had more interest in that war than we.1" I do not wish to be understood here as saying that the Mexican war was an unjust one, or that tho United States Government had no cause for it. I merely wish to put it plainly before the people that the Southern States had a peculiar interest in it.

The war with Mexico was brought to a close, and Texas, New Mexico, and California wore added to the United States domain; but Cuba was still out.   The consciousness of this deficiency left 
   knights op the golden circle.


an aching void in the "Southern heart," and, forthwith, filibustering expeditions into Cuba were matured and set on foot by the members of the S. R. C.'s, not in the hope that such expeditions would, in themselves, terminate successfully, but with a view to so embroiling the United States and Spanish Governments, that another acquisitive war would bo waged by the former against the latter, and Cuba thereby wrested from its former owners. This scheme was not altogether successful, although it certainly did make advocates to the policy of the acquisition of Cuba throughout the United States.

In the year 1852, the S. R. C.'s had become more numerous, and their organization was more highly perfected. Some two or three slavers were at this time plying successfully between the African coast and the Southern Gulf States, but their places of lauding were, of course, unknown to any but the S. R. C.'s. Particular attention was now directed to the ingrafting of the policy of the acquisition of Cuba into the Democratic platform. It was confidently hoped to make it a national Democratic doctrine. In tliis they were, to a considerable extent, successful; and there is but little doubt that, had it not been for the agitation of the slavery question between the years 1850-'54, the acquisition of Cuba, either by purchase or conquest, would have become the leading political issue of the country. Many Northern Democrats were strongly opposed to the policy, but no Southern ones were. In the Spring of 1854, it became apparent to the Southern extremists that the repeal of the Missouri Compromise had caused a great political revolution in the Northern States; that the old Whig party had become extinct, and that its former adherents, together with many old Democrats, were building up a new party. This was the so-called Know-Nothing party, which, although it professed to be purely American, was the legitimate two-fold result ol the entire defeat of the Whig party and the repeal of the Compromise just alluded to. Shrewd Southern politicians did not fail to see the strong Free-soil element which was gradually developing in this party. The sweeping victory which the K N.'s achieved in the congressional and state elections of 1854 opened the eyes of the Southern Democrats to the fact that the old national party of which they had presumed they had almost complete control, was not so invincible as had been surjoosed. 
   exposition of the


Increase of Anti-Slater? Sentiment at the North, and its effect upon Southrons   General George C. Bickley's advent in 1855   the first to Systematize the Order of the K. G. C.    Details of the Organization   its Objects, Solemn Oaths, and Forms of Initiation   its secret influence upon the Politics of the Country   Speech in Castle of a Knight   General William Walker and Filibustering.

In 1855, it was noticed that the anti-slavery sentiment in the North was growing still stronger, and it was, in fact, generally thought by Southrons that the Democratic party was becoming almost extinct there, from the large numbers that had deserted it in consequence of their Free-soil proclivities. It was about this time that a certain George C. Bickley, who was a native of Boone county, Indiana, but, at the period alluded to, resided in Cincinnati, went South, and, having espoused the cause of the S. R. C.'s, took it in hand to reduce them to a more perfect state of organization. Having framed a constitution, by-laws, and ritual, and having effected thereby all the, to him, necessary changes and modifications in the Order, he christened it with the highly " chivalrous " name of Knights of the Golden Circle. The several divisions of the K. G. C, according to the new constitution, were called Castles. As in the case of most other secret orders, there were subordinate castles, and a Grand Castle, State Castle, or Legion.* The officers of the subordinate castle consisted of a captain, lieutenant, secretary, treasurer, guard, (for the inner door,) sentinel, (for the outer door,) a corresponding secretary, and conductor. Tho officers of the Grand Castle were the same as those of the subordinates, with the addition of the prefix Grand. Their new constitution set forth, in its first article, as ono of the principal objects of the order, the acquisition of Cuba, Mexico, and Nicaragua. In another article, the members arc pledged to stand united in the promotion of Southern interests, and opposition to the encroachments of abolitionism; and still, in another, they are pledged, in case of any encroachment on the part of the United States Government, to do all within their power to estab-

* All tho State Legions, or Grand State Castles, aro represented by delegates in what is termed the Grand United States or American Legion. From this body all the laws governing state and subordinate castles emanate, as also do tho military laws, or, as they are generally termed, "Articles ot" War." These "Articles of War" require regular military drill, especially in the use of tho bayonet and sword. Knights greatly pride themselves on their swordsmanship. 
   knights op the golden circle.


lish a "free Southern Government." The ritual of this period required of the candidate, in the first place, the most solemn oath that he would never divulge anything he should see or hear after he entered the sacred portals of the castle. Having entered the castle, he was sworn to use all his efforts and powers in the furtherance of the objects set forth in the constitution, viz.: the absorption of Southern territory, and the promotion of Southern interests. Nothing is said in either the constitution or ritual directly of the slave piracy, for the reason that it was feared that, by some kind of accident, ''the papers" might fall into the hands of the "persecuting government." This portion of their business had not been forgotten, however, for, during the years 1S55-6, they equipped and sent out three slavers, two of which were highly successful in their operations; one of them, however, was captured by an English fleet.

The year I80G gave the Knights a new impetus, and added many to their numbers, in consequence of the very large growth of the anti-slavery sentiment in the North during that year, an especial manifestation of which was afforded by tho Presidential campaign. It was now that the rank pro-slavery tree bejan to produce the buds of secession Every effort was put fortli to test the North and the General Government respecting the policy of absorption of Southern territory. This policy had been pretty strongly hinted at in the Cincinnati Platform, unon which Mr. Buchanan was then running; but hints did not satisfy them. They were    f bound to have the plain and explicit declaration from the national

Democratic party, that "we are in favor of the acquisition of Cuba," or dissolve their connection with it, and, if needs be, with tho government. A few paragraphs from the filed speeches of castle C, New Orleans, at this period will give the reader a pretty clear idea of the spirit and intent of the Knights. In perusing these speeches, passages such as the following occur:

"Tho South can only hope for the real enjoyment of its rights in a Southern Confederacy, if the signs of tho times mean anything. Even the Democratic party is becoming Abolitionized. We want more territory; we must have it; but can we hope to acquire it while the Abolitionists stand in our way, and the indifferent Democracy refuse to give us aid ? Who can not see that the Democratic party is becoming abolilionized ? Why does not the present administration (Pierce's) carry out the principles of the Kansas-Nebraska Act in Kansas Territory? Why does it allow those Emigrant Aid Societies of Massachusetts to send their pauper cutthroats to disturb and endanger our people in the common territory of the United States ?"

Another specimen:

"We must have Cuba and Mexico.   The North is vastly out- 


growing us in territory and population. If we can't get territory in the Union, we can out of it. I do not feel like awaiting the slow steps of the Northern Democracy."

In the mean time they were becoming pretty sick of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, as is manifest in the following, which I quote from memory:

" What advantage have we gained by the Nebraska bill ? None whatever. On tho contrary, we have positively lost. While the Missouri Compromise line stood, we had some territory which we could call our own, and of which wo were sure. But how is it since that line is destroyed ? Why, before one Southern man can get ready to migrate with his property, (niggers,) they send a whole legion of Yankee Abolitionists to Kansas to cut his throat and steal his negroes. The whole American Government is really becoming a grand Abolition machine, which, even in the hands of Democrats, is destined to crush out every vestige of Southern liberty."

Becoming impatient with the slow movements of the United States Government respecting the acquisition of territory, the Knights resolved to try another fillibustering expedition. For the heading of this expedition they had, in their own ranks, one of the most daring and courageous of " chivalrous " adventurers. I allude to the no less personage than General Walker. This gentleman was duly furnished and equipped with ships, men, and money by the liberal members of the K. G. C, and sent out to "take Nicaragua." How he took it, everybody knows. But, as in the instance of the Cuban fillibuster war, the effort was not expected to prove successful, but was merely thrown out as a feeler, to determine the condition of Uncle Sam's pulse. After Mr. Buchanan's accession to power, Walker's expeditions were renewed with increased energy; and it was sincerely hoped that, by some ingenious maneuver, he would induce somebody to "insult" the United States, so that a good excuse might be afforded for an aggressive war. In this expectation, however, they were greatly disappointed; for nobody did insult the United States, nor even General Walker, half as much as they were insulted. The only injustice done that individual was, that he was not hung before he started on his first expedition. Up to the time of which I am now writing, the order of the K. G. C. was a rather insignificant one in point of numbers. There were, in fact, very few persons, not members of the institution, who even knew of its existence. But among their small number were many of the wealthiest capitalists of the South, such as Yancey and Toombs; and they were fully confident that the time was rapidly coming when they would literally swallow up the whole of their section of country. 



The year 1858   The Kansas Struggle and the Lecompton Constitution   Increased growth of the K. G. C.   Change of Ritual   Secession advocated, and the South united through its workings   the Order popularized   the Regalia, Symbols,, and Workings of the Degrees and "Inner Temple"   Application for a Castle in a Northern city refused   Firing of the Southern Heart in 1859-'60   Presidential Contest of 1860       Instrumentality of the K. G. C. in dissolving the Democratic Convention   Opposition to Douglas   Speech in a New Orleans Castle   the Charleston and Baltimore Conventions   the insincerity of Southrons.

The year 1858 found the Knights of the Golden Circle more highly organized, and gaining wonderfully in popularity. The division being effected in the Democratic party by the discussion of the celebrated Lecompton Constitution, gave them great hope of attaining the end- to which they had been directing their efforts, with undiminished zeal, for the past two years, and which their organization had been calculated to effect from its very infancy    the dissolution of the American Union. They had applied the most thorough tests to the general government, and had done all in their power to ascertain whether it were possible to entirely Southernize the great national Democratic party, and transform it into a pro-slavery engine with which they might extend and protect slavery everywhere, to little effect. They had proven Mr. Buchanan to be a very indifferent friend to fillibustering movements; and, last of all, they had found that there were thousands of Democrats who would not agree that the people of a territory should have a constitution which they were utterly opposed to, nor admit that forty Northern men were equal to but one Southern man. All these circumstances proved to them that secession was their only hope. The formation of a Southern Government was now talked of openly everywhere; every means was used to make secessionists, and unite the Southern people. To this end it was thought the order of the K. G. C. should be popularizedby various improvements. The castle was divided into an outer and inner temple; the outer temple being, in fact, the old castle to which, according to some changes made in the ritual and constitution, members were admitted on probation, preparatory to entering the inner temple. The time of probation was not definitely fixed, but was, in all cases, to be of sufficient duration to enable the committee of inquiry to determine 


whether the initiate was " sound on the nigger." None but those who were known to be out-and-out secessionists could enter the " holy of holies."

About this time it was thought well to do something in the way of regalia, emblems, etc., in which no effort was spared to be " very ancient." As I never had the good fortune to enter tho inner tomplo, I can only describe the outer. In this department the regalia consists of a close helmet for the head, from the top of which peers upward a small silver spear, and to tho frontal portion of which is attached a silver crescent; of a close-fitting garment for the thorax and upper extremities, very much resembling tho ancient coat of mail, and a long, straight sword suspended to the left side. The symbols were a large bronzed crescent, or now moon, set with fifteen stars, a large one of which was generally suspended over the seat of the Chief Knight, from an arch of evergreens; of a large temple, under the dome of which shone a beautiful representation of the noon-day sun, and around tho corona of which were fixed fifteen stars. To these were added the skull and cross-bones. Now for the language of tho symbols: The crescent represents the growing Southern Confederacy; the temple, with its glowing sun and fifteen stars, foreshadows tho glorious "sunny South," under the benign influence of a fully matured Southern Government, extending its borders through Cuba, Mexico, and Central and South America; the skull and cross-bones signify death to all "Abolitionists" and opposers of "Southern independence." To the by-laws were added one strongly prohibiting any member from presenting the name of any new applicant unless he had the best of reasons for believing that such applicant was a good Southern man, and perfectly " sound on the nigger."

The sole end to which the Knights now directed their efforts was the disruption of the American Confederacy. Like Garrison and his followers, they considered this an " accursed Union," and that its longer continuance was only calculated to degrade and oppress the South. In view of this object, they determined to abandon the kidnapping business, inasmuch as it involved considerable expense, and required close attention, and concentrate all their energies upon the institution of new castles throughout all the Southern States. Forthwith castles began to spring up all through the Border States, and, in not a few instances, was it found that prominent Northern men were knocking at the door for admission. Whenever they were known to be " good Southern men" they were welcomed and hailed with joy. At one time during the year of which I now write, (1858), some very prominent citizens of New Albany, Indiana, proposed to have a castle instituted in their city, but tho Knights thought that as their order was "peculiarly a Southern one," it were better that it should not extend into free soil. During this period, castles were built up in Texas, and they showed themselves worthy of their calling, and, if any- 


tiling, rather distanced those of the Gulf States in the promotion

of the "good cause."

With the Texan Knights, however, there was one great obstacle in the way of progress, viz.: the large free-laboring German population. The Germans in Texas had demonstrated to the world that they could even excel the " nigger" in the cultivation of the cotton plant. This was considered as a very dangerous argument against the "peculiar institution."

The great plea in favor of Slavery in the South had ever been that " cotton could not be grown without African service," and that the whole intelligent world should see a practical demonstration of its fallacy was something that the "chivalry" never could submit to.

The Germans had become thoroughly acclimated, and being very healthy and prolific, bid fair to seriously undermine, and ultimately destroy, the slave interests of Texas. Fully conscious ef these facts, the members of the K. G C. began and carried out such a system of abuse and oppression towards this valuable class of citizens, as finally resulted in the exodus of the entire German population (25,000) from Texas to Mexico, in the early part of the spring of the present year, (1861.)

All through the year IS59, the Knights were working with unabated energy for the increase of their numbers and the "firing of the Southern heart." 1800 found them making great preparations for the presidential campaign of that year.

It had been strongly indicated by the Democrats of the great Northwest, at their recent state elections, that a less conservative man than Douglas would receive very few of their votes for the U. S. Presidency in the coming contest; and, from the strong opposition to him by Southern fire-eaters and Northern dough-faces in the national Congress of that year, it was clear that a division, and consequent defeat, of the Democratic ticket could be easily effected, and an excuse, by that means, afforded for the consummation of their great leading design.

Perhaps no politician ever had a firmer hold upon the sympathies of his adherents than Mr. Douglas. Of this fact the Knights were fully aware; and, knowing that many of the prominent leaders of the Northern Democracy were jealous of the " Little Giant," it was duly arranged to secure their services both in Congress and in the contemplated April convention, to the end of so dividing that body that a sufficient number might be drawn off to form another convention and nominate another candidate.

Months before the meeting of the National Democratic Convention, men of the Yancey stripe had literally sworn, in castle, to split that Convention, and thereby utterly defeat its objects, or else entirely Southernize it. The following, from a speech delivered in the New Orleans Castle, will show the spirit and intent of 


the ultraists of that period. The speech was made at a mooting held, January 11th, 1860:

"The next administration shall be purely Southern, or we will have no administration at all. Wo will have a strictly Southern Rights Congress. If we can't have such a congress at Washington, we will have it somewhere else. Our rights of property should be secured, not only here and in the common territories, but all over the United States. Why can't we travel where we please with our negroes, and stay as long as we like, without molestation? The powers at the National Capital, under the influence of the abolition puritans, will never, in my opinion, grant tho just privileges claimed by Southern gentlemen. The Democratic party North is fast selling itself out to tho Abolitionists, and, from present appearances, we may expect that beforo another campaign Steve Douglas and Fred Douglass will be spoken of as the candidates for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, to be nominated at a fusion convention, composed of Black Republicans and Squatter Sovereignty Democrats.

"I am, for one, for an eternal separation from this yellow-skinned, woolly-headed clique. 1 am for an out-and-out Southern man in '60. We don't expect Northern men to vote for him. We do n't want them to. We only want a man that a Southern gentleman can vote for with clean hands and a clear conscience. I would say, give us Yancey or Jeff Davis. We can vote for such men as these conscientiously. We do n't expect to elect them; we don't want to elect them according to the modes prescribed by the United States Constitution. Wo only want to show the North our hand and our strength. Let them elect their Abolition candidate. Is there one here who does not hope they will? For my part, it has been my desire, for over ten years, that the North would give us some good excuse for the dissolution of the Union. We, as an Order, have been hoping and working for a long time for a separation from the North, and the formation of a government of our own, where we could, without any hindrance or drawback, carry out a purely Southern policy. At the coming Democratic convention wo must have this Order well represented; we must have men there who will carry out our wishes; we must show the mulatto Democrats (Douglas men) that wo will have a man of our own selection. He must be a Knight, and a good one at that. There is little doubt, from the present bull-headedness of the Douglasites, that this policy will result in tho division of the convention, and the nomination of two candidates; but that is just what we want. It will only assist tho election of the