
P.ITTAl. of the

Ohjcct:   To form n council for the 33 (Iv 0 f*j mid in i ihe'.'n-luinbian Star) shall iidmit, except in :i brother 57. Ihiti lie Ims this Degree, lor reasons ilmt will hcreitftcr appear.   Ai.v two .VTit can confer the degree on oihers, the oldest 07 acting as GoVcrnor.

Council Hull.    * 9 -

Approaching Candidates   Of course all 33 (K. 0. C ) know each other. There being two 07 in hailing dislanee of the conn house of said county   dial is, (14 (within the .county.) tliev will confer together as lo the worthiness of any 33. whom -tliev mav think a proper person to be made a 57, and. having agreed, one or both of them will go to the person, each knowing the other s a 33, and tell him that there is a gentleman 64 (within the county) who has the power lo confer the Third Degree, and propose lo him that all three shall, or more, if so the ease is. go and appl\ for it   telling him or them, at the same time, that the fee will be 05 (ten dollars.) If lie assents, propose a time ami place, and be punctual. Let it not be exactly the place where tin: degree p- i" be conferred, but near. The 57 (Knights of the Columbian Star; act as if ihcij also sought the Degree. Also, tell the i-'imliihttp that, as he or you may be rejected, it will be expected thai he will not mention the mailer to any one till the resiill is known.

When in the room, the Governor will take the Bible, and will cause all to lay their hands thereon, when each will repeat alter the Governor the following:


We three, (or any other number, as the case may he.) citizens of.IS. (a Slave State) do hereby and herein, in the presence of ench other and tiie Great Jehovah, solemnly and sincerely pledge our fnilh and honor to conceal and never reveal lo any mortal being, save such as we know to be 57, (Knights of ihe Columbian Star.) any circumstance or thine; that may here transpire during the next hour, and to keep die knowledge of this hour forever secret from all but 07.   In the name of God. Ainenl

[All take seats.1

Secretary. What are you that you arc thus leading off* in this work, with which you seem so familiar?

Govf.rsoh. I am. what you are, a 57; you being the Secretary and I Ihe Governor of this Council, and I here promise to conscientiously do my duty at all times while I hold fellowship with the 33. But, sir, will you explain why it was necessary to proceed as wc have ?

Secretary. We thus proceed because the laws of the Order demand it, and because the Order will lose its efliciency as soon as it censes to be absolutely secret. It is not permitted that we shall be known to any person living, except to those who are 57; Tou will Ilnil nolhiug in the Order of which to be ashamed. Not even tl e 33 must know who has this Degree. This is, perhaps, the only real secret order in the World.   Hmwt h* Irpl ferret!

Governor. [To Candidate.] 1 have a few questions to ask yon, which I trust you will answer without reserve, for I pledge you my word as a man, ns a 57,and as Governor of this Council, that I am in earnest in litis work, and would not have sought vou out, unless I hud thought this whole work would meet your uuqualiGcd approba. tion.

1. Give me the sign, password and grip oi a 1 (Knight of the Iron Hand.) 5. Giv   m   thl signs, password aud trip of m 13 (Trua Faith..)