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Agarlcus campester . ......................... . ...................... 217, 221 i‘ 
Allen County Soil .............................. . .................... 268 it 
_ Amen, R. M., ..................................... ` ,...... . ........... v  
Amanita muscaria ........................... . .... . ..... ’ ............. 221  
Analyses of asphalt rock ........................ . .............. ` ..... 2 85  ·  
by product from tobacco ................................ 284 `?'* ’5€{
burnet ..................... . . .......................... 276 -  V  
bfitter ................................ . .... . ............ . 266  
c ay ....................... . . . .· ........................ 281, 2 _ ` Z·s’,.~·l
commercial fertilizers ...................... . ............ 225  
common salt ........................................... 278, 9  
. corn cob ashes ................ , ........................ 283  i:;;7.; $€
corn hearts ..................... . ....................... 275 Q ·é'·—] ·
cotton seed hull ashes .................. . ............... 283  
cotton seed meal ...... - ........... ‘ ...................... 275  
dstiller's dried grains ........... ' ................. . ..... 275, 6  
' . feeding stulfs ........................................... 274-6  
iron ore ....................... t ........................ 285    ,
marl ...... ` ................. . ...... Q ................... 280, 1 _ E  
mineral waters ......................................... 286-95  
_ Paris green ............................... . ............. 284 ~ ` ~v"*’1"i 
petroleum · ...... ‘ ......... . ........,.. . .................. 280 _  
phosphate rock ......................................... 281 .  
rice bran ............................................... 275, 6  
soils ..........,.... .; .................................. 267-274 ·  ff
sorghum juice ,....... . ................................. 263-5  
sprayed cabbages ....................................... 277  
sugar beets .~ .......................... . ........... . ..... 267    
sugar beet tops ......................................... 276 $1 
. tobacco ashes .......................... . ................ 273    
tobacco cure .................................... . ....... 284, 5 , 'Zgj;gTQ.;g5‘;T’Z
tobacco extract .......... , ............................... 2 84 }»  
tobacco stems .......................................... 284 f  
wood ashes ............................................. ' 273  
Anasa armigera ..................................................... 34 #§Z7;Q;§§€'};·‘
Anasa tristis ............ · ...... . ....................... . ............. 29  
Anderson County, mineral water .................................... 292 _' »gj;·.g3¥j?y;,g.
Anderson, Jno., mineral water ...................................... 292 lF·-gQg2·g¢,·%jj,g-
Anopheles maculipennis ................,................. . .......... 205 if  
Anopheles punctipennis .,........................................... 204, 212 [ ;;  
Anthracnose of melons and cucumbers .............................. 51 if   l·,'‘ ._
Aphis cucumeris ..................................................... 24, 26, 27 {Q j g; f. (fb,
Aphls gossipii .......... ' ................................... . .......... 18, 26, 27 g§·`._.,j,_;‘§€j 
Aphls proof apple trees ............................. . ............... 107 [?}j-’v‘_3_'{';,-gg
Apple trees, a knot disease of ...................................... 106 {§;,»5=jj·-1;;,y;;
crown gall of .............. V ........................ . .... 104 .;{+;;,,_gf;;yZ>
Armadillidiurn vulgare ........................... . ................... 45 ‘:·f_;;__,>_;,g£.:j.
Arsenic in sprayed cabbage ...................... .. ................. 277 INT.-,‘,·>.,1‘,j;;
Ashes, corn cob, analysis of ........ . ................................ 283   ~_;,1>=;·»;;S
cotton seed hulls, analysis of ............. . .................. 283 No »_.’_;_jz};A
tobacco, analysis of ......................................... 283 |[_if·_a___jjg:;;
wood, analysis of ............................................ 283   v_··  
Asphalt rock, analysis of ........................................... 285 y'  .»,· jj? _
· Auditors, Report of .............................. . ................... vi { »   __¢}_.
Bacillus traclfcipliilus ., ............................................. 30, 54   ·_·», jg 
Banded 1eaf—footed plant—bug ....................................... 36 yl;  
Barium in common salt ............................................. 278 l2;;‘ _,,_,  
Barker, Judge H. S. ............................... . ................. iv   _..»_; ·»’··_·  
· Barren County, iron ore ............................................. 285 _·;yg1:· ,1.
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